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Craft vs Collaboration - Balancing creative life in the new normal 

You wouldn't have been too optimistic at the beginning of the pandemic, but it looks like productivity while working from home has actually increased. The workforce has found its own balance. We do know, however, that creativity often thrives in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


International collaboration in the modern workplace

Creating, cultivating, and maintaining a collaborative culture across global teams is vital for international businesses who want to succeed. In doing this well, businesses gain new perspectives to better be able to innovate and grow. With the new...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why collaboration is the key to effectiveness

Some agencies help brands succeed with cutting-edge, disruptive campaigns that will leave a mark in the industry forever. But no matter what kind of brand it is, they all have to start somewhere. It is the task of agencies like B&B Studio to help...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Collaboration is key to the world’s most purposeful brands

The overall trend that surfaced in this year’s Fit For Purpose index was collaborative thinking; the top purposeful brands are collaborating with stakeholders and partners within and outside the company to embed purpose in authentic and...

Posted by: Radley Yeldar


Competitive Collaboration

‘Collaboration’ has been a creative industry buzzword for the last 10 years or so. Walk into any agency, anywhere in the world, and within five minutes you’ll hear this word bandied about to describe pretty much any area of the business. It’s...

Posted by: We Love Digital


Finding a future of collaboration over ego #CompanySpotlight

The Future Collective is a strategically led creative consultancy based in the UK globally renowned for both thought leadership and creativity. Since 2019 they have worked with ambitious global brands and startups alike, creating distinctive brand...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The creative and explorative collaboration at Rhapsody | #CompanySpotlight

Based in London, Poland and Spain, Rhapsody is a global marketing and production agency specialised in creative, digital, print and brand projects all around the world. At the heart of the business lies something simple: a strong belief in the power...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#100DaysOfZen could be the greatest photo collaboration ever

Razorfish Hong Kong has worked with ASUS to create the “100 Days of Zen,” a 100 day long creative initiative led by Instagram sensation Robert Jahns (Nois7). Inspired by Robert’s work, the campaigns showcases the photography...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The value of collaboration in creative work

How do you establish a collaboration-friendly infrastructure in your team, especially in these corona times? Among the many things the pandemic has done for us, losing team meetings and face-to-face interactions was a hard blow to all of us, and few...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Two’s a party – why collaboration can help you avoid privacy pitfalls

More than a year after coming into effect, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has transformed the data landscape and its effects look set to extend into the future, as nations worldwide adopt similar laws. Furthermore, big tech companies...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Vans X Disney: Almost 50 Years Of Collaboration

You might not automatically put Disneyland and the Van Doren family together (unless you've seen the recent buzz around the new sneaker season), but the two companies have been linked together since the 1960s. A pair of Vans was the go-to shoe for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Gayle Carpenter on collaboration and diversity

Starting your own business can feel like quite a big and daunting task. How do you abandon the relative security of a paid job to tackle such a huge challenge? Founder of Sparkloop Gayle Carpenter made that choice a long time ago, and hasn't looked...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A clashing of cultures & the future of collaboration in the media

The emerging workforce spent their formative years collaborating through online services, competing in e-Sports, and solving problems remotely through their games console, mobile or tablet. They have got used to, and excelled at, creating,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Catch the NONOTAK and Wave Studios LED collaboration show: Numbers

NONOTAK and Wave Studios have teamed up to present a unique exhibition that marries creative sound with technological innovation. NUMBERS is an LED light show and sound project with a difference; namely that it takes numbers, budgets and statistics...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Rebrand Roundup: UKIP, Moonpig, Dropbox, Auto Trader and other stories

Moonpig (in-house) Online card and gift retailer Moonpig has rebranded, swapping out its cartoon pig mascot for a simpler, typographic look. Designed by Moonpig’s in-house design team in collaboration with consultants Cat Totty and Ian Styles,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A Complete Guide to Hiring a Concept Artist in 2025

Hiring the right Concept Artist is critical for any project in the creative and entertainment industries. Whether you're working in film, video games, or marketing, a skilled Concept Artist can bring your vision to life. However, finding and securing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Tips on hiring a Sound Designer in 2024

Hiring a sound designer is a crucial step in the creative process for any project that requires audio, whether it’s a film, video game, podcast, or advertisement. Sound design plays a vital role in shaping the audience's experience, making it...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ultimate Guide to Hire the Perfect UI Designer in 2024

In today's digital age, having an exceptional user interface (UI) is crucial for the success of any online platform or application. A well-designed UI not only enhances the user experience (UX) but also contributes significantly to customer...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to Hire a Storyboard Artist

Storyboard artists play a crucial role in visual storytelling for various creative projects, including films, animations, video games, commercials, and more. Their ability to translate ideas into visual sequences helps directors, writers, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The spectacular resilience of an art director - #MemberSpotlight

Taking a look at the pictures below and throughout the piece, you wouldn't even imagine that Christine Serchia had no idea what an art director was, as she started in her former role for Cubitts. Clearly, she's a keen and incredibly focused...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What 'copy, then design' gets wrong

Most everyone has heard of Simon & Garfunkel, Penn & Teller and Dolce & Gabbana, even though they are in such different industries. At the heart of what brought these distinctively different duos such fame is how well they play to each other’s...

Posted by: OpenText Hightail


Focal Point: Colourful collaborations with Print All Over Me

Print All Over Me is a creative community of people turning virtual ideas into real world objects. They maximise technology to bring designs to life on their awesome e-commerce platform. This is real world collaboration and creation. We love it....

Posted by: Kate Lewin


5 Outsourcing Trends To Look Out For In 2024

In the ever-evolving world of business, the concept of outsourcing has become synonymous with adaptability and efficiency. As companies navigate the intricacies of a fast-paced global marketplace, they continually seek innovative ways to optimize...

Posted by: We Are Amnet


Top 10 Celebrity Brand Ambassadors of the 21st Century #MediaMonth

The symbiotic relationship between celebrities and brands is a time-honoured tradition that’s been going back hundreds of years. Indeed, as far back as the late 19th century, West End stage actress Lillie Langtry made a name for herself as the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Office: Re-imagined in an age of hybrid work

As hybrid work continues to evolve, IT decision makers (ITDMs) and management teams are finding new ways to bring people together- both inside and outside the office - to communicate, collaborate and create together. With the ability to go into the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Visions in VR: The Emotional Connection

By it's very nature, virtual reality can be an emotionally draining thing to experience if you're not prepared for it and the creative industries are starting to realise that, if they utilise this more immediate connection effectively, they can...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Bauhaus to Google: Starting a Creative Movement

Earlier this year I was approached by Sarah Hill to write a piece on creativity in our agency, Hill+Knowlton Strategies, for a new book called #FuturePRoof and some of the things that we have learnt after launching our first *Global Center of...

Posted by: Simon Shaw

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