Displaying 1 - 36 of 7434 results



#MemberSpotlight on Grant Barratt, Brand Design Director @ AlphaSights

How did you get into the industry? I guess all the early signs were pointing towards a career in design, but in hindsight it’s quite shocking just how little thought went into pursuing this path. Art and design were my favourite subjects, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is brand design based on fickle fads?

The fashion industry runs on the continuous change in taste and aesthetics. A cynical eye could see this as fickle and superficial. Most branding agencies, however (WMH&I included), like to think that they are not subject to any apparent design...

Posted by: WMH&I


Brand identity design: your guide to everything worth knowing

What is a brand identity? Your brand identity can also be referred to as your corporate identity and goes beyond simple logo design or branding services. Instead, it includes any tangible element that lets you differentiate yourself from the...

Posted by: Think Design Manchester Ltd


Tothepoint and Tetris turn KP's brand history into interior design magic

Tothepoint has taken famous KP Snacks brands such as Real McCoys, Hula Hoops and Space Raiders, and used elements of their brand identities as part of a redesign of the interiors of the company’s new head office in Slough. The consultancy worked...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Seymourpowell design striking new whisky bottle for Korean brand

Seymourpowell, the global design company based in London, has created a bold new design for a new whisky brand called “The Class.” Produced by the Korean company HiteJinro, The Class is a new brand aimed at the country's emerging younger...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A Dirty Secret: Design Doesn't Sell

Can I tell you a secret? As a branding designer and consultant, I've come to realize a truth that might ruffle a few feathers: Design, in and of itself, doesn't sell. Before you sharpen your pitchforks, allow me to elaborate. Design, particularly...

Posted by: Marc Posch


KOTEX tackle taboo-breaking design in menstrual health #BehindTheBrand

Pearlfisher, the brand design agency, has unveiled its design for The Pack by KOTEX for tween girls at school in South Africa. The kit goes beyond the traditional functionality of fem-care to transform menstrual education into an engaging, empowering...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Power of Brand Identity

So, what is a brand, and why is having a distinct identity so important? Marty Neumeier helpfully defines a brand as ‘a customer’s gut feel about a company’. It’s a simple definition which rightly expresses that a brand isn’t just a logo...

Posted by: Catch A Fire Agency


Packaging design trends for 2023

This year’s developments in packaging design reflect a world in flux, still evolving from disruption caused by the Covid pandemic, and becoming increasingly aware of its own vulnerability - and responsibility - in the midst of climate...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The dyslexic typeface designed from the ground-up for a cosmetics brand

When it comes to accessibility, one sector of society that appears to have been largely neglected is dyslexic readers. As a lifelong keen reader (and professional writer for almost two decades) the concept of struggling so fundamentally with the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


6 important design elements for a landing page that converts

Retail e-commerce sales are set to hit an eye-popping $5.4 trillion by the end of this year; even so, many would be surprised to realise that the average conversion rate ranges between 1% and 4% for many industries. These statistics make it clear...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Job Description: Design Director

A Design director bridges the link between creative employees and management. A senior role for leaders with a proven track record of effective communication, innovation, and high-level design problem-solving, design directors ensure that all...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why big brands need design systems

It is now yesterday's news that the consumer experience has almost entirely shifted online as a result of a global pandemic. With such sudden change in behaviour, consumers have honed their taste in regards to interactive experiences, and they are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Design for people, not just the planet

For every person who will take durable jars to refill, there’s thousands who won’t. In the race to reach sustainability and be regarded as the greenest brand in the biz, consumers are often overlooked. This is not to mean that their...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Traditional brand purpose has made consumers complacent

But a new wave of change-makers is here to change that… Is the branding industry’s obsession with purpose simply encouraging consumers to maintain bad habits? Nowadays we expect brands to weave a sustainable or charitable message into...

Posted by: B&B Studio


Design Trends 2018: Bold moments, glitches, layers and diversity

I'm not a designer, lacking both the patience and the creative impulse (at least when it comes to images), but design is something I, and almost everyone else on this planet, appreciate on a very primal level. It's the first thing we notice in almost...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Loughborough University takes a stand against bad design!

Loughborough University announced this week that it will be temporarily halting the rollout of its new visual identity as a result of a petition set up to revoke the revised logo, which was supposedly developed with the aim of bringing the branding...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Best of British Design

What is it about British brand design that transcends borders and epitomises international branding? At R Design we have been enjoying a flurry of interest from overseas brand owners, which have come to us specifically for that international...

Posted by: R Design Ltd


Fresh Awards introduce a free category for in-house design teams

What do Apple, Starbucks, Facebook and Innocent Drinks have in common? They all have an in-house design team that has been an integral part of their business success. This NEW award category is an opportunity to show design agencies that the design...

Posted by: Hands Down™


Building a blueprint for the Peppa Pig theme park brand #BehindTheIdea

Something a little different today. As opposed to generating something physical, Initials CX were recently tasked we a project about the people, aligning markets and developing a brand strategy which had global buy-in. The objectives of the strategic...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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