Displaying 1 - 36 of 3621 results



How has influencer marketing changed in the last five years?

Alicia Van der Meer, digital marketing manager of Monumental, explains the evolution of influencer marketing in the last five years, with insight into how brands can get it right. With personal accounts from today’s influencers, Alicia dissects...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Influencer marketing and protecting brand values | #PurposeMonth

Influencer marketing has become a commonly used alternative to traditional advertising and a great way to increase brand awareness and consumer reach in an authentic way. Although this can be extremely useful and cost effective in building your brand...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Influencer marketing success comes with a multi-platform approach

It is tempting to adopt a siloed approach to marketing and brand communications, especially when dealing with an audience you don't interact with daily. In a way, social media platforms are like boxes, containers of the audience segment your brand...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The future of influencer marketing #YearInReview

Keith Foggan, Founder of social agency System, on what 2024 has in store for us across social media and digital marketing. Although many people think that influencer marketing is a relatively new phenomenon, borne out of the social media boom,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Generative AI: more harm than good for influencer marketing? #FutureMonth

As the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken over discussions from Parliament to Cannes Lions and beyond, industries across the world have begun to implement the technology into both their everyday processes and future plans. The greatest...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Streaming kings - The growing power of influencer marketing on Twitch

Matt Woods, CEO and founder of influencer marketing agency AFK Digital explains the power, potential and reach of influencer marketing on Twitch. Twitch is known as a live-streaming platform for gamers, however its growth over the last number of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A look at influencer marketing and dating brands

Influencer marketing is on the rise, as influencers prove to be one of the most effective marketing tools in the era of social media. These inspiring social figures can attract hundreds of thousands of followers, bringing a wide array of benefits to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why your business should invest in influencer marketing

With many businesses still reluctant to invest in influencer marketing, dispelling the misconceptions is the first step to unlocking its full potential. A recent study reported that 80% of marketers plan to continue or increase their influencer...

Posted by: Aaron Brooks


Influencer marketing and programmatic: A marriage of convenience

In the media world, not a week goes by without an article or discussion on the waning appeal of traditional media and the consequent flow of ad money to digital. But let’s set that aside for a minute because the bigger battle right now is between...

Posted by: VAMP


Influencer marketing 101: Style Lobster’s essential tips for brands

Everyone’s jumping on the influencer bandwagon. There’s probably thousands of meetings happening right now all over the world, set up purely to talk about influencers. Yet so many marketers are struggling to successfully execute their plans. But...

Posted by: Superrb


Think Big, Go Small: Why influencer marketing isn't about reach

Despite what many marketers and PR agencies still believe, influencer marketing is not a popularity contest. Whilst it’s clear that the use of influencer campaigns continues to rise, with 87% of marketers using them in their strategies, there is...

Posted by: VAMP


10 Brands That Kicked Off on TikTok and How They Did It #BrandMonth

Whether you like it or not (and that will probably depend very much on which side of 30 you find yourself) TikTok has been moulding consumer behaviour in its own impatient image for years now but for a lot of brands who saw the way the tide was...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top 5 marketing blogs you should be following #MarketingMonth

Marketing is an ever-evolving field that requires constant engagement if you want to keep up with the latest trends and strategies. Marketers are always learning and always evolving as the form itself shifts with changing trends. One of the best...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A quick history of TikTok and how we can use it to our advantage

I used to think I would never understand TikTok. It was clearly not for me, made for natural performers and younger people who loved to mess around with silly challenges. But then I saw some friends following influencers who did educational content,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Advertising & Marketing Trends that will dominate 2021

2020 is officially over. To many, January is rebirth, repurpose, refocus - a chance to reflect on what didn’t work the year before and build on our successes for a better future. Except this time most of us probably won’t have a lot of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


What's next for social media marketing?

It's no wonder brands have invested big in the power of social media this year. With the vast majority of consumers stuck at home for long periods of time, online ads and social media were the only touchpoints between them and their target users. We...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


5 marketing trends for 2020: Yuval Ben-Itzhak

2019 was the year TikTok exploded and influencer marketing gained traction, especially with marketers in beauty, fashion, e-commerce and auto. In 2020, we predict that influencer marketing will continue to grow and that social commerce will achieve...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is TikTok a positive influence on diversity? #DiversityMonth

If a fair proportion of the mainstream legacy media were to be believed, TikTok represents a very real threat to our children. In reality though, anyone that’s ever spent even a little time scrolling through the app will tell you it is, in...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top 5 digital marketing trends for 2024 #PredictionsMonth

The world of digital marketing got disrupted like never before last year when AI truly made its presence felt in a big way. You’ll probably read a hundred think pieces this month on a fundamental shift AI has had, and is continuing to have on,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How surrealism took over digital marketing

Keith Foggan, founder of creative social agency System, shares his thoughts on the rise of surrealist marketing. What drives these campaigns? Is it simply fitting for this era of escapism, or does it speak to a larger issue that brands are struggling...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Pink vs Grey: Barbieheimer is the marketing stunt of the year

In 2023, a meme could quite literally make or break a campaign. Whether or not that’s exciting or profoundly depressing will depend on many things (including, of course, your age) but it can’t be denied the memes generated in the wake of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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