Displaying 3349 - 3384 of 3529 results



ITV air the first ad break constructed entirely out of Lego bricks!

Last night during the broadcast of ITV's 'Dancing On Ice', viewers might have been more than a little surprised to see a brace of their favourite adverts reimagined as stop-motion Lego animations. This marks the first time in history that an entire...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


AOL makes bold strides in advertising revenue with programmatic trading

Though it might have been overtaken by Google as the most visible name in online industry many years ago, AOL (America Online) is still going strong and has recently posted 4th quarter figures for 2013 that point to its most successful year in over a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Kitcatt Nohr Reverts To It's Roots By Dropping The Digitas Baggage

Since it was bought by the French multinational 'Publicis Groupe' back in 2011, the Digitas name utilised by UK agency Kitcatt Nohr has been synonymous with helping brands create unique and daring advertising opportunities. However, the company now...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Biscuit giants McVitie's plan an 'emotional' £12m relaunch

We all love biscuits, it can't be denied that a cup of tea wouldn't be the same without them, and there is no brand more synonymous with biscuits than McVitie's. Though McVitie's was first launched almost 200 years ago, the company merged with...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Teenage Cancer Trust: Say hello to our new interns

In 2013 we did some work with the Teenage Cancer Trust, running marathons, wearing silly outfits and raising funds where we could; but this year we’re taking on two new remote interns, Matt and Pete. Matt and Pete are currently undergoing...

Posted by: Bray Leino


Thames Hub presentation for RunwaysUK Conference 2014

Huw Thomas addressed a capacity crowd at the inaugural RunwaysUK Conference, 'Airport Infrastructure for a Future Britain'. The event was attended by Sir Howard Davies, head of the Government's Airports Commission, and moderated by Newsnight...

Posted by: Foster + Partners


“It's the [bad] taste.” Farewell to the last of the PG Tips chimps.

Growing up in the '80s, there were only four TV channels. Consequently, when we got to school, it was a pretty safe bet that we had all watched the same telly as everyone else the night before. So in the playground of a morning, we would all run...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Very telly. The best of 2014's new TV shows.

As the Christmas schedule proved, telly in 2013 was a very hit and miss affair. On the one hand, we had the hilarious glory of 'Gogglebox'; on the other, the clunky scripts of Matt Smith's last days in 'Doctor Who'. Still, we're a week into a new...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Unlucky for some. How 2013 let me down.

For all its joys and thrills, fun and frolics, 2013 still managed to deposit a substantial quantity of manure into our desperate existence. So, as 2014 crashes unbidden into our lives, let us exorcise the demons which threatened to engulf us this...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Nice artwork? What about the call to action?

Too often at printed.com we see fabulous flyers, leaflets and stickers with killer design and spot-on messaging, but there's something missing no call to action! To give your printed marketing materials a chance to work, it's so important to include...

Posted by: Creativepool


"That ad campaign cost too much." No **** Sherlock.

When I blogged about the John Lewis Christmas ad a few weeks ago - the one featuring the hare and the bear…and the despair of the rather wet Lily Allen cover of Keane’s ‘Somewhere Only We Know’ - a lot of people balked at the...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Top 10 Creativepool Companies of 2013

2013 is nearly over, and hasn't it flown! We have had a great year and thought we would take a moment to showcase our Top 10 companies of the year. These are the companies with the most views and follows. Some award winning, talented and awesome...

Posted by: Creativepool


It's a wrap. Introducing this year's best Christmas campaign.

Understandably there's been quite some fuss about the John Lewis 'Hare and Bear' Yuletide spot. Not only is it high profile and eye-catching, but the cartoon alone cost somewhere in the region of £7m. With that sort of investment, you 'd hope it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


That other social network. The rise of Google Plus.

So, you think you know your social media? What's the biggest social network in the world, then? Right, Facebook. Even my Auntie Janet knows it's Facebook - and I don't have an Auntie Janet. Okay, which social network is the second biggest? Twitter,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Favourite Christmas ads of 2013.

Christmas is here again, and the advertising has certainly stepped it up a notch. We are seeing many big brands producing more Christmas related advertising to help with your festive season. Some of which pull the heart strings, such as the John...

Posted by: Creativepool


Space for silicon

Anyone who works around the Silicon Roundabout is familiar with the noise of building work. It’s happening all around and the amount of old buildings coming down and new ones rising up is accelerating fast. One of the reasons for the surge in...

Posted by: Every Interaction


Star Wars invades paintings of Thomas Kinkade

I love Star Wars. I love art. I love when Star wars and art clash! Like this genius work by Jeff Bennett entitled “Wars on Kinkade". Bennett uses the art of Thomas Kinkade who,at the time of his death in 2012, was the most collected living...

Posted by: Creativepool


Photoshop Fail. Ads And Magazine Covers To Make You Cringe

We love Photoshop because it's one of the design industry's best tool and friend. Nowadays with the never ending supply of tutorials, apps and YouTube videos, anyone can be a designer, photographer and retoucher. With some fair amount of knowledge,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Mind Blowing Sketches by Bioworkz

I love art, especially illustrations, but I was blown away when I saw BioWorkZ's ornate animals. These are truly mesmerising and awesome. BioWorkZ a.k.a. Ben Kwok is an L.A. based graphic artist and illustrator. "Born in Taiwan, raised in Los...

Posted by: Creativepool


Privatised health care? Advertising opportunities galore!

Whether you consider it a good idea or not, thanks to the coalition government, it seems the increased involvement of private companies in the NHS is a racing certainty. And what could possibly go wrong? Just look how affordable and reliable the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Funny business. British comedy writing is in crisis, but why?

Last week, I wrote about the key differences between copywriting and 'writing'. And while I attempted to make the challenges inherent in copywriting clear, I wouldn't say the profession is in crisis. Unlike the art of writing comedy. Quite when the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Pie in the sky. A memorable campaign from the pre-digital age.

As a technologically advanced species, we've achieved a great deal. After all, you don't see hamsters riding micro-scooters, or otters designing iPhone apps. But we do have a tendency to overcomplicate things. Recent months have seen new versions of...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Why your brand or marketing agency should be using Vine

In the world of the marketing agency, 2013 won't just be the year of the Snake. It'll be the year the number of mobile devices exceeds the human population. I'm knocking at your proverbial door to spread the word of Vine. Have you heard about the...

Posted by: FindGood


Powder power. Ariel's stroke of advertising genius.

Do I moan a bit in my Creativepool columns? Don't answer that. As a fully paid-up, grumpy old copywriter, I know I probably do. But you can relax, because today I'm discussing something I really, really like. And handily, it's an...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Go home. Why the Government's ad vans were such a failure.

Our friends at the ASA have announced they are investigating the Government-backed campaign which saw vans driving through London, calling on 'illegal immigrants' to leave the country or face arrest. This follows 60 complaints and, despite some...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Is this how recruiters view your work?

When I first starting out as a junior copywriter I went along to the D&AD workshops that were being held in various London ad agencies. These evenings were great for anyone who wanted to start out as a copywriter or art director because you could...

Posted by: John Fountain


Unbreakable: the arrival of flexible smartphone screens

Picture it: the first day of our two-week holiday in Italy. My wife pulls out a map from the depths of her bag and inadvertently pulls out her iPhone, which is caught in one of its folds, at the same time. In one of those slo-mo “noooo!”...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


High anxiety on the high street. What is the future of retail?

References to the 'high-street' in political and sociological debate have been frequent for well over a decade now. Sadly, mentioning a problem frequently doesn't bring solutions. Many towns are plagued by empty retail units on their central...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Why social media is making us lonely.

In 2010, at a cost of $300 million, 800 miles of fibre-optic cable was laid between the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange to shave three milliseconds off trading times. Yet within this world of instant and absolute...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel

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