Displaying 1 - 36 of 9299 results



Indigo Award adds Design for Social Change category

This year, Indigo Award held the honour of hosting its second annual ceremony in the heart of Costa del Sol in Spain. The stunning beach town buzzed with some of the world’s best and brightest in design as the industry’s leading talent...

Posted by: Indigo Design Award


Adapt and Change: How did the internet change graphic design?

The internet has made a massive difference in the graphic design industry. The marketing landscape has changed a lot, leading to a change in consumer behaviour. And all of this has meant that designers have had to adapt and change to not only keep up...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


New design conference set to change perspectives on visual design

Award-winning design consultant Emma Sexton hosts the first ever UK design event for non-designers at Thomson Reuters, Canary Wharf on 22nd September 2015. Unleash The Power is the first design event of it’s kind, on a mission to challenge...

Posted by: Hands Down™


Will virtual reality change how we use social media?

Opinion by Sol Rogers, CEO & Founder of REWIND A common criticism of VR is that it is isolating. While VR will always separate you from the real world, it can and will bring people together to communicate, experience, and play in a truly memorable...

Posted by: Magnopus


Trump's America: The Design Community Strike Back on Social Media

In the week following the 2016 US Presidential Election, many designers have responded to the news that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States with shock, awe and amusement. We're be examining the latter today (but if you want...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Indigo Design Award Announces 2020 Shortlisted Design Winners

Indigo Design Award is thrilled to announce our shortlisted 2020 design winners in all areas from Best Graphic Design to Games and Discovery of the Year. We spent the past year scouring the globe for the best in visual design from jaw-dropping...

Posted by: Indigo Design Award


Indigo Design Award 2019 winners announced in Spain

Every year Indigo Design Award chooses a cutting-edge location to honor an entourage of only the best and brightest in graphic design. The aim is to reward those whose innovative ideas are changing the industry one pixelating proposal at a time- and...

Posted by: Indigo Design Award

Exploring Creative Colleges in the USA for UI Design

When you're passionate about user interface (UI) design, choosing the right college can feel like a crucial step in crafting your future career. But with so many educational institutions offering programs in UI design and related fields, how do you...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Social Media Trends of 2023 and 2024 #YearInReview

While much of the online discourse this year has surrounded the rise of AI and its increasing relevance, social media remains the engine that keeps the fires of the internet burning. Of course, AI will shape the future of social media but how and why...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Design For Good – feat. Ethical Angel

This is our chat with Alexander Fahie, CEO & Founder at Ethical Angel as part of ‘Design For Good’. Ethical Angel’s technology makes it easy and rewarding to give employees experiences for development and positive impact. The...

Posted by: ADLIB


#MemberSpotlight on CHK Design head honcho Christian Küsters

How did you get into the industry? I have always been interested in popular culture. Starting with comics, magazines, films, music etc I was good at art in school and started designing (fictional) album covers at an early age at school. In...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Packaging design trends for 2023

This year’s developments in packaging design reflect a world in flux, still evolving from disruption caused by the Covid pandemic, and becoming increasingly aware of its own vulnerability - and responsibility - in the midst of climate...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The most exciting design trends of 2023

While the world falls apart around us there are still so many creatives fighting the good fight and keeping the furnaces of artistry and design stoked with fresh ideas. But while design might be born from the creative mind, trends are shaped by...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Tackling the wild world of social with Hootsuite | #BehindTheBrand

Billy Jones, senior director of brand marketing at Hootsuite, takes us through the platforms bold new rebrand, developed in-house and by design agency Prophet, which aims to rethink the brand without losing its identity. What was the brief for the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How your creative campaigns can help fight climate change

Earth Day 2022 is this week, and as we all slowly return to the usual routine of our normal lives, it's undeniable we have been forever changed by a global pandemic to think about the world on a much larger scale. Talk to any creative professional...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Can a name change save a bad brand?

I have something of a conflicted personal history with Hermes. My long-suffering other half is a serial online shopper - one of many habits that blossomed over lockdown - so our local delivery driver has become a familiar face over the last two...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Here's how Gamification will change advertising

You are having a stroll on the main high street, on your way to your favourite park in town. A few steps away from the main gates, you see a man running towards you. He looks scared. Click here to dodge him. Click here to stop him. You dodge the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The future of Product Design is ethical

One day, robots will inherit the earth. As machine learning and artificial intelligence make bigger leaps forward year on year, product design, UI and UX do so as well, by leveraging the power of machine intelligence to solve the world’s most...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The 15 workplace innovations that will change your work life forever

The future of work is hybrid - if you’ve been around the Creativepool Magazine for long enough, you’ve read this many times from me now. While remote work is definitely here to stay, there is still a significant percentage of the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

Job Description: Design Director

A Design director bridges the link between creative employees and management. A senior role for leaders with a proven track record of effective communication, innovation, and high-level design problem-solving, design directors ensure that all...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why big brands need design systems

It is now yesterday's news that the consumer experience has almost entirely shifted online as a result of a global pandemic. With such sudden change in behaviour, consumers have honed their taste in regards to interactive experiences, and they are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Design for people, not just the planet

For every person who will take durable jars to refill, there’s thousands who won’t. In the race to reach sustainability and be regarded as the greenest brand in the biz, consumers are often overlooked. This is not to mean that their...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Design in 2021: What will influence creative?

The wonderful thing about design trends is that with a new year comes an opportunity to reset and quite literally breathe new air, colour and technique into our work.We’ve spotlighted three themes which we see dominating the creative direction...

Posted by: Something Big


PR Trends set to change the rules in 2021

We've had Graphic Design Trends, Web Design Trends, Animation Trends and even Colour Trends for this groovy and newborn 2021. Truth is that there's plenty to be excited about for the next 12 months, despite of what these bleak beginnings may seem to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


2021's most inspiring Graphic Design trends

If you thought 2020 was a chaos, you clearly haven’t seen what graphic design might have in store for 2021. After such an unbelievable year (in good and bad terms), we can all expect designers to bear the marks of 2020 for quite some time,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Art of Change with Jabeen Qadri

We hear it all the time - art can change people. Creativity in itself can change people, but we did not know to which extent until we've had a chance to speak with freelance illustrator Jabeen Qadri. Jabeen was stuck in a field of study which made...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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