Displaying 1 - 36 of 2268 results



Best Advertising Campaigns of 2020

10 of the best marketing and advertising campaigns from 2020. A global pandemic wasn’t enough to stop the advertising industry. In fact, I dare argue this was one of the most poignant, engaging and compelling years for advertising ever. We...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The most creative campaigns of 2023 #YearInReview

2023 has been a lot of things. It’s been a year that saw great divisions widen and a year that seemed to almost revel in chaos, but it was also a year in which creativity continued to shine, even as it stood on the precipice of potential...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Leveraging data for successful OOH campaigns | #CreativeCaseStudy

As the world came to a halt back in 2020, everything was impacted from the way we live and interact. As the world shifted from outside to online, even digital marketing saw a dramatic increase in usage. The pandemic dealt a severe blow to traditional...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


All the best campaigns of 2021 in one place!

After the terrific display of creative prowess from the industry in 2020, 2021 could only be a further step up for advertising campaigns all over the creative & mar-comms field. With campaigns to push vaccinations and groundbreaking ideas from brands...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why keyword blocklisting is hurting your ad campaigns

With an increasing number of customers flocking online, many brands and advertisers were looking to capitalise on this new digital exodus caused by the pandemic. Except they couldn't. With an over-reliance on automated keyword blocklisting, many...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Word to the Winners of Annual 2020 - #AnnualSpotlight

To say 2020 was an eventful start to the decade would be a tremendous understatement. We've seen the industry come together even while apart, as a pandemic brought about one of the biggest social crises in the history of humanity and protests for...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Top 10 LGBT+ campaigns celebrating and championing diversity

On 24 May 1988, the United Kingdom introduced a nasty little clause, stating that a local authority “ shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality.” This was just 30 years...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Best Art Directors of 2020

10 of the most talented art directors to look out for in 2021. Being in charge of how things are supposed to look is no mean feat. Imagine having to come up with the full aesthetics of a project in tandem with a copywriter, under heavily strict...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Best Photographers of 2020

10 of the most promising and talented photographers this year. This year has been quite interesting for photographers, forced for the most part to remain stuck at home and without the usual inputs they could get from the outside world. In all...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Best Brands of 2020

The best and most inspiring brands that made this 2020 more enjoyable. Thinking about the 12 months that just passed, I bet few actually realise how lucky we are to live in the era of brand purpose. With most brands now focused on making a...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Best animations of 2020

The top 7 animated campaigns this year. If anything, 2020 has been a wonderful year for animation. With all of us stuck at home for most of the year, animators have had quite some more time on their hands and this was not a weak year for the craft...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Behind the Idea: How the Sainsbury's 2020 Christmas Ads came to life

Six years ago, Sainsbury's made one of the most unforgettable and compelling ads in the history of advertising. 1914 is quite easily one of the best Christmas ads ever made, showing the power of stories bringing people together - even in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Here's all the best 2020 Christmas ads!

All the 2020 Christmas campaigns in one place Every year the same story: agencies and brands coming together to release a stream of beautiful Christmas ads for the joy of us all. It has almost become tradition. There’s no Christmas without a...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How was social media used during the 2020 presidential election?

… And breathe! The 2020 US Presidential election is over and former Vice President, Joe Biden, will become US President on January 20th. But what have we learnt from this election? Beyond the value of muting microphones during debates and...

Posted by: Mary Keane Dawson


The Top 15 Most Inspiring Lockdown Campaigns

The best campaigns made during the COVID-19 outbreak No matter how crippling of a blow it receives, the creative industry will always be ready to stand back up and prove its resilience. Even earlier in the year, with the world preparing to shut...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Creativepool Annual 2020 winners announced

The fifth Creativepool Annual celebrates the best in the industry from 2019 The Annual 2020 winners have been announced, featuring people and companies who have achieved creative excellence in the past year. Now in its fifth running year, the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Announced the Winners of the Creative Circle 2020 Awards

Here at Creativepool we're always proud to support creative awards that strive to make a difference. While we all eagerly wait for the deadline of our prestigious Annual 2020 awards, our partners at Creative Circle have forged ahead with their own...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creativepool Annual 2020 - The Most Judging Panel Announced

We’ve roped in an enviable roll call of top tier creatives and marketers to cast their considered critical eyes over the work that lit up Creativepool in 2019. Pulled from every corner of the industry, with representatives from some of the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 digital marketing trends to watch in 2020

Ten years ago, display advertising was in its infancy and Promoted Tweets were yet to make their debut. Times have changed considerably. Intelligent and automated technologies have increasingly super-charged digital marketing efficiency - so much so...

Posted by: Caroline Burgess-Pike


Creativepool Annual 2020 Spotlight: Breaking bread with the Big Buoys

As part of our series shining a spotlight on Creativepool Annual winners from last year, we sat down with post-production specialists Big Buoy, the studio that claimed two top places in last year’s annual. Their big win was for post-production...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


From Museumification to Mash-ups: Five experiential trends for 2020

Surrounded by pizza museums, themed mini-golf, and interactive paintings, you'd be forgiven for thinking that we'd awoken to some kind of cartoon nightmare. But no, this is the experience economy in 2020. Experiential activations are both physical...

Posted by: Luc Benyon


4 need-to-know digital marketing trends for 2020

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and with the new year bringing many more advancements, you must be aware of the changes we expect to see this year. Here, Marc Swann, Search Director at Glass Digital discusses the top digital marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Looking Forward: What Will 2020 Bring for Digital Advertising?

Over the last ten years, digital advertising has come a very long way. At the turn of 2010, we were only beginning to see the very early potential of video ads, we weren’t quite aware of the impact that social media would have on the industry...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Personal shoppers: What’s expected of marketing in 2020

With the end of 2019 imminent, the conversations around what the marketing industry can expect in the coming year are well underway. Technology is expanding and developing at a rapid pace, and marketing is no exception. In the past year, we have...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Colour me impressed - Shutterstock predicts the Colours of 2020

According to Shutterstock, the company that knows a thing or two about colour, it’s bold, saturated hues that are expected to dominate many of 2020’s top creative campaigns. It’s that time of year again where company’s start...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


5 marketing trends for 2020: Yuval Ben-Itzhak

2019 was the year TikTok exploded and influencer marketing gained traction, especially with marketers in beauty, fashion, e-commerce and auto. In 2020, we predict that influencer marketing will continue to grow and that social commerce will achieve...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why almost half of adland is wary of working on sustainable campaigns

As sustainability has become a global business imperative, brands are trying to avoid falling prey to greenwashing. In the rush to prove their environmental credentials, brands and businesses are making exaggerated claims, false assertions, and vague...

Posted by: WMH&I


Will AI Own April Fools' Day? The Best Piss-Take Campaigns of 2024

April Fool’s Day has rarely been seen as the bastion of creative excellence. It’s not about pushing the envelope or creating something with emotional resonance though, it’s about giving people a quick belly laughs and reminding them...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A (mercifully) pun-free roundup of the best Easter 2024 campaigns

Easter is rarely held in the same regard as Christmas or even Halloween (unless you’re a confectioner, of course) but the iconography of the season is ripe for creativity. Easter ads campaigns of the past few years have seen everything from...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#MentalHealthMonth: 5 inspiring campaigns

In a culture where conversations surrounding mental health are (rightly) gaining momentum and importance, creative minds from various corners of the world have harnessed their talents and brought some light into the darkest corners of our collective...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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