Displaying 1621 - 1656 of 1719 results



Who needs an Enigma machine when you've got a tablet?

The GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), has launched an app teaching students about code breaking and encryption. The app, which was launched by the digital security organisation and was designed by students on an industrial year...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Dirty Sanchez veteran grows up (almost)

Does anyone remember Dirty Sanchez? Unfortunately, I do. For the (lucky) uninitiated amongst us, it was essentially a Welsh reading of Jackass. In other words, it featured man-children degrading themselves via a series of increasingly bizarre stunts...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A Right Honourable Christmas? When design meets politics

There are few things more cringe-worthy than politicians trying to be any of the following: hip, funny, down with da yoof, normal, John Travolta. I had to add number five because I'm still haunted by images of John "Two Jags" Prescott bopping away at...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


7up brings urban knitting to London

The lemon-lime soft drink brand, 7up, recently took over a London bus with an ambitious urban knitting campaign in order to promote its new “7up Free,” the sugar free soft drink being positioned as a “Non-conformist” beverage....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Week in Booze

Cider Heineken, the brand behind Bulmers cider (amongst countless other alcoholic beverages, including their own globally successful lager), is positioning Bulmers as a festive drink for the winter season in a new digital campaign. Itself part of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Colourful mascots to rock Rio in 2016

The mascots for the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games were recently unveiled in Brazil, and according to a statement accompanying images of the colourful critters, the Games organising committee hopes they'll bring an “Explosion of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The marketing opportunities most airports are missing

10. Travelators You know travelators, those flattened escalators that serve as moving pavements. Well, it’s not unusual to find static print ads along their route, but I’m suggesting the actual moving steps would be ideal ambient media....

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Pizza Hut attempt to “Reinvent the Pizza”

Far from simply unveiling a couple of new flavours and a slight revamp of the old logo, Pizza Hut has been given a complete face-lift with ten new flavours of crust, five new ingredients, four new “Drizzles”, eleven new recipes and the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Skol teach us how to party underwater

In a unique and impressive new ad from the Brazilian agency F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi for the beer brand Skol's new “Beats Senses” product, ravers are seen dancing, drinking and cavorting, whilst completely submerged in an underwater...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


New anti-gun ads provoke controversy

A series of new public service announcements for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence by Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness and production company Wondros, might just be some of the most unnerving and polarising ads ever produced for the organisation, which is...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Made in USA: How to grow a job market

Made, the Boulder, Colorado-based agency dedicated to creating and supporting US-based jobs has announced three new executive hires in the form of David Castellanos as copywriter, Mariela Rueda as art director, and Heather Barranco as strategist....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Rob Lowe unleashes his painfully awkward side for DirecTV

In a new ad for DirecTV, the American satellite TV provider and broadcaster, Rob Lowe stars as a man who is painfully awkward as he continues to give his reputation as a handsome, Hollywood heartthrob a run for its money following the already...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Up the Wall: The IKEA Brand Experience

IKEA's latest brand experience stunt is something to behold. To mark the opening of its new store in French town Clermont-Ferrand, the Swedish furniture giant has created a giant 30 foot billboard-cum-climbing wall decorated with its...

Posted by: bluemarlin


We Love These Blurred Lines

Category blurring is a phrase you may have heard thrown about the office, but might not fully understand what it is exactly or how it works. Given that it's become a top tactic for leading brands across multiple FMCG categories, it would seem now is...

Posted by: bluemarlin


13 packs that add extra to the ordinary

This month many Londoners have been lucky enough to bear witness to British artist Lucy Sparrow taking an everyday cornershop and catapulting it into the art world with her felt FMCG creations. You can read all about it here. Clearly Lucy's skill...

Posted by: bluemarlin


Vector Illustrations

Business People Communication - Vector Illustrations Verbal or non-verbal, business communication is essential everywhere, and I’m talking about the virtual world too. Quite often, in the ‘virtual’, communication needs some visual...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ogilvy & Mather to help Diu & Daman sell itself as a tourism destination

Diu & Daman is looking to promote itself as a viable tourist destination with the help of Ogilvy & Mather, who will be leading the branding blitz for the Indian Union territory, which is located near Gujaret's coastline. Diu is an island situated a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Taste the Rainbow

Whether you believe there’s a pot of gold at the end of one or that it’s just an optical and meteorological phenomenon, no one can argue against the beauty of one of nature’s most fantastical displays; the rainbow.These beautiful...

Posted by: Fotolia


Is the 'New Age' just marketing gone bad?

Spaghetti hoops, luxury cars, whisky, compact discs, bleach - if you can think of it, somebody has advertised it. And that's fair enough. As long as it's legal, any producer of a service or product has the right to attempt to persuade us to buy it;...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


M&C Saatchi Milan bring Rio's 'Christ the Redeemer' statue to Naples

As well as losing out on their own 2014 World Cup (after a staggering 7-1 defeat to Germany on Tuesday evening) it would appear Brazil have lost something else to a European country. In this case we're referring to the iconic 'Christ the Redeemer'...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How one man predicted the future of televison.

From Cicero to Aubrey Beardsley, human beings have never had to look too far for individuals touched by the hand of creative genius. But finding intellects so inspired, profound and insightful they actually manage to predict the future, is more of a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Packaging Gallery: Brazil 2014 - The Official Sponsors

Events like the World Cup prove that packaging is much more than protection. It’s a vessel and a vehicle for celebration. Limited edition event-orientated packaging doesn’t just ride the hype, it generates it. The brands that associate...

Posted by: bluemarlin


Clerkenwell Design Week Diary: Day 2

Clerkenwell Design Week has kicked off and there is some amazing work on show! We are so impressed with the creativity coming out of the exhibits this year, and cant wait to be apart of more talks, workshops and competitions. Dont forget to check for...

Posted by: Creativepool


The top ten business card designs

From the most intricate folding cardboard and metal cards to contact details printed on balloons, the humble business card has developed into an art form in itself. With different cards out there trying to stand out and grab your attention more so...

Posted by: Creativepool


Under the skin. Why are we so obsessed with tattoos?

Late last year, a picture of Cheryl Cole appeared on the internet and in various newspapers. Nothing particularly odd about that; Ms. Cole is a constant media fixture. Only this picture, which she had released herself, was of her backside, newly...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Designs Of The Year 2014

Spring can mean different things for different people but in the design world it's all about the nominees and the winners of Designs Of The Year. Acting as the main event at the Design Museum until the 25th August, the seven different categories...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


How to be right.

When it comes to the minutiae of modern life, I'm prone to getting things wrong. Go to the shop, come back with the wrong size batteries; turn up for an event on the wrong day; forget to put the clocks back - all that sort of thing, hopeless. But on...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The cupcake gambit. Annoying people as an advertising strategy.

Back in the eighties, I worked for a radio station which ran a campaign for a double glazing firm. This campaign never actually ended. Like those sofa sales, it just continued year in, year out. The ads were very straightforward, consisting of little...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

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