Displaying 1441 - 1476 of 1524 results



Last week, Private Eye tried to satirise advertising - and failed.

You're probably familiar with the magazine Private Eye. If not, you just need to know it's the longest running satirical publication in the UK (maybe the world), is edited by Ian Hislop from 'Have I Got News For You', and is still remarkably fresh,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Why the news is always bad.

Earlier this year, Jeremy Paxman suggested some editions of Newsnight should simply inform the viewing audience there was nothing much to talk about, before rolling the closing credits. Knowing Paxo, he was probably just being provocative, or even...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


3 Brands Expanding their Narrative through CGI Storytelling

Storytelling has always been at the heart and soul of a successful brand identity, creating an approachable personality to encourage consumer engagement. But with the rise of the tech-savvy Generation Z, brands are innovating by telling their tales...

Posted by: bluemarlin


What does working with John Hurt have to do with copywriting?

John Hurt, Sir Neville Marriner and I walked into a bar... No, that isn't the opening of a joke; it actually happened on Saturday. (Yes, it really did.) Luckily, there was no rerun of any alien-bursting-out-of-the-stomach scene. Always a bonus. So,...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO net Gareth Bale for BT Sports spot

Real Madrid's superstar Welsh left-winger Gareth Bale has been scooped up by BT Sports to star in the latest campaign to promote its European football rights. The campaign is centred around an ad, created by Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, which features...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Tune Out. What use is radio to young people?

Recently it was announced that Radio 1 and Radio 1 Xtra would be shedding a cross section of their DJs. Controller Ben Cooper has handed Mike Davies, Jen Long, Ally McCrae, CJ Beatz, Crissy Criss and Robbo Ranx their cards, and his actions are blamed...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Enter The Lovie Awards by 13 June

Attention creators of excellent interactive work, you have until Friday 13th June to enter this years' Lovie Awards! The mission of the Lovie Awards is to honour the best of the EU Web across Websites, Online Advertising, Internet Video, Mobile &...

Posted by: Christie H.Kristensen


Where's the glamour? They said there'd be glamour!

As the footer of this column will tell you, I’m a copywriter. And a blogger. I also dabble in journalism and podcasting. These are all quite enjoyable and satisfying things - at least from time-to-time - and I’m pretty lucky to do them...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Smooth operators. Whatever happened to real radio presenters?

The BBC notwithstanding, and a peppering of community outfits aside, there aren’t really any independent radio stations left in the UK. It’s all ‘networks’ - which is a rather overexcited way of saying a large corporation...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


What to watch? Why too many platforms are spoling the TV broth.

On 11 December 2008, Project Canvas was announced. A joint venture between the BBC, BT and ITV, it replaced the failed Project Kangaroo, a proposed video-on-demand service which was refused a licence on competition grounds and ended up as the SeeSaw...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Are we failing all this technology?

When the dreadful story of the mysterious disappearance of Flight MH370 dawned on the world, it was notable how many people pontificated ‘Surely all those satellites and things can track a plane anywhere.’ Some hotheads even went as far...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Bieber: only slightly more bad-ass than Barbie

So, Justin Bieber’s in the news. Yes, that craaaaazy 19-year-old superstar is at it again. The over-exposed victim of his own success was caught racing down a Miami street in his bright yellow Lamborghini at 4am. Apparently he’d had some...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


“It's the [bad] taste.” Farewell to the last of the PG Tips chimps.

Growing up in the '80s, there were only four TV channels. Consequently, when we got to school, it was a pretty safe bet that we had all watched the same telly as everyone else the night before. So in the playground of a morning, we would all run...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Very telly. The best of 2014's new TV shows.

As the Christmas schedule proved, telly in 2013 was a very hit and miss affair. On the one hand, we had the hilarious glory of 'Gogglebox'; on the other, the clunky scripts of Matt Smith's last days in 'Doctor Who'. Still, we're a week into a new...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Personal best. What 2013 did for me.

For all its trials, hardships, wars and woes, 2013 still managed to inject some wonderful stuff into our busy, pressured lives. So, with 2014 snapping at our heels, this would be an appropriate moment to celebrate the things which enhanced the human...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Daley Male: why prejudice won't affect the Olympian boy-brand

Unless you’ve been asleep for the past week, you’ll be all too aware of Olympian Tom Daley’s announcement about his sexuality via a ‘selfie’ YouTube video. The reaction has been incredible - from the media and the public...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Bat Wings: 60 years of the BBC ident

"All branding is about setting yourself apart and trying to be clear to your audience or customers that you stand for this set of values.” Absolutely spot on…and so it should be, because those words of wisdom come from Martin Lambie-Nairn...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Meet the Design Director, Robin Fisher of Nerv

What's the story behind you joining Nerv? I’ve been part of Nerv since the very early days (10 years now). I first met Cynan (Nerv’s founder) when we were both working for a UK based PC manufacturer back in the early 2000s. We were both...

Posted by:


What Famous Websites Used To Look Like

Today, I've decided to take a trip down memory lane by compiling several images that show what popular websites used to look like before they became big. From Facebook and Twitter to Google and eBay, the images show exactly how far web design has...

Posted by: Creativepool


The heads up. Why Facebook has lifted its ban on decapitation videos.

In my late teens, a video was doing the rounds. It was called 'Faces Of Death' and I don't think it was an official release - more a much-copied bootleg. Essentially it was a compilation of clips showing people meeting their deaths in accidents. A...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Funny business. British comedy writing is in crisis, but why?

Last week, I wrote about the key differences between copywriting and 'writing'. And while I attempted to make the challenges inherent in copywriting clear, I wouldn't say the profession is in crisis. Unlike the art of writing comedy. Quite when the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


It's political correctness gone mental

So, tell me honestly, does that title offend you? It's a serious question - I put it there deliberately. The reason being that, last week, Asda paid £25,000 to mental health charity Mind for advertising what was deemed to be a completely...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Why internet radio has failed to make a big noise.

Do you listen to the radio via the internet? Quite possibly. Radios 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Live, 6Music, Capital, Smooth - they're all there, streaming away. But, when was the last time you listened to an internet-only radio station? One that's online rather...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Bad reception. Why the worst thing about DAB isn't the advertising.

'Share the love!' says a one and half foot, massive headed, dead-eyed creature in a white jump-suit. Ordinarily the shock of this vision would wake you from your nightmare. You'd slope off for a wee and crawl back into bed. But this isn't a bad...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Is 'AdBlock' software unfair to the advertising industry?

You know 'Mozilla', don't you? The people who make the Firefox web browser? Well, it turns out they also make a thing called 'AdBlock Plus'. And, if you're using it, you're getting right up the noses of some advertising big-wigs. For the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Go home. Why the Government's ad vans were such a failure.

Our friends at the ASA have announced they are investigating the Government-backed campaign which saw vans driving through London, calling on 'illegal immigrants' to leave the country or face arrest. This follows 60 complaints and, despite some...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


One Minute Briefs

One Minute Briefs is a concept borne out of the minds of Nick Entwistle and James Clancy who run The Bank Of Creativity. It's designed to change the way people think about advertising, change the way in which creatives work and also provoke a lot of...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Get happy. Is Arianna talking total Huff?

First, a bit of background. The Huffington Post is an online newspaper and it's rather successful. Actually it calls itself a 'news aggregator and blog' - but considering that is less clear than 'online newspaper', we'll stick with the latter. It was...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Shhhh. What did the Twitter Silence achieve?

Today I learned an inquest has been opened into the death of a young girl, bullied to suicide by users of social media. This dreadful story adds a terrible darkness to the storm surrounding the abusive use of the internet. And, as happened with...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

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