Displaying 1 - 36 of 4731 results



All the best campaigns of 2021 in one place!

After the terrific display of creative prowess from the industry in 2020, 2021 could only be a further step up for advertising campaigns all over the creative & mar-comms field. With campaigns to push vaccinations and groundbreaking ideas from brands...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Check out the most mind-blowing print campaigns of 2021

If you’re among those who believe print is dead (or dying), you clearly haven’t seen the best print campaigns of 2021. Print is certainly far from dead, and in fact, it may stick around for a very long time still, in one form or...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Best Advertising Campaigns of 2020

10 of the best marketing and advertising campaigns from 2020. A global pandemic wasn’t enough to stop the advertising industry. In fact, I dare argue this was one of the most poignant, engaging and compelling years for advertising ever. We...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Top 15 Most Inspiring Lockdown Campaigns

The best campaigns made during the COVID-19 outbreak No matter how crippling of a blow it receives, the creative industry will always be ready to stand back up and prove its resilience. Even earlier in the year, with the world preparing to shut...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Maximizing ROI with Your Creative Campaigns #MoneyMonth

As creatives, we tend to sneer at the concept of “business”, at least in public. Our work is, after all, heartfelt, honest and pure and exists to elevate ideas and mould minds. It also exists, however, to make money. Because acumen and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why almost half of adland is wary of working on sustainable campaigns

As sustainability has become a global business imperative, brands are trying to avoid falling prey to greenwashing. In the rush to prove their environmental credentials, brands and businesses are making exaggerated claims, false assertions, and vague...

Posted by: WMH&I


Will AI Own April Fools' Day? The Best Piss-Take Campaigns of 2024

April Fool’s Day has rarely been seen as the bastion of creative excellence. It’s not about pushing the envelope or creating something with emotional resonance though, it’s about giving people a quick belly laughs and reminding them...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A (mercifully) pun-free roundup of the best Easter 2024 campaigns

Easter is rarely held in the same regard as Christmas or even Halloween (unless you’re a confectioner, of course) but the iconography of the season is ripe for creativity. Easter ads campaigns of the past few years have seen everything from...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The most creative campaigns of 2023 #YearInReview

2023 has been a lot of things. It’s been a year that saw great divisions widen and a year that seemed to almost revel in chaos, but it was also a year in which creativity continued to shine, even as it stood on the precipice of potential...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#MentalHealthMonth: 5 inspiring campaigns

In a culture where conversations surrounding mental health are (rightly) gaining momentum and importance, creative minds from various corners of the world have harnessed their talents and brought some light into the darkest corners of our collective...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


PR campaigns exposed - The good the bad and the ugly truth

The old adage goes that there’s no such thing as bad publicity - but this is a very old saying, and its originators failed to live to see the year 2023. That’s probably a good thing, as the last 12 short months could have spelt the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The importance of visualisation in programmatic DOOH campaigns

Digital Out of Home (DOOH) has made outdoor audiences easier to engage with for brands of all sizes. With a variety of screen sizes, and more campaign flexibility, many brands are taking the plunge for the first time. For those looking to take...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Leveraging data for successful OOH campaigns | #CreativeCaseStudy

As the world came to a halt back in 2020, everything was impacted from the way we live and interact. As the world shifted from outside to online, even digital marketing saw a dramatic increase in usage. The pandemic dealt a severe blow to traditional...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How your creative campaigns can help fight climate change

Earth Day 2022 is this week, and as we all slowly return to the usual routine of our normal lives, it's undeniable we have been forever changed by a global pandemic to think about the world on a much larger scale. Talk to any creative professional...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The best OOH campaigns of the 21st century according to the experts

COVID might not be in the rearview mirror just yet but it’s at least starting to feel like it. So, with the first traces of sunshine now officially hitting our high streets, we thought it was about time to take a look at a marketing medium that...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Blue Monday - The best and the bluest campaigns

In celebration of the creativity that Blue Monday has catalysed over the years, Abi Pearl, Member Innovation Director at mobile network giffgaff reviews some of her favourites. It’s Blue Monday. For some, this marks the most depressing day of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why keyword blocklisting is hurting your ad campaigns

With an increasing number of customers flocking online, many brands and advertisers were looking to capitalise on this new digital exodus caused by the pandemic. Except they couldn't. With an over-reliance on automated keyword blocklisting, many...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A quick guide to getting mental health right in your ad campaigns

In the UK, mental health problems affect approximately 25% of the population every year. That is nearly 17 million people every single year. If it is true that advertising can be a driver for positive change, like all things creativity, it is our...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The worst LGBTQ+ campaigns, ads and initiatives

The most uninspired and offensive campaigns ever created for the LGBTQ+ community. It is always great to see a brand showing support towards the LGBTQ+ community. Representation in the creative industry is certainly on the rise, though there are...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Top 10 LGBT+ campaigns celebrating and championing diversity

On 24 May 1988, the United Kingdom introduced a nasty little clause, stating that a local authority “ shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality.” This was just 30 years...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why the right music is key to cracking Christmas campaigns

By Heather Andrew, UK CEO, Neuro-Insight... With Christmas ad spend set to hit an all-time high, the race is on again to achieve the coveted most memorable ad. Previous years have taught us that the aim of the game with festive spots is emotional...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why brands are striking a chord with emotive campaigns this Christmas

This November - just like every November in recent years - the nation waited in anticipation for their favourite Christmas ad to officially usher in the beginning of the festive season. Below, Greg Clark, MD of Sheffield-based creative agency,...

Posted by: Über Agency


International Day of Peace: five Lion-winning campaigns for good

Today marks International Peace Day 2018, an event sanctioned by the United Nations and observed annually around the world on 21 September. To mark the occasion, James Cooper, head of digital content at Cannes Lions, offers five Lion-winning...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Top Advertising Campaigns of 2016 from the Industry

Whilst 2016 has been something of a banner year for many horrible things, it's been business as usual in advertising, and business navigating new frontiers. One thing that appears to have come to the forefront this year is the coming together of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Pride in London: Key campaigns from the celebrations

After the horror and dismay of the Orlando nightclub shootings on June 12 2016, LGBTQ communities around the world needed a show of strength and solidarity in the face of unmeritable evil. A key role in this recovery fell on London. Pride in London...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


The Sweet Spot: Loveable Valentine’s Day Campaigns for 2016

In case you haven’t noticed, Valentine’s Day drops in just two more sleeps. As ever, brands are busy capitalising on all the love in the air to match people to their products. So far we’ve seen a mixed bag of tongue-in-cheek...

Posted by: Michelle Collier


Building an immortal brand: when campaigns are just a quick fix

Miles Davis once described his career by saying “I have to change, It’s like a curse”. This quote depicts the current business battle field better than ever. Across industries, disrupters are reinventing the business landscape. While Uber is...

Posted by: Harry Elonen

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