Displaying 6481 - 6516 of 6729 results



Get your artwork into Ubers across your city. Enter Now!

Competition Time! (Extended Deadline: 11th August 2015) There is hidden talent tucked away all over the city, just waiting to be discovered. The UK art scene has never been more vibrant. To celebrate this we have partnered with our friends at Uber...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to make going back to school look pretty awesome

In my youth, there were few things that irritated me more than the glaring “Back to School” signs that seemed to adorn every retail outlet under the sun during the summer holidays, seemingly taunting happy children everywhere with the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


If you were on a precipice, maybe you should just let go

Last week, I posted one of my most successful blogs this year. "Top 10 worst corporate phrases" was for all you folk out there who hate ugly jargon such as “reach out”, “touch base” and “push the envelope”. You...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Fancy a break, freelancers? Become an employee again

In April of this year, I quit my part-time job of 15 years (almost to the day). Until then, two days a week, I was one of a number of pairs of hands… (ugh! What an ugly way of putting it! But I’m leaving it in because there’s...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Cannes Lions 2015: Day 2 Instagram Highlights

So, today’s round up is all about celeb power, tech stars and some of the Cannes Lion’s winners who’ve made their mark. We’ve even thrown in some nice views too. If you're out an about in Cannes and want to get your photo...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


MassiveMusic & MediaMonks' Cannes Party will be AMMMMAZING

Creativepool's music sponsor for the Pool Party Cannes 2015, MassiveMusic, has once again joined forces with MediaMonks in Cannes, and are promising an event that is anything but modest. This year's magical night theme is ‘YOU’RE...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What's happening?

Pool by definition is: a number of people or quantity of a particular thing, collected together for shared use by several people or organisations. Our roots have always been to share and give recognition to those doing exceptional work. Where can...

Posted by: Creativepool


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Last month we were ecstatic to release the 2015 Annual. It was amazing to see all of the fantastic work that our platform hosts celebrated in our unique publication. One of our core aims at Creativepool has always been to give those who do...

Posted by: Creativepool


Puck Collective Launches The Jungle Book Club

Get yourself lost in the leafy undergrowth and howl with the wild beasts of Puck Collective's Jungle Book Club! Last Thursday (April 16th) we visited the launch and exhibition exploring the scale and beauty of the Jungle fauna with proportional...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Puck Collective Launches The Jungle Book Club

Get yourself lost in the leafy undergrowth and howl with the wild beasts of Puck Collective's Jungle Book Club! Last Thursday (April 16th) we visited the launch and exhibition exploring the scale and beauty of the Jungle fauna with proportional...

Posted by: Alexandra Schott


5 Reasons Why You Should Write a Blog

Five. That’s a nice number. In fact, it’s the number of the week; and not just because I can’t think of ten reasons why you should write a blog (or even six reasons). Admittedly, it’s often said that people think in threes (so...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


jelly London at Secret 7", Somerset House

Secret 7" opens for another year tomorrow, at the swanky new venue of Somerset House. The hotly tipped exhibition, featured in this week’s Time Out, brings music and art together for a fantastic cause, and features 700 artists from all over the...

Posted by:


The Week In Advertising: Easter Special

Spar There's no doubt about it, Spar stores are very handy. In fact, where I live, they're the only shop open on Christmas Day. And here they come pitching their Easter offering, which interestingly seems to largely consist of booze. Not a chocolate...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


We don't think you're ready for this jelly...

Today, jelly London announced the opening of its brand new jelly Kitchen, right in the heart of Fitzrovia. The not-so-creatively named, jelly London Jelly Kitchen, was set to operate 24 hours a day, serving everything from jelly trifles, to jelly...

Posted by:

The 2015 Annual Winners

It was very difficult for our judges to select the best work from the amazing pool of talent which appeared on the Annual Shortlist. Our panel of judges reviewed work from the 14 different sections below, for which the Top 4 and People's Choice have...

Posted by: Creativepool


Facebook F8 Announcements

Say what you like about Facebook, but Mark Zuckerber's social media monopoliser has (for better or worse) become an integral part of our shared cultural heritage in recent years. Who amongst you, the media-savvy Creativepool reader, could honestly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


2015 Annual Launch Party

On 26th March, Creativepool will be hosting the Annual launch party at the cool offices of Mother London. We can’t wait for this exclusive gathering of the shortlisted companies and individuals, the panel of judges, and our sponsors where we'll...

Posted by: Creativepool


Advertising Week Europe Live Streaming from the ADARA stage

Live from the ADARA Stage in the Newsroom Advertising Week Europe has 200+ events including more than 180 seminars and workshops. World-class industry thought leaders take the Advertising Week stage to tackle the industry's issues and opportunities...

Posted by: Advertising Week


There's only One Direction for Havas Media

Universally reviled and/or worshipped boy-band One Direction will be launching their new fragrances through the Havas Media social unit; Socialyse powered by Cake, which offers a complete social service to clients, combining the earned and paid...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Whatever happens, I urge you NOT to read this blog post

I'm serious. Quit while you're ahead. Or rather, quit while you're not as far behind as you will be if you keep reading. Apart from its arguable entertainment value, it will not enrich your life, make you cleverer, funnier or wealthier. Or even feel...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The Oscars are more expensive than the Super Bowl

Though it attracts only half the viewers, a recent study unveiled by Forbes has revealed that advertisers pay a larger premium to show off their wares at The Academy Awards, which were held in LA last night and were broadcast in the US on the ABC...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Training courses: just a day of your life that you won't get back?

It's Monday morning. Email hell beckons. I've got my Creativepool blog to write but I do also need to try and whittle down the daily glut of Groupons, StumbleUpons, Voucherclouds, More Groupons, and LinkedIn's “congratulate Billy-Bob on his new...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


So long, farewell… The most pointless ad campaign in history?

This week has been one big, fat customer relations fail in the life of Creativepool’s grumpiest blogger. That’s me, by the way, and it’s a title I’m rather proud of. Oh, and before you go all grammar guru on me, and tell me...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Singapore's hottest ad execs and marketers

The Singapore Business Review recently named three executives from Grey Group Singapore on their “10 hottest ad execs and marketers under 40” list, meaning the agency has taken almost a third of the entire list! In descending order...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A Right Honourable Christmas? When design meets politics

There are few things more cringe-worthy than politicians trying to be any of the following: hip, funny, down with da yoof, normal, John Travolta. I had to add number five because I'm still haunted by images of John "Two Jags" Prescott bopping away at...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


'Interstellar' - a long movie, but worth the trip?

If we ever had drive-in movies in the UK, they kept it pretty quiet. The whole concept of taking your car into a cinema is very much an American one, and even here it’s dying. In fact, there are only 340 such theatres left in the whole of the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Two naughty cows and the best advertising campaign in America.

Let’s keep things simple. I’ve seen an ad campaign I really like. It’s funny, witty, smart, highly noticeable and very memorable. I know, I know - if you’ve read my articles for Creativepool, you’ll be aware I rarely...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


This Week In Advertising

When Creativepool went looking for a fine fellow to write a column called ‘The Week In Advertising’, it made very good sense to search for a writer with a calm perspective and a measured, balanced approach. Well, they were all busy, so...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Blogging: what are the rules? Are there any?

by Ashley Morrison The other day, I was at a party and talking to someone who wrote for a technical magazine. Personally, I'm a generalist; unlike him, I don't have one particular area of expertise. So that means, as a freelance copywriter, I've...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison

Fair game? The ugly world of trolling

By virtue of the fact that you're reading this blog, you almost certainly know what trolling is. For those of you that don't, it's when people with absolutely no penis (and whatever the female equivalent is) leave nasty comments on blogs, online...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Creativepool #CPTaxi Competition

Creativepool hosted a Pool Party 2014 wednesday 10th September, #CPoolParty14. Lead sponsor Ubiquitous, have branded black cabs for Creativepool which had a unique spot at the event in Shoreditch. Not only was the liveried taxi parked in front of the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Evening Hosted by CNN's Don Lemon in Beverly Hills

A big celebration of achievements of those working to champion diversity in the advertising, marketing, PR, media and entertainment industries took on place Friday 20th September in Beverly Hills, California 90210. In a night of celebration, the...

Posted by: Creativepool

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