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Displaying 3241 - 3276 of 3417 results



Unbreakable: the arrival of flexible smartphone screens

Picture it: the first day of our two-week holiday in Italy. My wife pulls out a map from the depths of her bag and inadvertently pulls out her iPhone, which is caught in one of its folds, at the same time. In one of those slo-mo “noooo!”...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Core blimey. Why is Apple's new ad so flavourless?

Apple used to do great ads. The silhouettes of iPod users, offsetting the machine's white wires, were tremendously vivid, recognisable and memorable - classy and classic brand design. Then there were the dancing, multi-coloured iMacs, animated to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Welcome to the future. 3D printing comes to the high street.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C Clarke When I was a nipper, I'd watch Star Trek and pretty much take it for granted that I was seeing an accurate portrayal of the future. I'm quite an old bloke now,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


IKEA does more for the artist than a flatpack desk

In 1943 in a small Swedish village, an industrious, dyslexic teenager who went by the name of Ingvar Kamprad opened his first furniture store after spening his days selling matches, ballpoint pens, flower seeds and Christmas decorations to...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


The Loan Arrangers. Is It High Noon For Wonga And Friends?

At some point, perhaps four years ago, doorstep lending ('The Tallyman', as my grandmother would have termed it) suddenly became terribly old fashioned and parochial. Recession and financial misery inflated the market for non-bank lending at a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


You're hired! Are brands really taking on celebrities as staff?

When you arrived at work this morning, did you notice a pop star sitting at a flat-screen, typing away? Was there a movie idol in the kitchen fixing some coffees? Or a minor royal handing out the mail? If not, I'm afraid your firm is way behind the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


New identity for RMNEF

Design and branding specialist Shine Creative announces the launch of a new identity for the Royal Merchant Navy Education Foundation (RMNEF). Established in 1827, the RMNEF is a British national children's educational charity, which provides...

Posted by: Shine Creative


3D technology - Ford creates a design "CAVE"

There’s nothing we like more than a nice bit of 3D and Virtual Reality. That is, if our trips to the cinema are anything to go by. There was a time not so long ago when watching a film in 3D was a bit of a treat. Now the technology is arguably...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Creative Corner at FESPA 2013

Creative Corner is a free conference for brand owners, creative agencies and designers. It’s alive with ideas for adding impact to your work, whether you’re creating: Retail branding Visual merchandising In-store promotion and...

Posted by: FESPA


The Khloe effect. Has internet advertising abandoned creativity?

The Huffington Post reports that Khloe Kardashian (who?) is now being paid as much as $13,000 per tweet. The fee doesn't cover profound wisdom like "Remember sweat is fat crying" - it's for equally useful posts wherein she names brands and includes...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Whatever happened to proper advertising?

Last week I wrote a piece for Creativepool, suggesting the role of the copywriter had become sidelined to the extent that designers were now the 'creatives'. I also wondered whether this wasn't just an attack of paranoia. Well, it wasn't. The column...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The world's smallest movie: A Boy and His Atom

Big is beautiful but small can also be mightily impressive - including when it comes to design, illustration or animation on a tiny scale. And I'm not talking about those people on Brighton Pier who write your name on a grain of rice. No, I'm talking...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Spotlight... Mirko Albertin, Fashion and Branding Graphic Designer

"I am an apparel and branding graphic designer with an in-depth understanding and knowledge of production methods, innovative techniques and application of graphics. I specialise in producing trend driven graphics and branding for the fashion...

Posted by: Creativepool


Not 4U? How seventeen people put Channel 4 in OFCOM's bad books.

Channel 4 is in trouble with Ofcom. Not for a programme or an advertisement, but the juxtaposition of the two. The broadcasting regulator says the station broke their code on 26th December 2012 when they ran a commercial which gave the impression it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Mayday, May Day! Crack open the Champers!

I didn't wake up this morning thinking, “oooh, today is a significant day.” Nor do I have a beer-fuelled celebration planned for this afternoon in the balmy bank holiday sunshine - or even a rosé-fuelled celebration planned for later...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to Nail Your Next Job Interview

Job interviews can be a nerve wracking experience. Follow our tips on how to impress at a job interview and get your dream position. As we all know, competition for good jobs is tough. If you’re worked hard enough to land a job interview, you...

Posted by: Source


Don’t bother presenting it. Chuck it in an email.

So what is the best way to put your latest spark of creativity in front of a client? In the days before email it was rare to see even a business card design exit the creative floor unaccompanied. But these days we’re not quite so protective....

Posted by: Creativepool


Twist and shout. How a town gained a brand from a happy accident.

To create a brand for a new building is to take on one of the most challenging projects in the industry. Once the brick dust has settled and the scaffolding rolled away, there's a need to create an identity and personality for a new development....

Posted by: Creativepool


Should creatives ever work for free?

Have you been to a supermarket recently? If you have, did you ask the till operator whether you could take the contents of your trolley for nothing? Of course you didn’t. The very suggestion you might be entitled to free groceries would be...

Posted by: Creativepool


Could you help this copywriter find work in Chicago?

The Creativepool network spreads far and wide and maybe you could help a fellow creative in need of help. Damien James is a US copywriter who has spent the last three years with his wife and children working in Krakow, Poland. Last week the time...

Posted by: Creativepool


Building reputations.

I don't know how you feel about old science-fiction b-movies, but I positively love them. Perhaps it's those predictable, repeated tropes that make them so reliably comfortable and comforting. The unconvincing, plastic creature always carries the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Where the heart is. Is 'working from home' a dying art?

You may have noticed Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo!, kicking up some dust last month, when she announced a complete ban on working from home. This, she claimed, was to encourage collaborative working and collective thinking. However, there was a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Tips for Negotiating Your Salary and Accepting a Job Offer

Congratulations you have a job interview! However, have you given much thought to negotiating your salary compensation package if you get a job offer? Are you honing your negotiation skills, in readiness for a job offer? Don’t fall down at the...

Posted by: Source


And the punch line is…

by Ashley Morrison. I love comedy. I love the craft of it. I love how a skilled performer can take you one way, only to throw you in a completely opposite direction - which is the one that gets the bigger laugh. Being a successful stand-up comedian...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Where OCD meets art - Ursus Wehrli

By Jessica Hazel Ursus Wehrli has an insatiable desire to tidy. Nothing is safe. Given half the chance Ursus will compartmentalise and order everything from a park full of sunbathers to the sky at night. Luckily the art world has a lot of time for...

Posted by: Creativepool


What did you just call me? The tricky art of naming brands.

By Magnus Shaw Have you used your Tripod today? How about your Mobi? There's a very good chance you have, but you knew it as your iPhone. It seems the obvious name for Apple's mobile handset doesn't it? After all, they already the iPod and its...

Posted by: Creativepool


Visual Effects and the Oscars. The biggest losers?

by Ashley Morrison. The last thing anyone wanted to see at the Academy Awards ceremony last night was another Kate Winslet or Halle Berry sobbing through an acceptance speech. At least Adele had the good sense to dash off stage before the leak in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Digital is not delivering on its promises

By John Fountain In the world of advertising, the concept of doing what you can to piss-off the public is rarely regarded as a good idea. We live in a world where consumers have millions of places to go and billions of messages to ignore or...

Posted by: Creativepool


Life through Google Glass

By Owen Bailey Google have given us a glimpse of what we can expect to see in the future. It's life through Google's very own lenses. I'm sure that you've by now heard that Google has been developing specs that will enable us to access all of the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Coming soon… an interview with Creativepool MD, Michael Tomes

by Ashley Morrison. Cue fanfare! Cue fireworks! Cue lots of awards! For those of you who are longstanding members of the Creativepool network, you’ll notice that the website has been completely reinvented. They flicked the switch earlier this...

Posted by: Creativepool


Crayon Creatures. Realise your children's wildest imaginings in 3D

by Jessica Hazel. Every proud parent's fridge is covered in as many sugar-paper masterpieces as can possibly be blue-tacked onto it. The only problem with this is that they get increasingly dog-eared with each slam of the kitchen door and eventually...

Posted by: Creativepool


Toy Story remade

by Jessica Hazel. A long long time ago, when I was about 12 years old, I decided to copy out my favourite book on my typewriter, trace all the illustrations and put it back together in a lever arch file. The book was 'A Teenage Worriers Guide To...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves...David Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World.

by Magnus Shaw. It doesn't matter if Sky TV project their logo onto the moon for three months. If Tesco book Al Pacino to front their 2013 campaign, it will make no difference. Should Galaxy build a scale model of the Hoover Dam from solid milk...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Jonathan Gabb: 3D painter

by Jessica Hazel. Jonathan Gabb is a South-London based artist who has just opened a new show today showcasing his rather uncanny knack for creating the worlds first 3D paintings. Made from PVA glue and acrylic paint, these fragile constructions...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Stuart Wilson, JWT London

When and why did you join? I joined JWT London in January 2009 after spending the previous six months as a freelancer. My opportunity came about through a digital resource gap within the Shell team. What do you actually do? My time is split 50/50...

Posted by: Creativepool


Best of the web

by John Fountain. Looking for a bit of creative inspiration over the festive season? Yep, me too. Never mind, let's make do with some weird, wild, crazy, funny and stupid stuff that I've tracked down on the web. Take a bunch of random comments and...

Posted by: Creativepool

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