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Can Twitter clean up its act in the Elon Musk era?

The deal to acquire Twitter is done. Elon Musk has now completed his $44bn takeover of the social media company. But while many of us have been distracted by the ‘will he, won’t he?’ headlines over recent months, perhaps what we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Freelancer Grind: Making a clean and simple résumé

This is a tough one, as for the longest time I didn’t believe in having a résumé as a designer. I still kind of believe that, as I think you should only really judge a designers work based on their portfolio. However, as I got more...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


Geometry Global clean up at Dubai Lynx Awards

Geometry Global Dubai took home 18 awards at last Wednesday’s Dubai Lynx festival. The awards haul included the top prize of a Grand Prix as well as six Gold, seven Silver and four Bronze in total, making the agency one of the most awarded of the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Leo Burnett clean up at D&AD Awards

The results of the 2015 D&AD Awards were announced in London last night with Leo Burnett, 4creative, Made Thought, Marcel Worldwide and Colenso BBDO all scooping up coveted Black Pencil awards. This year's awards saw the most amount of Pencils won in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ogilvy & Zooppa clean up with IBM work

It was announced recently that Zooppa and Ogilvy took home a Gold award at the 2015 Internationalist Awards for Innovation in Media, which were held on March 26th at the legendary Times Square in New York. The award was for their combined work with...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Fellow creatives, here are five ways to start the year right

We’re three weeks into 2024, which means you have probably settled nicely into the new year and are making good progress with creative endeavours. Whether you’re busy with client work or broadening your horizons with personal projects, It’s...

Posted by: Novagram


UK Creatives say NO to Brexit

Brexit is the nonsensical word on the tip of everyone's tongue right now, and with good reason. The EU Referendum is, by quite a wide margin, one of the most important democratic decisions most of us will ever have to make. By this point you probably...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What all Creatives Can Learn from Hayao Miyazaki

There are few creative directors in recent history as revered and beloved as Studio Ghibli mastermind Hayao Miyazaki. His name alone conjures dazzling visions of dream-logic wonder and colourful melancholy. He is, to all intents and purposes, the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The important role of creatives in a post-truth world

Post-truth is, when taken on its own terms, is a pretty terrifying concept. Without the truth, the objective becomes subjective, and facts can be acknowledged or ignored based on personal bias. What you’re left with is the cultural and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How AI Can Save Creatives Money Without Replacing Us | #MoneyMonth

If you’re a creative currently in the midst of an existential crisis; you’re not alone. On paper there should be nothing to worry about. After all, creativity is subjective and reactionary, while AI is objective and purely logical. Never...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Creatives and AI: Are they the perfect match?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is accelerating the pace of many industries - and the creative fields are no exception. While there is still a stigma of fear towards AI in some sections, the majority are beginning to see the positive impact the tech is...

Posted by: Lobster


Top 10 Social Media Platforms for Creatives #MediaMonth

Social media has changed the way we live. That might sound like grandstanding for a second, but if you truly take some time to step back and analyse the incestuous way Facebook, Instagram and TikTok have managed to wean their ways into our shared...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Are creatives more difficult to love?

Misplaced romanticism is a common curse in popular culture. There’s the concept of the “troubled genius” creative that, for some, excuses some pretty reprehensible behaviour and puts a rose-coloured lens over mental illness....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How will 2023 be remembered by creatives? #YearInReview

2023 will hardly be remembered as a banner year for may of us as the cost-of-living crisis started digging deeper and the political spectrum on both sides of the atlantic started to devolve into a cynical and hateful mess. For creatives from all...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Jobfishing - The fake design agency that catfished 52 creatives

Everyone loves a good con story. You only have to see the success of the recent Anna Sorokin drama and Tinder Swindler documentary on Netflix to see how infatuated we all are with the seedy inner-workings of a good long con. But the latest big con...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Swift Creatives unveils personalised AI assistant #BehindTheIdea

AI is fast becoming a part of our everyday lives, making life easier in both our personal and professional lives. But what does the future AI personal assistant look like? With its new concept, Swift Creatives sets out what could be the next...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


All creatives are plagiarists

If we strictly look at the meaning of the word, plagiarism means taking someone else's work and claiming it is your own. It is not just stealing; it is more vicious and twisted. Like admitting you have no ideas for yourself. Yet most creatives are...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How can creatives make the best use of Threads?

By Pete Sayburn, CEO of Studiospace, a matchmaking platform for senior marketers looking to hire agencies. It's always fascinating to see how a new platform is used and, as a CEO, I've witnessed some interesting responses to the astronomical growth...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Yellow and blue - The creatives keeping hope alive for Ukraine

It’s been almost a week now since Vladimir Putin did the unthinkable and plunged Ukraine into a war they didn’t ask for in a move that still feels like the megalomaniacal equivalent of throwing your toys out of the pram. It’s dark...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Young creatives set to crash the stage at Creative Circle 2019

This year’s opening president's address at the Creative Circle Ball will be delivered with a difference as young creatives are given a voice at the event. Ana and Hermeti Balarin, ECDs at Mother London, are inviting students and those in the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Burnout, Anxiety & Mental Health for Creatives

When we enjoy our work, and it's a part of who we are, it's harder to be mindful of sneaky burnout gremlins. So how can we make sure we look after our mental health when our creative minds never take a break? Creativity isn’t just a job we...

Posted by: We Are Tilt


Why awards still matter for creatives

As a creative, you may understandably often wonder if awards are still relevant in today's rapidly changing world. After all, it’s all about the process, not the results, right? And with so many platforms available to showcase your work, do you...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The rise of the machines: How AI can make creatives more…creative

Artificial Intelligence is changing the way we in the creative industries work at every level. But rather than getting carried away with talk of machines replacing people, we’re finding the technology is taking human creativity to the next...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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