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Displaying 37 - 72 of 152 results



7 books every creative professional should have on their shelf

There’s nothing like a good book to freshen up on your skills and learn something new to improve your career. Fortunately, there are thousands of interesting books, tomes and volumes out there that can be of inspiration to any creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What does the metaverse mean for freelancers?

We’ve all been talking a lot about the metaverse this month. But whereas most of the content seems to revolve around what it can’t do and questioning its limits, I thought I’d close out metaverse month by looking at one subset of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A saucy campaign 150 years in the making for Heinz | #BehindTheIdea

The latest saucy campaign for Heinz pokes fun at the brand for launching a new range of pasta sauces in the UK, 150 years after they first entered the market. The campaign, devised by Wunderman Thompson Spain, launched with a full-page ad in The...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Do you have the most profitable freelance job?

What are the most profitable creative freelance jobs? Some will be quick to answer - and most of you would be right. When we think about making money with creative jobs, it’s hard not to think of web developers, copywriters, product designers -...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why freelancing is the future of work

The crest of the Covid redundancies wave may well be a thing of the past, but there is no denying that the impact of a pandemic on such a vast scale will be felt in the job market for years to come. With furloughs and lay-offs spreading across the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Ads that made history: Think Small

World War II is over. The western world is benefitting from an economic boom that is bound to last quite some years, and the effects of which we will still cherish and love many years ahead. Of the numerous societal innovations from those years, the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

Job Description: Executive Creative Director

The executive creative director (or ECD) is the head honcho as far as the creative team is concerned. The person behind the curtain engineering the creative identity of a company and facilitating the adoption of that identity throughout all media...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description: Creative Team

The Creative Team in the advertising, digital or marketing sector is responsible for generating attention-grabbing ideas that will entice the consumer or target audience. Members of the team work together to develop conceptual campaigns designed to...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to hire a great copywriter - 5 top tips

The written word is a funny thing. It’s something `almost all of us have a basic understanding of and use every day to reply to emails, forward distracting memes to our co-workers and message our significant others about dinner. But how often...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

Job Description: Creative Director

Design guru. Master mediator. Highly skilled multitasker and delegator. A good Creative Director is all these things and more. They are the calm head on top of the creative shoulders that bring focus and identity to a company. Job description,...

Posted by: Creativepool


How much should I charge as a Freelance Writer?

A guide to writing rates, with tips and advice on how to price your freelance services Writers are masters of words, weavers of stories and often incredible storytelling enthusiasts. When writing freelance and online, structure is their best friend,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

Job Description: Branding Designer

A branding designer shapes a brand and how it’s presented to the public. In order to breathe life into a brand and give it a tangible identity, a branding designer must express their thinking via words and imagery that cut through the noise and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why better digital branding means a better 2021

2020. Well, that was crap. So look, we know it was a rubbish year, and we know you heard another 1,278 times that it was a rubbish year before that rubbish year was done. So instead of listing out a myriad of reasons why 2020 was a dumpster fire of...

Posted by: Woven Agency


Here's to you, women in the COVID-hit creative industry

“Thud is the dry blow, from my temples to my toes. The air escaped my lungs and I am overcome by a deafening silence. It is over. Finally.” What is behind a layoff? This pandemic, among other issues, has demonstrated our unpreparedness....

Posted by: Paola Figueroa


The warmth and inclusivity of Being Agency

If the founder of Being Agency could change one thing about the industry, it would be the perception that you need to go big or go home. Looking at the pictures of the team below, and reading words by the founder herself, Being Agency sounds like an...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Steve Austen-Brown on knocking down walls

It is quite universally recognised and understood that siloed approaches are more harmful than not. On top of that, you may be the greatest architect of them all, knowing all about your theory and with a perfect understanding of the craft - but if...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Don't leave design to designers: we're all in the design team

We are all designers. This is the sentence you will see at the end of this piece, a consideration that many teams fail to realise. Making creative projects requires going through a process. This process can be more or less specialised across the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Symphony of Brice Cagan

We rarely do feature musicians around these parts, but there are so many incredible composers and sound artists in the community and we are thrilled every time we find some new talent here and there. Brice Cagan is everything our editor will never...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: How to Seize the Awkward with Droga5 and the Ad Council

We've just wrapped up Mental Health Awareness Month and we've seen some incredible works from all across the creative industry to fight the stigma of talking about your mental health, whoever you are and wherever you are from. With suicide as the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The power of a handwritten letter to inspire a creative department

During lockdown we have all found ourselves with more time on our hands. A few days ago I decided to have a sort out and digging through drawers in the studio I discovered a handwritten note from 2004. Back in 2004 I was an Art Director at an...

Posted by: Fun Agency


A Copywriter’s Guide to Communicating with AI

How often do you open Google to look up a synonym with your Thesaurus of choice? A writer's life is quite challenging as it is, and doing that as a job means that sometimes your brain just won't collaborate. Luckily, researchers all around the world...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Fishing for Account Based Marketing

ABM writing is nice work if you can get it. And you can. For an industry where clear language is meant to be currency, the world of copywriting doesn’t half love those acronyms. B2B or B2C? What’s the expected ROMI? How are you...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill


The copywriter’s toolkit - part 1: The secret archives

Building your library of spell books If there was a stereotypical mug for copywriters, it would have a slogan along the lines of ‘You don’t have to be a bibliophile to work here, but it helps!’ Actually, it would probably be...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill


Why you should use an inbound marketing agency

You know what inbound marketing is, right? The idea that to attract prospects and convert them to customers, you’ve got to give them something of value first? Which could be that useful blog about the importance of knowing your buyer persona....

Posted by: Woven Agency


If creative teams were Marvel heroes

French agency We Are Social has created a series of logos based on the concept of creative teams being superheroes. To celebrate the talent, passion and superpowers that go into some of advertising’s most indispensable job titles, the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Restoring Faith for ŠKODA

When it came to launching a new campaign for automotive brand ŠKODA recently, the client pointed to the success of its work with Paloma Faith last year for inspiration as it sent sales through the roof. But the Fallon creative team on the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Innocent 'energised' by Brand Team Annual win

Smoothie brand Innocent’s Annual Brand Team of the Year win in 2018 energised its whole creative team, according to Katie Rosen, group head of creative. The department has grown by 10 - from 8 to 18 - in her five-year tenure since she joined...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


Creatives and AI: Are they the perfect match?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is accelerating the pace of many industries - and the creative fields are no exception. While there is still a stigma of fear towards AI in some sections, the majority are beginning to see the positive impact the tech is...

Posted by: Lobster


Why great design needs great copy

Resplendent in a white silk dress and crimson cape, the Queen steps gracefully down from her golden chariot and begins a slow, dignified walk into Westminster Abbey. Accompanied by the ancestral Mistress of the Robes and Archbishop of Canterbury, the...

Posted by: Woven Agency


Portfolio Critique #4 - Jacques Chouinard, Copywriter

Today we critique the portfolio of a copywriter who has just entered the ad game. In a copywriters book, it's important to analyze both the ideas and the writing skills/style. And that is exactly what we are going to do on Jacques Chouinard's...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


Top Hires of the Week

Park Village Park Village announces a new addition to its growing roster: Melody Maker. The London native has directed commercials and music videos for brands and artists such as HP, BOY, Gorgon City, Shades and Killa P, Shift K3Y, Jetta Fool,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top Hires of the Week

Unlimited Group Unlimited Group has announced the appointment of Sarah Shilling as its new Group Chief Marketing Officer. Previously Managing Partner, Brand at Unlimited Group, Sarah joins the Senior leadership team as Unlimited Group embarks on a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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