Displaying 289 - 324 of 8921 results



Ads that made history: IKEA's Dining Room (1994)

When we think of ads that made history, we usually focus on one particular aspect. We want to see the most expensive, the most effective, the one that made us all laugh or cry, maybe even the one who made us all wish we could start a class action on...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Fighting prejudice with Lipton & RedwoodBBDO | #BehindTheIdea

There are many hidden powers in the beauty of music, but if we had to name our favourite, it would definitely be the power to connect. To fight prejudice and champion union through creativity and music, Lipton partnered with RedwoodBBDO and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Stealing The Mona Lisa

Every year the Mona Lisa is visited by around 10 million people. All clambering to get a look at that famous smile, walking past other great works of art that adorn the walls like they are strangers in the street. It's La Gioconda they want to see....

Posted by: Tony Pipes


Word to the Winners of Annual 2020 - #AnnualSpotlight

To say 2020 was an eventful start to the decade would be a tremendous understatement. We've seen the industry come together even while apart, as a pandemic brought about one of the biggest social crises in the history of humanity and protests for...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


You are designing tomorrow’s rubbish

It was just a few months ago, in February, that the AF&PA (American Forest & Paper Association) released a comprehensive research document in which it surveyed a number of paper mills around the US, offering then some guidelines on how to make more...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Dreams of 5G with Orange, Publicis and Apple - #BehindTheIdea

With a long-time partnership with Apple, Orange was one of the main carriers in France working to promote 5G with the launch of iPhone 12. Having such a solid relationship in place, it would have been easy for the Orange brand and Publicis Conseil to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creativepool Annual 2021: Committed to Change for the 8th Year in a Row

Where to start with the past 12 months? The year 2020 AD has been... interesting to say the least. There isn't a single person, company, agencies or otherwise who can claim not to have been affected by Covid-19. And as we all wait for the vaccines...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelance illustrator?

A guide to freelance illustration rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry Illustrators are the makers of dreams. By combining art, design and creative skills, illustrators work to produce original images for a wide...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


An Ark for the Children - #BehindTheIdea

There is one magical place in Chipping Barnet, England, where caring nurses, doctors and volunteers work relentlessly to make every little moment count for families of children with life-threatening conditions. Even in a year like 2020, Noah's Ark...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelancer?

So you’ve decided you want to go freelance. Congratulations! Choosing the freelance life is a huge decision and I’m sure you didn’t take it lightly. Of course, autonomy and independence comes at a certain price; and that price, you...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Employee Experience Predictions for 2021 (and beyond)

2021 has just begun and we can already see that it’s not going to be as shimmering as most of us were hoping. Amidst new lockdowns and old restrictions, there is but one thing we know for sure: after 2020, employee experience will be changed...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How young creatives can build a career in 2021

A young graduate looking to enter the industry in the middle of a pandemic? Well, you're not alone. According to the BBC, there are at least seven ways in which young people employment (or lack thereof) has been affected by the Covid crisis, either...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Making music in the streaming age – #CompanySpotlight

When the advent of streaming unleashed pretty much what looked like a catastrophe on the music industry, many were forced to adapt or die. Founder of Syncsmith Gavin Mee was placed in an uncomfortable position - but he managed to make that harshness...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How Nigel Harniman makes the average look extraordinary - #MemberSpotlight

If there is one key takeout that you could gain by Nigel Harniman, it is the delightfully provocatory advice (which we love) to not become a prostitute to the business. It's quite easy to get lost in a race to the bottom and only reason in terms of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Flexibility of Freelancing

Some days ago we asked our community why they chose to become freelancers. The answers were quite interesting: the thrill of the unknown, the variety, the freedom, the flexibility. In truth, flexibility seems to be quite a common theme for seasoned...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Exploring the theatrical photography of Jamie Isbell

Maybe it's the fact that he works as a creative lead for the National Theatre. But the capacity of Jamie Isbell to capture the moment, wrapping entire stories and characters within one frame, is absolutely incredible. Jamie has had the chance to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The relentless passion of Simona De Leo

Despite having to find her way into a competitive industry, Simona kept going. Despite breaking three fingers in her dominant hand, Simona kept going. Despite not having a publisher, Simona kept going and made a successful Kickstarter campaign to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Typographic storytelling in the Gay Times campaign

"In the western world we have preconceived notions on what it's like to be queer in certain countries". The story behind Emma and Ryan is particularly interesting in itself. Two creative professionals uniting to change the world with their craft. No...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Fluidity of Structure with Gordon Greaves

You'll often hear writers say that structure is important. Structure is what holds a story together. Structure is sometimes what propels a story forward. Structure is loved, but also much hated. But even within the strict rigidity of structure,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: How to Seize the Awkward with Droga5 and the Ad Council

We've just wrapped up Mental Health Awareness Month and we've seen some incredible works from all across the creative industry to fight the stigma of talking about your mental health, whoever you are and wherever you are from. With suicide as the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Wear and Share support with Perq Studio

The team at Perq Studio is not one to stay put while the world is in danger. Designers and creatives are not key workers, and for the strongest spirits out there, it must be suffocating to be forced to stay home with no way to make a difference....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Global creative calendar: May 2020

If you are shocked and awed by the massive disruption to life as you have known it, you are not alone. Back in March, this forecast of upcoming events became irrelevant almost overnight. Looking to the future, hours and hours have been spent...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Member Spotlight - Growing gracefully with Woven’s Mark Bower

Mark Bower has watched 'digital marketing' come of age over the last 20 years and admits it's been a wild ride. A lot has happened. But he’s convinced we are, even now, just getting started. This week, in the midst of a global meltdown, we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Committing to Europe in a post-Brexit world

The Guardian recently launched a new dedicated series entitled "This is Europe" which pledges its ongoing commitment to Europe in the wake of Brexit. To support This is Europe, the Guardian is running a multi-layered marketing campaign in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#EachForEqual: What International Women’s Day Means to Photographers

See what #EachForEqual means to these photographers as they prepare for International Women’s Day 2020, and learn ways you can add gender diversity to your own portfolio. The theme for International Women’s Day 2020 on Sunday, March 8th...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Getting to Know... ENGINE's Lisa Parfitt

Lisa Parfitt is MD of ENGINE Sport & Brand Experience, a member of the European Sponsorship Association, and was recently appointed to professional network Women in Football's board. As well as being passionate about her job, Parfitt's love of sport...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The art director toolbox

A guy named Jason Murray reached out with a collection of tools that I think would really help everyone out on this channel whether you are new to advertising or a seasoned pro. From inspiration to education and everything in between, this one...

Posted by: Kevin Forister

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