Displaying 3997 - 4032 of 4120 results



Opinions - Sign here. Introducing the new freelance/client contract.

by Magnus Shaw Freelancing - it's a tough old game, eh? You don't know if you're coming or going half the time. Working in your jim-jams one day, sipping a latte in a la-di-da marketing agency the next. Occasionally you even miss "Cash In The...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... 007 - gadgets which are a bit 'mnyehhh'

by Ashley Morrison Ever since I was a child, I've been a massive James Bond fan. I still treasure the Aston Martin DB5 (with ejector seat action) I was given as a seven-year-old, I own a collector's box set of the films, I can name the composer to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Graphic design and art direction. Do you know the difference?

by John Fountain Though the work does have overlaps, being a designer and being an art director are different roles that require different skill and mindsets. I've worked in both design and advertising agencies and I've seen for myself that the best...

Posted by: Creativepool


Trailblazers. Usain Bolt - the brand.

by Ashley Morrison Like the rest of the world, I'm very impressed by Usain Bolt. But not just for being the fastest man on the planet. I'm impressed because he has single-handedly turned himself into a perfect brand. A brand that is simple, clear,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... The faces of the Olympic divers

by Jessica Hazel I didn't think I was going to like the Olympics once the opening ceremony had finished. I'm not really a sporty person you see. Like most of us creative folk, I have always favoured splashing paint about rather than swimming pool...

Posted by: Creativepool


# Trends. Project Glass. Why Google's new technology is badly flawed.

by Magnus Shaw. Before the introduction of the iPhone and its Android counterparts, mobile phone manufacturers were locked in a frantic competition to produce ever smaller handsets. As soon as a device smaller than a fag packet was launched, another...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Thomas Heatherwick

by Jessica Hazel. Chances are, anyone reading this was one of the worldwide audience of 4 billion, glued to the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony on Friday night. It was described by TV commentator Hazel Irving as "breathtaking in its beauty and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Doing bird. Should Twitter be policed?

by Magnus Shaw In the early hours of this morning Dorset police arrested a 17-year-old boy. It's alleged he sent a tweet to Olympic diver Tom Daly which read "You let your dad down I hope you know that." Daly had finished fourth in the Men's...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - What if a creative doesn't feel creative?

by Ashley Morrison I've been working very hard every single day for the past couple of weeks. Till silly o'clock. Being freelance, when the work comes along, I don't really feel able to say no. After all, in the current economic climate, to trot out...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Jeremy Deller's 'Sacrilege'

by Ashley Morrison. Tempting as it was today to blog about the Olympic Opening ceremony (you've gotta love that James Bond bit with Her Maj, haven't you?) I've decided to talk about another round-the-country event which is taking place at the moment...

Posted by: Creativepool


Training is an investment, not an unnecessary cost.

by Mark Young, Academy Class. In difficult economic times employers can be forgiven for looking at their expenditure and deciding that some things are easier to do without than others. While utility bills and direct employment costs are unavoidable,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - LOCOG: Lots Of Confusion Overshadows Games?

by Ashley Morrison So the Olympic opening ceremony is a week away and I, for one, am really rather excited. Yes, yes, I know it's all very trendy to want to flee the capital during the mayhem that will ensue (for that, read "I'm ticked off that I...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Are creative people more likely to lie and cheat?

by John Fountain A few years back a copywriter, who shall remain nameless, took it upon himself to take a piece of my work and put it on his website. He claimed that he had a right to do this because he was involved in the creative process, although...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Mange tout, Rodney, mange tout

by Ashley Morrison Hello from the Cote d'Azur, playground of the rich and famous and home to the wealthiest of the wealthy. Monaco itself boasts the world's highest GDP per capita (for that, read everyone earns shed loads) and, as a by-product,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Ben&Brian

"We genuinely love what we do - as long as we can inject some good creative thinking, we're happy." Creativepool meets Ben Stainlay and Brian Jefferson - better known as wonderful wordsmiths Ben&Brian - to talk cross-platform creativity,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - The Neutrogena Splash.

by John Fountain Open on a young blond actress laughing and full of fun. She flicks a strand of falling hair away from her face and looks deep into the camera. With a knowing smile she says, "I'm good about washing my face" and then with a pause...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Euro 2012: flags with a twist

by Ashley Morrison As Euro 2012 draws to a close, and while we lick our wounds and I am constantly reminded that being called 'Ashley' is not exactly a blessing right now, thanks to Messrs Cole and Young you may find some artistic Euro 2012-based...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Skip this. Why online broadcast ads are a disaster.

by Magnus Shaw Hello. And welcome to the Creativep ... LOUD MUSIC, SHOUTING, SOUND EFFECTS ... ool blog. I thought it would be useful to dis ... POP SONG, KIDS GIGGLING, CORNY JINGLE ... cuss how advertisers are handling broadcast ads on the inter...

Posted by: Creativepool


Trailblazers: The Dark Side of Barbie

by Ashley Morrison Barbie is one of the most famous dolls, and even personalities, in the world. Girls, boys, women and men we've all heard of her and we all know that she lives in a fantastic world of clothes for every occasion, convertible sports...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Unlikely Celebrity Endorsements

by Jessica Hazel Just two months ago Rihanna tweeted a picture of herself on a medical drip, pumping herself full of vitamins after suffering from exhaustion and dehydration following a hectic tour schedule combined with wild partying. Now she is...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Come on, mums, pull your finger out!

by Ashley Morrison Look, love, just get back in the kitchen where you belong. What on earth are you doing, straying away from the cooker? Leash too long? Oh, mind you, with the leash off, you might as well do the vacuuming when you've finished...

Posted by: Creativepool


Trailblazers: Celebrities that look like mattresses

by Jessica Hazel As any Englishman will tell you, life in London is no bed of roses. Virgin tourists stepping off the plane for the Olympics will soon discover that the streets are not lined with gold but in fact, old smelly mattresses. Second only...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Why Twitter shall remain nameless

by John Fountain On Tuesday this week, as Her Majesty The Queen waved her hankie at the soggy hoards along The Mall, Twitter announced a new logo. Yes, as Her Majesty finally kicked off her overly softened shoes and dunked her chocolate bourbon...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - A quick guide to being made redundant.

by Magnus Shaw Throughout this increasingly insane financial crisis I have worked as a freelance. Disadvantage: I have to find my own work and therefore income. Advantage: I can't be made redundant. However, I have faced the redundancy...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Eye of the beholder. History's most powerful photography.

by Magnus Shaw The internet is full of hyperbole. Social media in particular. 'The funniest video ever!', 'The best song of all time!' - in a rush to draw attention to their tiny corner of the web, users understandably become overexcited and...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Easy Rider. The Raleigh Chopper

by Ashley Morrison The year is 1967 and Alan Oakley, head designer at Raleigh, is on a plane over the Atlantic. He's been sent by Raleigh to the USA for inspiration to help restore the company's fortunes. It was a good move. If anyone knows about...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. The MBTI creativity test. How does your creativity measure up?

by John Fountain How would you feel about taking a personality test when applying for a job? Well in the US this kind of procedure is quite commonplace. In fact it is estimated that over 90% of organisations use some sort of psychometric testing as...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to...Don't just stand there, make your own Olympic Torch

by John Fountain Now that the Olympic flame is finally arriving on these shores and they've tracked down a mutton handed individual in Cornwall to keep the frigging thing alight, our thoughts turn to the proud British torchbearers and wonder how we,...

Posted by: Creativepool

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