Displaying 37 - 72 of 182 results



The best places to work in the UK as a creative

The creative industry continues to retain its reputation as a vibrant sector that has demonstrated immense fortitude against the ever-evolving challenges of the pandemic. But there is a reason why so many creatives continue to flock to the big cities...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Making it in 2022... literally

As Christmas becomes a ghost of the past, the new year breathes down our necks with the guilt of resolution and the daunting blank page before us. My resolution is to make it in 2022 I’m not talking about fulfilling my career goals, getting...

Posted by: Tony Pipes


Here's all the Gold Winners from Annual 2021!

Annual 2021 represented a milestone in the realm of creativity this year. Following nearly two years of Zoom calls, restrictions and social distancing, The Annual was a chance to celebrate and to showcase the best creativity has to offer, an occasion...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


We should start rewarding failure

Henry Ford believed that “failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Yes, that Henry Ford. The man we all know from history for being incredibly successful in the car business had actually failed...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why freelancing is the future of work

The crest of the Covid redundancies wave may well be a thing of the past, but there is no denying that the impact of a pandemic on such a vast scale will be felt in the job market for years to come. With furloughs and lay-offs spreading across the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


From London to Zimbabwe with Shift Engage | #CompanySpotlight

Founded in the heart of Zimbabwe after the founding partner relocated from London, Shift Engage was born out of circumstances and transformed a temporary move into a life opportunity for a number of talented professionals in Harare. An independent...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ads that made history: No. 5 The Film by Chanel

Nicole Kidman and Film Director Baz Luhrmann have always had their own “thing.” By good Baz’s own admittance in an old Vanity Fair interview, him and the movie star have worked together since they were much younger and there has...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Travel and sustainability: Transforming for the future

The year 2021 represents an interesting juncture for the travel and tourism industry and one that is full of tension. After the upheaval of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, people are desperate to travel again - to explore beyond their domestic...

Posted by: Imagination


What role will the tech sector play in the economic recovery?

It's been over a year since the first lockdown came into place. People are eager to leave their homes to socialise again, shop and find new experiences - which doesn't necessarily mean we should do it before it's common sense to do so, but it does...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Tangents & Trajectories with the Founder & CEO of Brash | #GettingToKnow

Working at the intersection of different timezones, John Brash is a brilliant entrepreneur and the Founder & CEO of Brash agency. But few will know and realise how important his early steps were in the overall development of his career. According to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why craft matters - With the ECD of Name & Name - #JudgeSpotlight

When entering a craft-focused category, how do you make your project shine? What are those truly amazing projects that catch the eye and leave a lasting impression on the industry? Ian Perkins is the Executive Creative Director at Name & Name, a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Reframing the role of creativity in sustainability

"There is nothing new under the sun." This ancient expression from the Book of Ecclesiastes made it through to us to this day, and it is especially relevant to the world of creativity: there isn't really anything new and original, just remakes and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How HarrimanSteel invited the industry to "fly its flag" - #BehindTheIdea

To say that 2020 was a year of tumult is easily an understatement. With lockdowns, BLM protests and increasing awareness about climate change, it truly was an incredible start of the decade and one during which brands learned how to embrace purpose...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Exclusive Judges Insight: How to Craft a Perfect Annual 2021 Entry

The Annual 2021 deadline is now little more than a week away. Like every year, entries have been flowing in from all over the industry, and if you are thinking about putting the finishing touches on your entries, you are probably not alone in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


We should do more to champion neurodiversity in the industry

Growing research has established an unbreakable link between neurodiversity and one's propension to creative thinking. The creative industry itself has among the highest rates of neurodiversity representation in the whole business world, from...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How a pandemic changes brand perceptions

There's no denying that the pandemic has changed consumer behaviour worldwide, forcing the whole creative industry to find new ways to adapt to a new normal. What was perfectly reasonable and effective in a world dominated by reason and logic, such...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Beauty beware - the B-Corps are coming

The global vegan market is predicted to reach $31.4 billion by 2026. The rise of the plant-based diet has recently generated a whole new wave of consumer awareness in certain sectors, with environmentally conscious consumers looking for greener...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to make your reduced marketing budget work harder

As the coronavirus crisis continues to hit cash flows, force redundancies and cause disruption to normal business operations, thousands of companies across the UK are currently operating on reduced marketing budgets. Though putting marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool


There’s never been a better time to be brave

Founder insights for developing brands in uncertain times. The last few months have forced businesses to re-focus, often as a matter of survival. For many brands it has undoubtedly been a difficult time, but it has also helped bring perspective and...

Posted by: B&B Studio


How Fedrigoni led 19 artists against Covid-19 - #BehindTheIdea

Creativity can change the world. Every creative professional knows that, and you will hear that notion more and more this year, especially after a year as tumultuous as 2020. Knowing that, Fedrigoni set off to actually try and change the world for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why Spotify's Work-From-Anywhere policy is the future of work

Amidst all the heavily unexpected things that happened when 2020 hit, a sudden push for smart and remote working was certainly one of the most prominent. Overnight, hordes of workers were forced to move from the office to the comfort of their own...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Screens aren’t going anywhere - Hero or Villain?

The explosion of screens into our daily lives, as companions, assistants, and entertainment hubs has been phenomenal. Most estimates even suggest that screens now outnumber humans on planet Earth. The growing societal concern of the dangers of...

Posted by: Rob Bennett


A look at influencer marketing and dating brands

Influencer marketing is on the rise, as influencers prove to be one of the most effective marketing tools in the era of social media. These inspiring social figures can attract hundreds of thousands of followers, bringing a wide array of benefits to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Diversity in the industry is still a problem

So the industry isn’t diverse enough. Big surprise, huh? You’ve heard it a lot in the past year, that we’re still “a long way ahead” of where we should be in terms of inclusion for underrepresented talent. Diversity in...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


5 healthy freelance habits to keep even after the pandemic

Freelancers had an interesting year. Alongside events and production, the freelance industry was the most hit and the one that took some of the hardest blows - especially when certain governments started to ignore their needs. With the wave of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How can brands handle woke capitalism?

So 2020 was the year in which we saw brands moving increasingly closer to their consumers, in an attempt to show an understanding and humanity in the wake of the Coronavirus crisis. However, this was but the culmination of a long path which global...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How the events industry is adapting to the new normal

With a good portion of the world working from home or in lockdown, one can guess the events industry isn't doing too well right now. But you would be wrong to assume that the industry hasn't been working behind the scenes to envision new solutions,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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