Displaying 145 - 180 of 585 results



Top 25 mind-blowing advertising facts you should know today

Did you think you knew everything about advertising? These top 25 historical facts about the ad industry will surprise you. It is History Month here at Creativepool, which is the perfect opportunity for us to be reminded that there is always...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How music and cinematic trailers enhance games brand identity

Games pull their audiences into extraordinary worlds made of fantasy, deeply human stories and epic challenges. As the 'gaming' demographic reaches an ever so broad spectrum of audiences all over the world, gaming brands are finding new ways to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Can Brands Make you Happy?

I was asked recently - 'What brands make you happy?' Almost every day my colleagues and I are asked to help organisations find their deeper purpose, unravel their values and promote a part of life they can slot into to make the most profitable...

Posted by: Simon Manchipp


Why you should stop accepting free pitches right now

Just the other day I saw a freelance job ad looking for a freelancer who would rewrite 10 articles of 3,000 words each… at the price of $25. $25, for about 30,000 words. It is over half of a medium-sized novel - which are usually paid by...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


We’re over the rainbow: It’s time to stop Pinkwashing

Horrendous rainbow suits are on sale, brands have momentarily added some multicoloured pizzazz to their logos and, if you’re lucky, you might get a mumbled “Happy Pride” as the barista hands you your flat white. It can only mean one...

Posted by: House 337


Annual 2021: who will see your work this year?

Time is ticking! With the standard submissions deadline now out of the way, we are little more than two weeks away from the Annual 2021 final submissions deadline, on Thursday 10th June. The Annual is the Most Distributed creative industry award....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Listen up brands - it’s time to find creative solutions to waste

There has been quite some stirring in the plant-based sector lately for the UK government's AM 171, declaring that brands should stop calling plant-based drinks "milk". Apparently this hurts the dairy lobby. Apparently it is also one of the most...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How can we *truly* make a difference for the industry?

A chat with the authors of Sustainable Marketing, published by Bloomsbury Business Some time ago, we worked on a piece about greenwashing and the harm it can do to the industry on the short and longer term. Too many organisations are still making...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Beauty beware - the B-Corps are coming

The global vegan market is predicted to reach $31.4 billion by 2026. The rise of the plant-based diet has recently generated a whole new wave of consumer awareness in certain sectors, with environmentally conscious consumers looking for greener...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The role of Adland in the climate crisis

It’s a problem as old as advertising itself, much debated in the industry every time one dares unearth the topic: Adland sells stuff. As such, it is intrinsically in Adland’s nature to be utterly and completely unable to reach true...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


What makes IAMS top dog in the pet food game? #BehindTheBrand

When it comes to pet food, there are arguably a handful of brands that sit at the top of the grand pantheon. Whiskers and Pedigree are perhaps the most immediately recognisable to even those who would never dream of letting a furry friend share their...

Posted by: Creativepool


Behind the nature of plastic with Cheil - #BehindTheIdea

Right when you start thinking that creativity cannot be pushed any further, there will always be a campaign such as this one by Cheil Central America ready to amaze any advertising professional out there. The Nature of Plastic was born out of a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Bringing some Genuine Draught to the table - #BehindTheIdea

In this age of overwhelming noise, one of the most common and popular buzzwords you can hear is disruption. All brands aim to cut through the noise with some disruptive move or campaign - but how many actually achieve that? When BrandOpus was...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creating Sustainable Brands: a Feature with Friends of the Earth

We’ve all witnessed the push to sustainability in the past decade. What were once talks in the realm of the ‘nice to have’ or some barely formed concerns about the health of our planet have now transformed into sheer fear for some...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Traditional brand purpose has made consumers complacent

But a new wave of change-makers is here to change that… Is the branding industry’s obsession with purpose simply encouraging consumers to maintain bad habits? Nowadays we expect brands to weave a sustainable or charitable message into...

Posted by: B&B Studio


Facebook’s business model is in danger

Facebook made it quite clear that the company isn’t fine with Apple allowing users to opt out of personalised ad tracking with iOS 14. Of course, that shouldn’t come as a surprise to anybody. Some context first: Apple has officially...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How much should I charge as a freelance musician/composer?

A guide to freelance music composition rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry Musicians and composers set the mood of the stories we love and cherish the most in our hearts. Without musicians, horror films would...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


7 Story Archetypes: using plot to build brands

At Southpaw we’re kind of obsessed with storytelling in the brand building process. Within storytelling’s golden trio of character, incident and plot, it’s plot that provides the vital framework to hang everything from. Enter the...

Posted by: Southpaw


A look at influencer marketing and dating brands

Influencer marketing is on the rise, as influencers prove to be one of the most effective marketing tools in the era of social media. These inspiring social figures can attract hundreds of thousands of followers, bringing a wide array of benefits to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 LGBT+ campaigns celebrating and championing diversity

On 24 May 1988, the United Kingdom introduced a nasty little clause, stating that a local authority “ shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality.” This was just 30 years...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


PR Trends set to change the rules in 2021

We've had Graphic Design Trends, Web Design Trends, Animation Trends and even Colour Trends for this groovy and newborn 2021. Truth is that there's plenty to be excited about for the next 12 months, despite of what these bleak beginnings may seem to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Festive Sustainability: Dreaming of a Green Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving and family celebrations. Yet, it can be a time of excess and over-indulgence - from gifting to greeting cards and glitter - we question if the glamour is worth the garbage. Figures show that the festive season...

Posted by: SGK


Learning graphic design from LPs and magazines

Nearly all of us can identify a very specific point in time when we started being interested in art and creativity. For our editor, it was when a school assignment brought him to write his first ever fiction story. For graphic designer Neville...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Nick Lawton on running a family business

Low-skill roles can teach you a lot and leave you with tons of insights. One key takeout is definitely how to hate low-skill roles with a passion. Nick Lawton was lucky enough to do some cold-calling in London some time after uni, and that made him...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How has Jane Doe changed in the last few months?

What you should know about your customer and how to create digital CX in the post-pandemic world. There’s no doubt that 2020 has been a transformational year. While Covid-19’s impact at the macro level (across global politics, economics...

Posted by: Sophia Charters


Learning from Failures with Oliver Fuselier

Few people make their way in your heart like Great Guns USA managing director Oliver Fuselier does. Reading him as he tells stories of his remote and recent past is heartwarming and enough to paint a beautiful, comprehensive picture of an ambitious...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Annual 2020: who will see your work this year?

We are exactly one week away from the Annual 2020 final submissions deadline. As you are starting to put the finishing touches on your entries, you might be wondering who will actually see the work you submit. Aside from being scored by our esteemed...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Bursting Delicacy of Nayeli Lavanderos

It's hard to find a spot that feels out of place in Nayeli Lavanderos' works. Nayeli's style somehow feels delicate and punchy at the same time, striking that perfect balance between fragility and confidence which makes her art so attractive to the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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