Displaying 1 - 36 of 3650 results



How can today’s finance brands navigate the years ahead?

We are approaching a whole new world for brands and consumers alike, one in which humanity will matter more than anything else. Yet, it would be foolish to overlook what has happened in the past 16 months - and how the financial struggles of many...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to build high-value brands (and why you want one)

It was a fact not lost on George Clooney when he and Rande Gerber started Casamigos Tequila: strong brands are worth more. Casamigos, launched in 2013, sold four years later for a cool $1B netting Clooney an easy $233M. Not bad. The financial value...

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham


See Annual 2021's best Agencies, Brands, Talent and Leaders of the Year!

The Creativepool Annual is all about championing excellence in the creative industries. Now that our stellar lineup of winners for Annual 2021 has been announced, it is time to take a closer look at those companies and professionals who defined...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brands, it's time to address the UK's widening inequality gap

The UK's inequality gap is widening. With COVID-19 bringing upon us one of the worst financial crises in centuries, a country which already had a problematic inequality gap was only able to get worse. It is just normal that, in these circumstances,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


6 ways brands are getting Gen-Z wrong

Nineties or millennials, noughties or baby boomers, it is no secret that all generations have their myths and prejudices and marketers have to overcome these to make sure they're tailoring their offer appropriately. We've had the chance to learn...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

How brands can find meaning from tougher times

When Boris referred to our current situation as ‘the biggest peacetime challenge’ it instantly made me wonder what brands did to ‘do their bit’ during World War II and other less peaceful economic times. While tastes and...

Posted by: James Thomlinson


Interbrand announces breakthrough brands of 2017

What are the qualities that allow for some startups to soar, whilst so many others like it stumble at the first hurdle? That’s what global brand consultancy Interbrand set out to understand with its Breakthrough Brands report, now in its second...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How brands are using Chatbots

Discussions about chatbots have been doing the rounds for a while now, they're usually encased within a ‘will they/won’t they?' hit the mainstream-type discussion, in which marketers like to tell us we’re on the cusp of THE next big...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


The Brave Brands of 2014

The brand spanking new year gives us a chance to look back at our Brave Brands of 2014. Exclusive and prestigious, Brave Brand status is given to the brands that successfully break through the white noise to make a statement. It’s about stepping...

Posted by: bluemarlin


Freelance Financial Management Tips for Creatives #MoneyMonth

I've never been good with money. Since becoming a fulltime freelance creative, however, it's a skill I've been forced to acquire because accountants are expensive and "getting creative" when balancing the books means something else entirely. What...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How Luxury Brands Can Stand Out in 2024 #PurposeMonth

The past two years have seen the luxury market expand exponentially, and market predictions suggest that this year will be no different. McKinsey forecasts the luxury goods market to increase by 2-4% in 2024, propelled by digital innovation,...

Posted by: Shoreditch Design Studio


Should brands and agencies be using Threads?

Meta did a great job launching Threads last summer: the teasers, the waitlist, the ‘number’ assigned to your profile signifying when you became part of the community... It was all very exciting. And in the short-term, it worked -...

Posted by: 33Seconds


John Lewis and what happens when brands go in-house #PurposeMonth

The news that John Lewis Partnership (including Waitrose) has created an in-house content agency was surprising - you mean they didn’t already have one? The best FMCG and retail brands think on their feet and make content that reacts to...

Posted by: Insiders


The Brands Pushing Back Against Fast Fashion #SustainabilityMonth

Fashion has always been anathema to me. You could diplomatically refer to my wardrobe as “functional” and I’m unlikely to spend more than a few fleeting seconds deciding what to wear in the morning. I do, however, understand the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Enduring Brands vs. Fading Stars: Standing the Test of Time #Brand Month

Not every brand can be an icon and even those that achieve iconic status are not guaranteed immortality. Of course, changing consumer and economic trends are always going to play an important part in whether a brand sticks around for months, years or...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


10 Brands That Kicked Off on TikTok and How They Did It #BrandMonth

Whether you like it or not (and that will probably depend very much on which side of 30 you find yourself) TikTok has been moulding consumer behaviour in its own impatient image for years now but for a lot of brands who saw the way the tide was...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


10 Brands Making Big Waves in 2024 #BrandMonth

In a world where thousands of companies are being born every day, the power of a strong brand has never meant more. There are, of course, always those legacy brands whose popularity will ebb and flow with changing cultural whims but for some brands,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Do Brands Still Believe in Love? #ValentinesDay

Valentine’s Day is a holiday beloved by few. For many of us, it’s little more than a cynical stopping gap between Christmas and Easter to claw at our pockets. There appears to be a disconnect, however, between how much we care about...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Should brands be giving freebies to influencers? #PredictionsMonth

Depending on who you ask, influencers are either a blight on the media landscape or the “most organic and transparent way to bring new audiences to your brand”. I, as ever, fall somewhere in the middle. I appreciate the appeal of somebody...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Are brands wasting money on ‘annoying’ digital ads?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, a new study by Picnic, in collaboration with YouGov, has brought to light a critical aspect often overlooked in advertising strategies: the user experience. This research, encompassing a broad...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why midlife women feel invisible to brands

A new report has been released on the back of exclusive research that shows a large majority (69%) of women aged 45-60 feel invisible to brands and advertisers. The insight-packed report by The Behaviours Agency also shows that only 7% think...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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