Displaying 73 - 108 of 3913 results



Creative Freedom vs Cultural Sensitivity: The England Kit Controversy

As creatives, we’re always treading a fine line between letting our creative souls run free and pleasing not only our clients but our audiences. Never is this more apparent than when a piece of creative stirs controversy and we’re forced...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Inspiring Female Leaders: An Interview with RAPP CEO Gabrielle Ludzker

Gabrielle Ludzker is not just any CEO. The current head honcho at customer experience agency RAPP has spent her career breaking away from the traditional corporate CEO stereotype. and leads to inspire rule breakers. Gabby is an inspirational rule...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Punk and Progress - Why Rebellion Fosters Innovation

In the annals of cultural history, Punk stands as a testament to the power of rebellion and defiance. Emerging in the 1970s as a raw, unapologetic response to the stifling conservatism of the time, Punk music, fashion, and ethos shattered norms,...

Posted by: Marc Posch


#MemberSpotlight on freelance animator Peter Shaw

How did you get into the industry? From watching too many cartoons as a kid, honestly! As a teenager, I saved up for a Wacom tablet and started experimenting with making my own animation in Flash and Photoshop. Later, when I studied animation at the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Elephant In The Conference Room

Overcoming Confirmation Bias To Improve Business Outcomes Of all the cognitive biases that affect business, confirmation bias might be the most insidious. It’s a challenge for many companies that can negatively impact performance. Smart...

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham


7 Reasons Why You Should Enter Annual 2024

Thinking about taking part in Annual 2024? Here are 7 reasons why it is the creative industry's "Most Award". 1. Most Distributed Giving your work global exposure. One of our big aims each year with The Annual is to get your work noticed. The...

Posted by: Creativepool


#GettingToKnow Sleek Events Founder Jennifer Davidson

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? As a founder, there is never a typical day. My role has evolved as the business has grown over the past 10 years. I love having variety in my day, but I find most of my time is...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Rejecting the unconventional with Dave Anderson #MemberSpotlight

Dave Anderson is an animator, illustrator and storyboard artist born in Wales, and currently based in Barcelona, who has for over a decade has been helping even the most uptight organisation find their funny. In recent years he’s directed...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 Brands Making Big Waves in 2024 #BrandMonth

In a world where thousands of companies are being born every day, the power of a strong brand has never meant more. There are, of course, always those legacy brands whose popularity will ebb and flow with changing cultural whims but for some brands,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How AI Will Transform Marketing in 2024 and Beyond #MarketingMonth

If the recent Willy Wonka spectacle taught us anything it’s that relying too heavily on AI for anything at this point is a fool’s errand. However, while there are significant drawbacks to using too much AI in a creative capacity, when it...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


When AI Marketing Goes Wrong: The Willa Wonky Washout #MarketingMonth

For over a year now we’ve been waxing lyrical on this site about the creative potential of AI, but we’ve also never shied away from highlighting the potential pitfalls. One of those pitfalls was underlines quite spectacularly this week...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#CompanySpotlight on progressive design agency Studio Miko

We caught up with Studio Miko Co-Founder and Creative Director Alistair Millen this week to talk the enduring value of design in a “do it yourself” world. How was your company born and where are you based? Both Laurence, co-founder, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Whisking up a storm with Amy Still #GettingToKnow

Amy Still is Founder & CEO at Whisk. With over 15 years of experience in digital and social-first advertising, she’s witnessed the shift from mass broadcast platforms to niche community-driven spaces, where people seek more authentic and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Building a greener future for London with TfL #BehindTheIdea

Transport for London (TfL) with the help of agency of record VCCP London and Wavemaker UK, launched an awareness campaign last year for the huge range of improvements TfL is continuing to make across its network. Some of the many improvements that...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What is diversity washing and how can you avoid it? #DiversityMonth

To an extent, the creative industries have always dealt in smoke and mirrors. Obfuscation is, after all, part of what makes the whole thing so exciting. We live, however, in a world that increasingly values transparency, particularly given the age of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What the second rise of Trumpism could mean for creatives

As we all know, the creative industries thrive on the principles of diversity, open expression, and global collaboration. These are not principles even the most ardent supporter of former president Donald Trump would ever align him with and with the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Diversity, Creativity, and the Assistive AI Revolution #DiversityMonth

With Artificial intelligence (AI) and its effect on the creative industries at the forefront of current debates, this article aims to take a step back to approach this complex but increasingly pertinent relationship from an angle that hasn’t...

Posted by: SphereTrax


Do Brands Still Believe in Love? #ValentinesDay

Valentine’s Day is a holiday beloved by few. For many of us, it’s little more than a cynical stopping gap between Christmas and Easter to claw at our pockets. There appears to be a disconnect, however, between how much we care about...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Sorting our Limes from our Lemons #CompanySpotlight

Lime Creative is a boutique communication agency offering large agency experience, specialising in the luxury lifestyle, with offices in London and Beijing and partners around the world. With a team made up of designers, writers, developers and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Rights of Passengers in Brussels Airlines Cancelled Flights

Have you ever found yourself in the situation of a flight getting canceled? It’s frustrating and a hassle when you have places to go. Like Brussels Airlines, it is known for its affordable flights but sadly prone to cancellations. Here’s...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Sue Ryder explores how the five senses can spark grief #BehindTheIdea

National bereavement charity Sue Ryder’s new campaign shows how touch, taste, sight, smell and sound can trigger emotions for those grieving. The campaign launched through a unique pop-up exhibition at The Corn Exchange in Leeds and encourages...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creative Careers in Gaming Industry - TOP 6

Looking for creative caree­rs in gaming? The gaming industry has plenty of roles for those­ with artistic talent who love creating game­s. This article will introduce six exciting care­ers, from game artists to game...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Should brands be giving freebies to influencers? #PredictionsMonth

Depending on who you ask, influencers are either a blight on the media landscape or the “most organic and transparent way to bring new audiences to your brand”. I, as ever, fall somewhere in the middle. I appreciate the appeal of somebody...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Using AI to support your marketing

Sarah Evans, Head of Digital at PR agency, Energy PR, offers her advice on using AI to assist with your marketing work, freeing your team up to focus on the areas where you can add the most value. AI is not new. However, the launch of platforms like...

Posted by: Energy PR


The Future is Now: 5 Design Trends for 2024 #PredictionsMonth

Can you believe it, we’re almost already two weeks into 2024? The passage of time is a strange and cruel thing and I feel almost nervous that it’s taken me this long to break out a true predictive trends piece. Trend forecasting, you...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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