Displaying 73 - 108 of 1118 results



Global creative calendar: October 2022

Each year, the Cannes Lions score the global branded communications and marketing industry on Reach, Communication, Craft, Experience, Innovation, Impact, Good, Health, Entertainment, and even more. The latest edition of our Global Creative Calendar...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


How much should I charge as a freelance events designer?

Now that the pandemic has gently receded into the background hum of everyday life, the events sector has finally started to come back to life. Indeed, we recently celebrated a pretty spectacular event ourselves with our 2022 Annual launch earlier...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The fundamental particle of the internet

Sparked by a post on a social media thread where you least likely find much that was meme-worthy*, @Rob Estreitinho had a nice graph illustrating the rise and fall of social sites ranked by the volume of the popular shortcut-to-the-heart-of-culture...

Posted by: Richard


Taking the unconventional route with Abb-d Taiyo | #GettingToKnow

For this week’s getting to know feature, we’ll be sitting down with Abb-d Taiyo, Co-Founder and Design/Production Director at design and impact agency Driftime. A man that styles himself as a “mentor and ethical design...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Six serious celebrity side hustles

Budding entrepreneurs come from all walks of life and that includes famous actors, with many movie stars moving beyond their ‘day jobs’ and investing in their own side hustles. Just like anybody else, some brands and businesses thrive,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Win The Customer - Not The Sale

If your're in "Sales" you've probably been a delegate or participant in scores of presentations where some "guru" gives advice on how to sell something. Goodness knows how many of us have been subjected to these usually boring and ultimately futile...

Posted by: Tagmakers


Better things to do: Why 1 in 4 admit to falling asleep on a video call

The video call has, in recent, post-pandemic times, become a pretty consistent part of the day for millions of us. It’s a strange phenomenon that bridges the gap between the physical meeting and the phone call and, for me at least, figuring out...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Creating a digital strategy for a legacy brand | #HistoryMonth

Simon Corbett, CEO at Jargon PR and Adam Smith, Managing Director of Rawnet, discuss why legacy brands need to reconsider their digital strategies and reap the benefits, and how customer-centricity will be the key to a successful digital...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why great content starts with sales and marketing alignment

In many B2B organisations, the revenue stream is owned by the sales department. This leaves the sales team on the front lines using content the marketing team has created to close deals and engage prospects. However, more often than not, the content...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Luxury that lasts: Six tenets for timelessness

From business models to branding, ideas of luxury are shifting rapidly. Keeping up with tech, anticipating sector developments and being part of cultural conversations are only a handful of essentials for luxury brands who wish to sustain the...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


Honouring the next generation of boaters | #BehindTheIdea

The newly rebranded Discover Boating, the world's largest online resource and guide to recreational boating, has teamed up with the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) and creative and media agency Cutwater to launch a campaign honouring...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Does too much data hinder creativity? | #PurposeMonth

Data is everywhere. Indeed, we are currently living through the golden age of data where information is more valuable than… well… gold. But here at Creativepool, we are, above all else, creatives. We operate with the right sides of our...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Getting smarter with digital ads - How to reduce overspend

For advertising and creative professionals, 2020 was the year that changed everything. The ecommerce boom, driven largely by Covid-19, forced an unprecedented growth in demand for online retail. And with physical shopping unlikely to ever return to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Where do you go when you can't get going?

Back in September, I wrote about how comparison can be both a blessing and a curse for creatives. I talked about my own experience with ‘imposter syndrome’, and how we need to strike a balance between allowing other design professionals...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


Quality over quantity - The making of a modern Chief Data Officer

It’s a tough gig for Chief Data Officers (CDOs). With the volume and sources of data increasing, CDOs are increasingly tasked with centralising complex data sets and gleaning insights to support all areas of the business, from product...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The great COVID comeback - Creative salaries in 2022

“Am I being paid enough?” This is a question I ask myself daily. Of course, as a freelancer, I technically control my own salary but it’s still a nagging itch that tends to kick in at the most inopportune moments. Generally, just...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The importance of authenticity in personal branding

We are all familiar with branding and how important it is when it comes to business, but fewer people are aware of the power of personal branding, and the benefits it can bring to your professional life. Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos is famously quoted...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why we should be doing more listening in 2022

Content Strategist Don Hoyt Gorman reveals some insights from the research and strategy desk at The Frameworks In order to get to meaningful, impactful content, you need to start by listening. We do this all the time on behalf of our clients. We...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Facing up to the future of talent 

Dealing with "The Great Resignation" is one thing - but now talent seems to be holding all the aces when it comes to the recruitment process. As agencies recover from the pandemic and work starts to roll in, teams must grow, but hiring has never been...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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