Displaying 9253 - 9288 of 9382 results



Trailblazers: Steve Martin - The comic who went somewhere new.

by John Fountain I've just been reading Steve Martin's autobiography - Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life. Although I knew that he was a funny guy, I wasn't aware how alternative his act was back in the 70's, or how creative his writing. When he began...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Carr trouble. Why bad news needn't be taxing.

by Magnus Shaw Jimmy Carr is recording an episode of the sweary panel show 'Eight Out Of Ten Cats' tonight. A week ago, that news would be no more intriguing than discovering your train has a filthy lavatory. But a week is a long time in a troubled...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Unlikely Celebrity Endorsements

by Jessica Hazel Just two months ago Rihanna tweeted a picture of herself on a medical drip, pumping herself full of vitamins after suffering from exhaustion and dehydration following a hectic tour schedule combined with wild partying. Now she is...

Posted by: Creativepool


Trailblazers: Celebrities that look like mattresses

by Jessica Hazel As any Englishman will tell you, life in London is no bed of roses. Virgin tourists stepping off the plane for the Olympics will soon discover that the streets are not lined with gold but in fact, old smelly mattresses. Second only...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Should designers write? Should writers design?

by John Fountain The part of the job I've always enjoyed the most is the bit when I sit down with a designer and try and crack the idea. Call me unhinged if you want, but I quite like it when it gets difficult. When the deadline is looming, when the...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Eye of the beholder. History's most powerful photography.

by Magnus Shaw The internet is full of hyperbole. Social media in particular. 'The funniest video ever!', 'The best song of all time!' - in a rush to draw attention to their tiny corner of the web, users understandably become overexcited and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - The specialist versus the generalist

by John Fountain Not so long ago creative folk were employed to work across all areas of business communications. It was said that if you were any good you'd be able to turn your hand to almost anything. And if you had any weak spots or showed any...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - LMFAO!!! SEE WHO VIEWED YOUR PROFILE!! Click Here -->...

by Jessica Hazel Over the last week or so your feed on Facebook might well have come up with something like this: It comes from one of your friends with the title "LMFAO!!! SEE WHO VIEWED YOUR PROFILE!! Click Here -->..." If you are silly enough...

Posted by: Creativepool



Natalie Nicklin Illustrator, Digital Illustrator, Creative "Natalie Nicklin is a London based illustrator and artist who utilizes a wide range of processes within her work; from found images and photography to modern digital techniques and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Good old...hibu?

by Ashley Morrison Good old Yellow Pages. There was something rather comforting about those adverts, about the fact that good old Yellow Pages is not just there for that leaky roof. Or for the warm and fluffy things in life: the boy who bought his...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. The MBTI creativity test. How does your creativity measure up?

by John Fountain How would you feel about taking a personality test when applying for a job? Well in the US this kind of procedure is quite commonplace. In fact it is estimated that over 90% of organisations use some sort of psychometric testing as...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Online Logo Contests, the pros and cons.

by Jessica Hazel Online Logo Contests have been popping up all over the internet for quite some time now. They allow businesses and individuals to offer a set fee, or prize, for what they consider to be the best logo design. Hundreds of amazing...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Rory McLeish

Rory McLeish is a 3D artist and concept designer from Glasgow, now based and working in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. A couple of years ago Rory moved back to the UK after spending 5 years in Los Angeles working in the visual effects industry, and is...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to...Don't just stand there, make your own Olympic Torch

by John Fountain Now that the Olympic flame is finally arriving on these shores and they've tracked down a mutton handed individual in Cornwall to keep the frigging thing alight, our thoughts turn to the proud British torchbearers and wonder how we,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Trailblazers. The Dictator and the most extreme movie propaganda ever.

by Jessica Hazel Sacha Baron Cohen is not one to shy away from controversy. In fact, he has made a whole career out of it, pointing out the humour in all manner of taboo subjects and somehow not getting murdered by extremeists in the process. His...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Dead heat. Why The Exclusives is unfair on us all.

by Magnus Shaw Perhaps we shouldn't expect anything more from ITV2 - after all, this is the home of Celebrity Juice, Life On Murrs and The Only Way Is Essex. But while those shows may grate and irritate, they manage to avoid devaluing and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - All in the name

by Ashley Morrison In the past, we bloggers at Creativepool have given our opinions, advice and guidance, whether you asked for it or not! Hey, that's blogging for you. The internet is a free-for-all where anyone can purport to be an "expert", but...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Heads up. The best advertising headlines in the world?

by Magnus Shaw For a jet propulsion lab brochure: "What we do isn't rocket science. Oh, hang on ...". For Sainsbury's: "We say 'hello' to good buyers". A recruitment ad for security guards: "Who says you can't have a successful career after the...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Bauhaus: Art as life

by Jessica Hazel The Barbican has just launched an exhibition about the most influential art school of the twentieth century, the largest to take place in the capital in the last 40 years. That art school is of course Bauhaus - think tubular steel...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spraycan copywriting

Here's a true story. Back in the late 70's, right smack in the middle of punk rock, I studied graphic design at Hounslow. Unlike some of the more respectable educational establishments, Hounslow was a bit rough and 'edgy'. The area around the college...

Posted by: Creativepool


Do you network?

Up until a month ago I'd never attended a networking group. In truth I didn't know much about them. I assumed that they were for geeks and braggers, for the totally incompetent and the mildly desperate, for people either short of friends or folk who...

Posted by: Creativepool


Abstract product design: one bar of Hope, please

Being the product-loving and recession-conscious consumers that we are, we all want to get as much for our cash as we can. And in some ways, that even applies to giving to charity. People will admirably train themselves to death to run the London...

Posted by: Creativepool


Land of the free. Has charging for things become taboo?

HM Government and Tesco must have thought they'd found the Holy Grail. In an era of high unemployment and a conspicuous absence of career opportunities, the idea that the jobless could somehow be coerced into working for the ubiquitous supermarket...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Stephen Hardingham - Channel 4

Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for? Head of Design, Future Media and Technology at Channel 4 Television. What does that involve? I'm responsible for designing the Interface user experience on Channel 4's New Media platforms. I...

Posted by: Creativepool


Portfolio Tips

What happens when you do get an interview? How will you ensure your portfolio impresses your interviewer or client? Here are some tips that are essential in creating a great portfolio: 1. Keep it to an A3 size minimum Contrary to what your tutors...

Posted by: Creativepool


Can creativity be taught or is it something we are born with?

Creativity has got to be one of the most important skills in the world today. Take a look at any recruitment ad in the corporate world and you’ll see how much the skill is in demand. Right now all kinds of companies are looking for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Thanks but no thanks - the rejection letter from hell.

The Great Depression aside, there has rarely been a worse time to apply for a job. And yet for anyone leaving college or school, or simply attempting to recover from the cruelty of redundancy, it has never been more essential. So with high hopes and...

Posted by: Creativepool


The best opening titles to movies

Opening titles to a movie should tell us more than simply the name of the flick. At best they should draw us in, set the scene, tantalize, wake us up, introduce us to a weird new world, make us laugh or failing all that - just simply entertain. What...

Posted by: Creativepool


Facebook Vs. CVs - is it ok for employers to stalk applicants?

As Facebook timeline is being pushed upon us more and more forcefully from the powers that be, you might want to stop and ponder the implications of opting to have your entire Facebook past accessible to all. Click on 2008 and photos of a stag night...

Posted by: Creativepool


Google's top ten April fools.

I suppose when you create the most useful invention since the Corby Trouser Press, you have the right  to outsmart your audience. And the good people at Google certainly like to take advantage of their elevated position on the first day of the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Go big. 10 awesomely epic ads.

From the moment the brief lands on the table and the creative team cast their eyes over the words 'TV Script' the salivating begins. Will this be the one? The one with the inexhaustible budget. The one that shouts 'GO BIG'. The one that doesn't...

Posted by: Creativepool

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