Displaying 1 - 36 of 6000 results



How to create and activate an effective brand strategy

This blog looks at how a good brand strategy can help you change the way people think, feel and act. But you have to embed it across the whole customer and employee experience, not just the brand expression. Branding is, and always has been, about...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brand Case Studies: Fritz-Kola

How do you take on two of the world’s biggest corporations and win? Well you start by saying "it can be done better". At least, that’s what Mirco Wolf and Lorenz Hampl told each other as they sat in their kitchen one day, eating a frozen...

Posted by: Kate Lewin

Job Description: Brand Manager

Brand managers are concerned with creating a lasting impression among consumers and improving product sales and market share. This is achieved by making sure their organisation's advertising and marketing activities send out the right image. Key...

Posted by: Creativepool



Embrace constant change, keep it new and tell dramatic stories. Freddie Baveystock, our Strategy Director, explains how brands can remain fresh as featured in The Guardian. The ever-changing competition between which brands are hot and which are not...

Posted by: Rufus Leonard

How to bridge the healthcare brand gap

While creativity might be flourishing in healthcare, the true potential of brand as strategic business asset is too often overlooked. James March, Category Director, Health & Wellness explores how we can bridge the brand gap – with Andrew Gardner,...

Posted by: Conran Design Group


AboundStudio reshapes brand experience for Vabel | #BehindTheBrand

Vabel, the property brand committed to elevating the standard of London living, partnered with strategic design agency AboundStudio to translate their personality, unique approach and ethos into a compelling narrative and distinctive design language...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow Ajalin Zenon, Global Brand Strategist at Goat

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? For me there is no such thing as a typical day, more a typical week. It’s important that we start the week prepared in order to deliver the best work for clients. On a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to... Create an employee brand that people believe in.

In almost every business the attraction and retention of staff is a key requirement and often burning issue that management teams spend hours debating and a great deal of money trying to get right. In this article we look at creating a brand that...

Posted by: Creativepool


What Brand Believers Know That You Don’t

Long before digital marketing started to suffocate emotional creativity in favor of unnecessarily complex, performance-based blindness, my agency presented a TV spot for a high-end audio brand. We were excited. We had a powerful concept, and we...

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham


Defining Brand – The Most Misconceived Word In Business

When we launched a firm specializing in helping companies measure, build, and leverage brand and its equity to improve performance and increase returns, we knew naming the firm would be pretty important. After all, our name is our first impression....

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham


Influencer marketing and protecting brand values | #PurposeMonth

Influencer marketing has become a commonly used alternative to traditional advertising and a great way to increase brand awareness and consumer reach in an authentic way. Although this can be extremely useful and cost effective in building your brand...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


This new wave of brand purpose isn’t a pandemic fad

We’ve seen brands rise and fall during the last decade, but never as fast as in 2020. A correct approach to brand purpose could make or break a brand in the last year-and-something, and those regarding brand purpose as a shiny checkbox for...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

The Importance of Community Management

In the current lockdown circumstances, social media has become even more prevalent in our everyday lives. With more time at home and no social activities to attend, consumers are looking to social media to pass the time, and your brand could be the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


4 steps to becoming a sustainable brand

The pressure on businesses to become sustainable is on. Global trends such as digitalisation and the climate crisis have led to an increased awareness of social and environmental issues. Legislation is being strengthened on both national and global...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Developing An Eco-Responsible Approach To Event Management & Marketing

Any organiser of events interested in eco-responsibility will sooner or later have come into contact with the Sustainable Development standard specific to events: the ISO 20121 standard. The ISO 20121 standard deals with "Responsible management...

Posted by: Phil Michael


The Smalls launch first ever brand-led film fund

Not only is film one of the most competitive industries to break into, it is also expensive, costing an average of £10,000 to create a short film. Many ambitious filmmakers have struggled to pursue their dreams because of a lack of funding....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brand Case Studies: prinkshop

The prinkshop team have issues and they’re the first to admit it. Really big issues, ranging from sex trafficking and education to homelessness and marriage equality. And what do they do about these issues? Well they make pretty cool...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Building a blueprint for the Peppa Pig theme park brand #BehindTheIdea

Something a little different today. As opposed to generating something physical, Initials CX were recently tasked we a project about the people, aligning markets and developing a brand strategy which had global buy-in. The objectives of the strategic...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Importance of Brand Consistency

I can’t tell you how many businesses I’ve spoken to who believe that branding is getting a new logo and slapping it on all of their marketing. But there’s much more to brand consistency than that, and I wanted to share with you how getting...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


Enduring Brands vs. Fading Stars: Standing the Test of Time #Brand Month

Not every brand can be an icon and even those that achieve iconic status are not guaranteed immortality. Of course, changing consumer and economic trends are always going to play an important part in whether a brand sticks around for months, years or...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What’s in a name? The subtle art of naming your brand #BrandMonth

Imagine if Apple was Pear or Coca-Cola was Cola-Coca. Would we still be celebrating them as some of the most popular brands in the world today? Of course, we have no way of knowing definitively but the sheer ubiquity of those names means it’s...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Are Brand Mascots Still Relevant in 2024? #BrandMonth

When we think of the 90s, we often picture neon lights, garish colours, skateboards, “attitude” and POGS. But above all else, what the 90s represented to me was the dawn of the mascot. Of course, many entertainment franchises lived or...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What does it take to refresh a 64-year-old heritage brand? #BehindTheBrand

IMG is a global company heralded with founding sports marketing as we know it - founded by pioneering marketer and agent Mark McCormack, it all began with a handshake in 1960 and the world of sports changed forever. Last month, the company unveiled...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Power of Brand Identity

So, what is a brand, and why is having a distinct identity so important? Marty Neumeier helpfully defines a brand as ‘a customer’s gut feel about a company’. It’s a simple definition which rightly expresses that a brand isn’t just a logo...

Posted by: Catch A Fire Agency

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