Displaying 1 - 36 of 6774 results



Why some intuition is better than others

There’s a word that used to be thrown around in creative circles for a long while that’s become a bit of a dirty one: intuition. I was having dinner with a designer friend who was telling me about a recent idea for a feature he had at...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Follow the numbers, but don't forget the people

One would think there are enough advertising agencies out there, but the truth is you can never have enough creativity in the world. Data, KPIs and numbers dominate marketing - and sometimes this makes brands forget that people are above technology....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Follow Usain Bolt's journey in breaking limits

When it comes to sport, we all know that the smallest of changes can make the biggest difference to your performance. Whether you’re a weekend jogger or a long distance runner, whether it’s changing your headphones or upping your...

Posted by: VCCP


The Muppets follow in Sylvester Stallone's footsteps for Warburtons

I love The Muppets. Three of the movies sit easily in my top 50 of all time, “Rainbow Connection” still brings me to tears almost every time I hear it, and I even managed to sit through the woeful display that was “Muppets from...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


New Balance follow Adidas into 3D printed shoe design

Footwear brand New Balance has followed in the footsteps of Adidas (apologies for the pun, but it was just too easy) in developing 3D-printed footwear. The American brand partnered with Massachusetts design studio Nervous System to develop prototype...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is your digital footprint hurting or helping your career prospects?

Your digital footprint refers to the record of your online interactions. It's everything you do, share, or post online - some of which can tarnish your reputation. But, according to Statista, only about a third of people who use the internet...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle. Merry Christmas!

Does anyone actually enjoy writing Christmas cards? I mean, really enjoy it? I’m going to stick my neck out here and say that most people feel it’s bit of a faff they can do without. By card number ten - assuming you’re trying to...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


10 ways to get your brand purpose right | #PurposeMonth

Today’s consumers are a more discerning bunch than those that came before. They don’t just want to know what a brand sells but what it stands for and this is where brand purpose comes into play; its reason for being beyond just making a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Brand identity design: your guide to everything worth knowing

What is a brand identity? Your brand identity can also be referred to as your corporate identity and goes beyond simple logo design or branding services. Instead, it includes any tangible element that lets you differentiate yourself from the...

Posted by: Think


Get your artwork into Ubers across your city. Enter Now!

Competition Time! (Extended Deadline: 11th August 2015) There is hidden talent tucked away all over the city, just waiting to be discovered. The UK art scene has never been more vibrant. To celebrate this we have partnered with our friends at Uber...

Posted by: Creativepool


Does your travel website sell your destination as well as Instagram?

Instagram offers the world through your phone, and travel industries cannot afford to be left behind in the digital landscape. Creating the perfect user experience has become an integral part of the travel sector and can be highly critical to...

Posted by: Naked Ideas


Wayfair gets out of your head and into your home # BehindTheIdea

Wayfair, one of the world’s largest online destinations for all things home, recently launched the third iteration of its integrated strategic campaign “Go Your Own Wayfair”. This is the first spot of the campaign developed by Jung...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How writing can help you grow your business and shape your world

Every brand needs a strategy. Without one, you have no clear path from where you are to where you want to be. It’s easy to waste time, and hard to make decisions, because everyone has a slightly different idea of what success looks like....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is your brand stronger than your product?

Ever worked with a brand where you’ve completely drunk the Kool-Aid and, in your mind, that brand’s products are categorically the best? I’m torn about whether that’s a good thing. I’ve always kept a degree of...

Posted by: Rob Pratt


Always pin your ideas to your office wall

When I first started out, I was always encouraged to pin my ideas to my office wall. I used an A3 layout pad and a fat black Pentel marker and just scribbled down whatever came into my head. Once I thought that I had something, I’d draw a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions- Your move. Losing your job before it has even begun.

Writing in The Drum this week, Phil Haselhurst describes how his determination to climb the career ladder brought him to grief. He had a decent job with an agency he liked - good team, lots of experience, satisfying work. But, not unreasonably, he...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to set up your member profile | Creativepool Member Hacks #1

There’s loads you can do on Creativepool, from connecting with fellow creatives to showcasing your work and finding new projects. But it all starts in one place: your Creativepool profile. If you landed on this article, you’ve probably...

Posted by: Creativepool


Are you pricing your agency services the right way?

As businesses, agencies have the grave burden to make profit with which they can generate growth and help the team thrive. With that in mind, pricing your agency services is arguably the most difficult part of founding and running a successful...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Ace Your Next Project Manager Interview Using These 7 Tips

Job interviews can be nerve-racking, no matter the position you’re applying for. In fact, 93% of people say they feel anxiety leading up to the interview. One of the ways you can keep these nerves at bay is by preparing effectively. In this...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Should you leave your job during the pandemic?

You keep looking at the clock waiting for your day to end. The thought of Monday mornings just won’t let you enjoy your weekends. You can’t wait for the next day off - even if you just spent an entire week on leave. We’ve all been...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Looking for purpose in your next job? You’re not alone

It was September 2016 when this article from The Guardian unveiled that millennials want “purpose over paychecks”. Fast forward to 2022, two years after the beginning of a global pandemic, and things are hardly looking any different. If...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Discover a little something in your next Uber

In partnership with our friends at Uber and SUITCASE Magazine, we are launching #BackseatArt across six UK cities to showcase local artists. This week, cars in London, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham and Newcastle will contain limited...

Posted by: Creativepool


AI in Voice needs UX - are your UX skills developed enough?

The most exciting projects I’ve ever worked on were ones where challenges were presented through the change and innovation of technology, which ultimately affects social culture, communication and human interaction. We are now experiencing fast...

Posted by: Sam O'Brien


The best free apps to boost your creative productivity

I know, I know - it's February already. Where did the first month of the year go? Most likely, in loads of planning for the year to come, and a healthy amount of procrastination too. As usual, the New Year came with its usual amount of hopeful...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

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