Displaying 73 - 108 of 4766 results



Annual 2024 - Who will see your work?

Will my work get seen by the "right" people is a key question when deciding on whether or not to enter any award. As a part of our commitment to making The Annual the "Most Award" we make sure that your entries are delivered to, and downloaded by,...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Top 10 Most Asked Questions About The Annual - Answered!

The next Annual deadline is just a few days away! To help you with your submissions we have collected answers to the 10 Most Asked Questions about The Annual. 1. How do I submit my work? It all starts on your Creativepool profile. Choose the work...

Posted by: Creativepool


Career paths: how do you qualify?

There are so many ways to get a career in design, but it doesn’t necessarily follow that you just need the formal qualifications to be a good designer. It’s absolutely possible to be good at design without any qualifications at all. Like with...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


Sustainable Packaging: How to Do It Right #SustainabilityMonth

How we package our goods and services is more important than you might think. The packaging, aside from serving the practical purpose of protecting the goods inside, is the first opportunity we have to get an idea of the brand. It’s an...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to Become a B Corp in 2024: A Complete Guide #SustainabilityMonth

In the ever-connected world of 2024, brands don’t have the luxury of secrecy. If there’s one thing the digital revolution has thrust upon the world without compromise, it’s the need to complete and perpetual transparency and that...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire a Photographer

In our visually-oriented society, the significance of enlisting a proficient photographer is paramount. Whether orchestrating a wedding, launching a new product, or aiming to immortalize a fleeting moment, selecting the ideal photographer is a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Will AI Own April Fools' Day? The Best Piss-Take Campaigns of 2024

April Fool’s Day has rarely been seen as the bastion of creative excellence. It’s not about pushing the envelope or creating something with emotional resonance though, it’s about giving people a quick belly laughs and reminding them...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Spotty Zebras

"How often can something be incredible before it becomes normal for it to be incredible and thus not looked upon as incredible anymore?"- Rob Auton Zebras are amazing. Monochrome in a dusky landscape. Unique, striped, designed to distract and...

Posted by: Tony Pipes


A (mercifully) pun-free roundup of the best Easter 2024 campaigns

Easter is rarely held in the same regard as Christmas or even Halloween (unless you’re a confectioner, of course) but the iconography of the season is ripe for creativity. Easter ads campaigns of the past few years have seen everything from...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#MemberSpotlight on freelance writer and director Katerina Sfaellou

How did you get into the industry? I started on the corporate side of things many years ago, working on events and marketing activation campaigns. But I always wanted to be hands-on and combine my communications degree with the more creative side of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Enduring Brands vs. Fading Stars: Standing the Test of Time #Brand Month

Not every brand can be an icon and even those that achieve iconic status are not guaranteed immortality. Of course, changing consumer and economic trends are always going to play an important part in whether a brand sticks around for months, years or...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Phillips #ShareTheCare for mums across the world #BehindTheIdea

Philips Avent, in collaboration with LePub, is launching an empowering new campaign called #ShareTheCare. This initiative aims to address the challenges faced by moms and put a spotlight on the importance of their well-being and self-care. To raise...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creative Freedom vs Cultural Sensitivity: The England Kit Controversy

As creatives, we’re always treading a fine line between letting our creative souls run free and pleasing not only our clients but our audiences. Never is this more apparent than when a piece of creative stirs controversy and we’re forced...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Inspiring Female Leaders: An Interview with RAPP CEO Gabrielle Ludzker

Gabrielle Ludzker is not just any CEO. The current head honcho at customer experience agency RAPP has spent her career breaking away from the traditional corporate CEO stereotype. and leads to inspire rule breakers. Gabby is an inspirational rule...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire a Game Designer

With the gaming industry among the biggest in the world right now, game designers have never been more highly sought after. Whether you are a major gaming studio creating AAA games or a startup with a revolutionary idea for an indie game, the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Proving that Pot Noodle is “real food” that fills a hole #BehindTheIdea

Pot Noodle, the Unilever snack brand, was positioned as filling a hole and a tongue-in-cheek film that takes that a step further showing the noodles in all sorts of holes such as a pool table pocket, a bird house and a washing machine drum. It also...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on freelance animator Peter Shaw

How did you get into the industry? From watching too many cartoons as a kid, honestly! As a teenager, I saved up for a Wacom tablet and started experimenting with making my own animation in Flash and Photoshop. Later, when I studied animation at the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Obsessing over the Story with Wardour #CompanySpotlight

This week, we sat down with Martin MacConnol, Founder and CEO at the Covent Garden-based creative agency Wardour. How was your company born and where are you based? We began life as a content marketing agency on Wardour Street, Soho, in 1996 - the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 Brands That Kicked Off on TikTok and How They Did It #BrandMonth

Whether you like it or not (and that will probably depend very much on which side of 30 you find yourself) TikTok has been moulding consumer behaviour in its own impatient image for years now but for a lot of brands who saw the way the tide was...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#GettingToKnow Sleek Events Founder Jennifer Davidson

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? As a founder, there is never a typical day. My role has evolved as the business has grown over the past 10 years. I love having variety in my day, but I find most of my time is...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Rejecting the unconventional with Dave Anderson #MemberSpotlight

Dave Anderson is an animator, illustrator and storyboard artist born in Wales, and currently based in Barcelona, who has for over a decade has been helping even the most uptight organisation find their funny. In recent years he’s directed...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Turkish production studio with global ambitions #CompanySpotlight

This week we spoke to Anima Instanbul, to discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with being a production studio based outside of the European and US creative bubble. How was your company formed, and where are you based? Anima was...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Let’s embrace our differences this International Women’s Day

By Gaynelle Brautigam, Head of Innovation at Tactical Sometimes, inequality isn’t easy to spot until you experience it first-hand. For example, I never gave much thought to being a second-generation immigrant, until I started applying for my...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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