Displaying 1 - 36 of 163 results



Inside 5 of 2024’s most controversial banned adverts #PurposeMonth

Controversy can be a double-edged sword, particularly in an age where there’s so much content and so few original ways left to break through the noise. Poking the bear is all well and good though, but if you poke too hard, you’ll...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Social Media owns Kendall Jenner over controversial Pepsi ad

UPDATE: Since this article was first posted, Pepsi have decided (wisely in my opinion) to pull the ad from YouTube. A Pepsi spokesperson said in a press release: "Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding. Clearly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Controversial Uber Rebrand

A taxi service that has changed the way we think about taxi services, Uber has been a genuine phenomenon, but it's still finding its feet outside of the US, so it seems like an odd choice to instigate a complete company rebrand at this time. What's...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


From condoms to cannabis: how to market your taboo product

The conversation around controversial and taboo sectors is changing. Topics that used to be hard to tackle even ten years ago are now out and in the open, which opens up a whole new world of possibilities for marketers and brands. It does, of course,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A Brief History of Cancel Culture #HistoryMonth

Ah, cancel culture-a term that undoubtedly evokes spectacular eye rolls, heated debates down the pub, and, for some, a quiet nod of understanding. It’s a modern phenomenon that’s already been satirised to death but while the actual phrase...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


When Branding, Politics & Capitalism Collide

We live in a dangerously divided world where politics, branding, and capitalism continue to collide. Fueled by social media’s immediacy, vast reach, and influence, and a society stoked by activism, we’ve never been more socially...

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham



WARNING: CONTAINS OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE* *Unless you don’t get offended by words like ‘fuck’. In which case, the warning should read: contains language. “Daddy, when are you going to teach me how to cut with a sharp knife and...

Posted by: Matt Batten


Saatchi & Saatchi creates Fake Views for Operation Black Vote

Operation Black Vote (OBV) has launched a campaign that uses real quotes from politicians to encourage Britain's youth, particularly Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community, to register to vote. Created by Saatchi & Saatchi London, a hard-hitting...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creativepool City Guides: Kiev

As a result of two, bloody revolutions, Russian tensions, and a never-ending series of crises, many of us overlook Kiev as a creative destination. But amongst the bloodshed and upheaval, a peaceful, creative core has emerged at the heart of the...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Design Vs Trump: Nazi Logos and Border Walls from IKEA and Katy Perry

You're all probably just as sick as hearing about Easy D (does anybody know what that really meant yet?) and his constant fear mongering, divisive hate speak and general incompetency. Historically, however, when in times of great political and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Election Fever: The Final Countdown

The 2016 US general election has been an almighty farce, let's not pull any punches here. Farce makes for great fuel when it comes to creative work though. Running the range from the daft to the strikingly satirical and the just downright bemusing,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Focal Point: Vasilisa Forbes of WaxChick

Vasilisa Forbes is a fashion photographer and video editor, who's also the brains behind the #WaxChick project. You might have seen her billboards popping up around London, or caught her speaking at the ICA. Controversial and throught-provoking, her...

Posted by: Jade French


London's Garden Bridge receives £2 million but still faces set backs

UPDATE Since I reported on the Garden Bridge last week, it appears there has been something of a reversal in its potential fortunes. Public opinion has been mixed from the start, but whilst it appeared the £175 million plan was previosuly certain...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Week In Advertising

Travelodge - Travelodgical Here's an interesting thing. While Lenny Henry camps out in a railway station in their competitor's campaign, Travelodge pitch in with their guests as Sesame Street puppets. Other than comfort, I'm not entirely sure what...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Pregnant Man gets a feminist makeover

Saatchi & Saatchi London will be giving the exterior of their private Pregnant Man pub a feminist makeover this week in the form of a huge billboard spelling the phrase “There's a Good Girl” in hundreds and thousands. The piece, by...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


IPG kill off Rouge and find new home for Cadillac

The Interpublic Group (IPG) recently announced that it will be retiring the “Rogue” brand it created to serve Cadillac and will be giving all Cadillac work to Lowe and Partners Worldwide in an effort to “Deliver a comprehensive...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Price of Reality: Why the Royal Photo Manipulation Saga Matters

Generally speaking, the morning after the Oscars means everyone talking about the Oscars, trading opinions on the gaffes, the big musical numbers and the controversial wins. This year, however, I awoke the morning after not to hordes of messages...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What Will Adland Look Like in 6 Months? #PredictionsMonth

The world of advertising has always stood on unstable ground, such is always evolving nature of the creative landscape. However, this year promises to be a particularly lively one, as the dynamics of technology, culture, and economics start to...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Campaign to bring back Page 3 proves scars can be sexy #BehindTheIdea

Eleven years on from the start of the No More Page 3 campaign, which saw women’s rights advocates bring an end to the controversial topless pin-up page, feminist and sex positive porn pioneer Erika Lust is leading a campaign called ‘One...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Do marketers need to pay attention to Elon Musk's xAI? #FutureMonth

Elon Musk's new AI company, xAI, wants to position itself as the ultimate alternative to ChatGPT, which Musk has accused of being a mouthpiece for the "woke" agenda. Of course, that’s the kind of thing we’ve all become quietly accustomed...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Disney has a serious brand problem

There are few brands as highly coveted as Disney. This year marks 100 years since Walt Disney first stepped onto the global stage with the iconic Steamboat Willy cartoon and heralded the birth of modern animated cinema and in those ten decades, to...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to create an AI film

Anxious about artificial intelligence changing everything? Not us... Not much. After a year of experimentation and embracing the new, it's time to celebrate the debut of our first real-world-client-commissioned-AI film for The IVF Network which came...

Posted by: We Are Tilt


At Cannes Lions 2023, purpose was out and humour was in

If Cannes Lions 2022 has a singular united theme, it was “purpose.” Indeed, it’s perhaps been the unifying theme for the last decade. In the ensuing 12 months, however, we’ve all been purposed to death so when it came to the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#MemberSpotlight on product photographer Jasmine Lawrie

How did you get into the industry? I remember getting a camcorder for Christmas one year when I was 10 and enjoyed taking pictures on it. For my 14th birthday, I received a new point and shoot digital camera, which led me into the world of beauty...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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