Displaying 1 - 36 of 121 results



Why midlife women feel invisible to brands

A new report has been released on the back of exclusive research that shows a large majority (69%) of women aged 45-60 feel invisible to brands and advertisers. The insight-packed report by The Behaviours Agency also shows that only 7% think...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Festive Jumpers Galore

We're in the festive spirit of things and it looks like we're not on our own! Some of our favourite recruiter clients have been enjoying festive moments from Secret Santas, Office Parties to Christmas Jumper Days. Here's some tweets that helped us...

Posted by: Creativepool


Member Spotlight: Joseph Ford’s photography makes people disappear

Photographer Joseph Ford’s subjects include dynamite fishing, butterflies flying out of people's mouths, a railway line merging into a zipper and a crocodile attacking Lacoste sneakers, but a series that also stands out is his Knitted...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


#MemberSpotlight on brand identity designer Nic Symes

How did you first get into the industry? From as early as I can remember, I’ve loved drawing. My grandfather on my Mum’s side was an incredible hobbyist carpenter, and as a child I’d collaborate with him on various toy-making...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Magic in the Air

I’ve always loved magic, things that seemingly disappear into thin air and come back again. As a kid watching Saturday night TV, I would be dazzled by the likes of David Nixon, Paul Daniels and Ali Bongo. They sparked my imagination and belief...

Posted by: Chris Turner


Let’s embrace our differences this International Women’s Day

By Gaynelle Brautigam, Head of Innovation at Tactical Sometimes, inequality isn’t easy to spot until you experience it first-hand. For example, I never gave much thought to being a second-generation immigrant, until I started applying for my...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Are agencies ready for true AI disruption in 2024? #PredictionsMonth

What better way to celebrate the “most depressing day of the year” than by pontificating over the collective demise of the creative industries? I jest, of course, but there is a surprising amount of doom mongers out there who would have...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


All the best Christmas 2023 ads in one place #HolidaysMonth

Christmas exists, in my opinion, to soften the blow of winter. The nights seem endless, the days are barely given time to breathe, and the weather is reliably dour for most of us, so we need it really. Even as someone that doesn’t really care...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#GettingToKnow Swati Bhattacharya, CCO @ FCB India

How did you get into the industry? I think it was destined. Both my parents were in PR and media…but more importantly India in the early 90s had only one tv channel and a lot of the programming was coma inducing. For example, prime time tv...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Luxury Report: The State of the Industry in 2023 and Beyond

Every year, as Q4 draws to a close, we scan the luxury futurescape for up-and-coming markets and macro trends that we believe expose the crucial spaces top brands need to innovate within over the coming year and well into the PCE (post-COVID era). A...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


Lost and found - Rediscovering the sound of smiling

I’m a bit OCD, so I have specific pockets for everything: keys, wallet, phone, gloves, notes, tissues. And I think losing things is a bad omen. Which is why the last time I lost my keys I refused to go on holiday the next day. My wife,...

Posted by: Chris Turner


Just off to Munch & Sippers, can I get you anything?

A while back I had a go at asking a venerable UK retail institution if they thought I could help at all (well, in a very specific way) with what appeared to be a terminal decline in fortunes. Of course, nothing came of that ask and the company shut...

Posted by: Richard


The fundamental particle of the internet

Sparked by a post on a social media thread where you least likely find much that was meme-worthy*, @Rob Estreitinho had a nice graph illustrating the rise and fall of social sites ranked by the volume of the popular shortcut-to-the-heart-of-culture...

Posted by: Richard


Taking the unconventional route with Abb-d Taiyo | #GettingToKnow

For this week’s getting to know feature, we’ll be sitting down with Abb-d Taiyo, Co-Founder and Design/Production Director at design and impact agency Driftime. A man that styles himself as a “mentor and ethical design...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Anonymous Hosting and Online Anonymity

You are not the only one trying to keep your web host's IP address and domain name hidden from the public. No wonder, based on all the easy ways to find out who is hosting a website, including WHOIS (domain registration records), the payment methods...

Posted by: Anna Koretskaya


​Cause, effect and Ugg Boots - leaving logic at the door

Niamh Murphy, Head of Planning and Behavioural Science at In the Company of Huskies, on letting go of logic, rationalising in uncertain times, and the brands that are shaking things up with their pulling power. The difference between changing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Neurodiversity - Designing offices with everyone in mind | #PurposeMonth

Work environments, like many other spaces, tend to be designed for neurotypical people. This leaves neurodivergent individuals - those with natural variations in the brain - in a compromising position. One of the most significant hurdles that the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Make what makes you smile - #MemberSpotlight

Richard Hill defines himself as a down-to-earth Creative Director, and we can definitely see where that sentiment comes from. As an extremely passionate creative professional, Richard can find inspiration wherever he goes, but makes it his own...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Design for people, not just the planet

For every person who will take durable jars to refill, there’s thousands who won’t. In the race to reach sustainability and be regarded as the greenest brand in the biz, consumers are often overlooked. This is not to mean that their...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


From Space Monkeys to ITV Creative with ECD Tony Pipes

Surely Executive Creative Director of ITV Creative Tony Pipes knew that someday his Space Monkeys would lead him to love everything and anything creative. What he probably didn't know was that he would become such a successful leadership figure in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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