Displaying 217 - 236 of 236 results



My afternoon with the Twitter conspiracists.

It all started innocently enough. Somebody I follow on Twitter, re-tweeted a post from somebody I don’t. The post suggested there had been severe wrongdoing in the Thatcher government of the 1980s, including the deeds of Mrs. Thatcher herself,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The not so super market. Why Tesco has lost its way.

The CEO of Tesco, Philip Clarke, is now the ex-CEO of Tesco. He left the job last week, having failed to turn the retailer's fortunes around. Indeed, some would argue that he was actually the catalyst for the decline in the store's success. These...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


A word about Rehtom and Easter eggs.

Easter, eh? Not as big as Christmas, and yet more substantial than Pancake Day. Still, a very good time to slow down and kick back. Here's what you'll need: some high-quality family members or friends, and small amounts of chocolate crafted to look...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


What do apostrophes make? Prizes! The day John Lewis bagged my loyalty

Contrary to popular urban myth, I am not a member of the Apostrophe Protection Society. Yes, I did write a blog about Waterstone’s and the decision from their powers that be to get rid of the apostrophe in 2012. My blog did, incidentally,...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


How 'ambition' became a dirty word.

Do you remember Cait Reilly? She was the graduate who brought a legal case against the government after she was forced to abandon her voluntary work with a museum, and replace it with unpaid 'work experience' at Poundland. Both situations allowed her...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

20 Quirky & Creative Responses to Weird Client Requests

Entitled 'A Creative Catharsis', Ireland's creative community got together to release a lot of pent up anger and sadness through the medium of the A3 poster, all in aid of Temple Street Children's Hospital. Ad creatives, designers, animators,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Nothing to fear. Why horror movies matter.

The most successful film in UK cinemas this week is 'Insidious 2'. Having seen the first 'Insidious' instalment just a couple of weeks ago, I don't think I'll bother with chapter two. The best horror movies are akin to long road trips through foreign...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


McCann Manchester's new Haunt (the prize that goes bump in the night)

As prizes go, having your own pub built is quite a nice thing to win. But so it was when McCann Manchester was voted global agency of the year across all of McCann Worldgroup. Having won the award this year, the Manchester-based communications...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


MY Single Band

Following my last post on the ingenious product design of Chris Godfrey, here is something from the other end of the spectrum i.e the absolutely crap end. Welcome to the world of MY Single Band people! For just £6 you can purchase what is...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


A Doctor Who movie? Don't hold your breath.

Peter Capaldi is to be the new Doctor and I couldn't be more delighted. Apart from the fact I consider 'The Thick Of It' to be a television comedy so accomplished is resembles high art, Capaldi just has the face and demeanour of a Time Lord. Yes, I...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Mayday, May Day! Crack open the Champers!

I didn't wake up this morning thinking, “oooh, today is a significant day.” Nor do I have a beer-fuelled celebration planned for this afternoon in the balmy bank holiday sunshine - or even a rosé-fuelled celebration planned for later...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to Nail Your Next Job Interview

Job interviews can be a nerve wracking experience. Follow our tips on how to impress at a job interview and get your dream position. As we all know, competition for good jobs is tough. If you’re worked hard enough to land a job interview, you...

Posted by: Source


Another stink for Chanel. The trouble with the classic perfume brand.

By Magnus Shaw Helping the postman to haul several swollen mailbags through my front door, it occurs to me that Valentine's Day is also a busy time for the perfume industry. As most blokes are spectacularly unimaginative when it comes to buying...

Posted by: Creativepool


The good book. The problem with a copywriter's portfolio.

by Magnus Shaw. Here's a problem which only came to my attention this week. Actually I think it has been lingering in the back of my mind for a couple of decades, but it only came into focus a couple of days ago. Because I write columns here and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Who cares what you think, Mr. Freelancer?

by Ashley Morrison There are a great many perks to being a freelancer (if you’re regularly employed, obviously). A lot of variety, regular change of scene if you work on site for multiple clients, working days to suit your personal schedule,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Wedded bliss - discovering an inspiring media hub.

It'a college. No it's not, it's a record label. Sorry, it's a TV studio. Hang on, no, it's a computer games firm. Let's start again. Confetti is definitely a bar and meeting place. And all of the above, it seems. Nestling in the centre of...

Posted by: Creativepool


The art of the comic book

Comics have been a large part of popular culture for generations. Today, this genre continuously churns out amazing artwork from some extremely talented artists. Of course, comic books are close to many designers' hearts because often they are their...

Posted by: Creativepool


Pretty vacancies. Are recruitment consultants letting us down?

Redundancies, renegotiations, restructuring and rotten revenues. Tough times in the creative industry. Tough times everywhere. Sorry folks, but there's no longer any room for passengers in this business. So here's a thought: why don't we take a very...

Posted by: Creativepool


Motionless pictures - are graphic novels the new movies?

When we were kids (assuming everyone is over 40, because it makes me feel better) we read the comics and grown ups went to the pictures. Sure, we queued for Star Wars and Jaws, but flat images of impossibly ripped blokes and pneumatic ladies in...

Posted by: Creativepool

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