Displaying 829 - 864 of 1029 results



Not a 9-to-6 job: How Chief Executive Nicolas Geahchan remains motivated

Chief Executive Nicolas Geahchan is both a creative leader and a business head. Nicolas has always considered advertising one of the most interesting jobs people could make. Creative professionals get paid to think creatively, and there's no way the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: How the Sainsbury's 2020 Christmas Ads came to life

Six years ago, Sainsbury's made one of the most unforgettable and compelling ads in the history of advertising. 1914 is quite easily one of the best Christmas ads ever made, showing the power of stories bringing people together - even in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Flexibility of Freelancing

Some days ago we asked our community why they chose to become freelancers. The answers were quite interesting: the thrill of the unknown, the variety, the freedom, the flexibility. In truth, flexibility seems to be quite a common theme for seasoned...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Think like a hoover

It's hard to imagine being inspired while only focusing on your own art. That is the fastest way to lead your creativity to stall - to stop looking at fellow creatives, and to become too self-absorbed into your own works. Instead, you should try to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Do you feel more stressed lately? You are not alone

Being one of the world’s largest creative communities, Creativepool is in a unique position to understand to what extent the creative industry is recovering from the COVID-19 outbreak. We had the power to make a difference by asking about the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Designers are not a one-stop-shop

Many designers like to think of a specialty - in fact, that's how things should be. However, way too many employers overestimate the simply human capabilities of a single designer. In other words, it is not uncommon for an employer to hire a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why the industry needs more diverse voices – With Sachini Imbuldeniya

"No one makes a difference in the world by playing it safe." Sachini Imbuldeniya didn't exactly have an easy or calm childhood. Growing up in one of the "roughest" council estates in London, she learned to look after herself quite quickly, with her...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Discussing the LatAm film industry with filmmaker Alejandro Giorlando

Alejandro Giorlando is a dubbing coordinator for NatGeo by day, and an ambitious, driven filmmaker by night. He dreams of directing his own feature film, even though government support and the problems in the LatAm film industry get in the way....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How illustrator Fabi Aguilar found her calling

Authenticity. Reading the words of freelance illustrator Fabi Aguilar, this is what modern society lacks the most - the will to nurture unique personalities, captivate passions and help people find their true essence. It was not until the age of 32...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


New stories needed for a new normal

Our societies are built on stories. These stories - of our past, present and future - shape how we think. In turn, the images we see, and the stories they convey to us, shape how we view the world around us. Faced with the new realities of COVID-19,...

Posted by: Si Crowhurst


The industry’s mental health is in bad shape, but there's hope

With the COVID-19 outbreak showing no signs of giving up, more and more professionals in the creative industry have been struggling with mental health, with 67% of people feeling now more anxious than ever, according to Anxiety UK. The mental health...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The evocative photography of Theofilos Koutroumanis

Photographer Theofilos Koutroumanis has done a lot in his life, from owning a bar to working in advertising and publishing. But when someone asked him to take pictures during a party night in his own bar, that was enough of a wake-up call for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Deirdre Waldron on passionate leadership

TBWA\Dublin chief executive officer Deirdre 'Dee' Waldron was not born a CEO. And this made her an even more passionate and empathetic leader. Born a computer programmer, Dee learned from coding a set of transferable skills she still employs to this...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Learning from Failures with Oliver Fuselier

Few people make their way in your heart like Great Guns USA managing director Oliver Fuselier does. Reading him as he tells stories of his remote and recent past is heartwarming and enough to paint a beautiful, comprehensive picture of an ambitious...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Blind Passion of Augusto Correia

"Don't learn advertising. Learn people." Associate creative director Augusto Correia has an ardent passion for creativity. You can easily get that from his words, and how vehemently he talks about his craft. Born a musician and grown in advertising,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: How to Seize the Awkward with Droga5 and the Ad Council

We've just wrapped up Mental Health Awareness Month and we've seen some incredible works from all across the creative industry to fight the stigma of talking about your mental health, whoever you are and wherever you are from. With suicide as the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A Copywriter’s Guide to Communicating with AI

How often do you open Google to look up a synonym with your Thesaurus of choice? A writer's life is quite challenging as it is, and doing that as a job means that sometimes your brain just won't collaborate. Luckily, researchers all around the world...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Member Spotlight: the unbridled creativity of Cory Barrett

It was no longer than a few months ago that we first got in touch with CBGC founder Cory Barrett, and it was enough to look at his website to find an unbridled creative spirit with plenty of artistic energy. After being "rejected" by the creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: AI-powered fun from Avantgarde's Motivator

Aside from post-apocalyptic thoughts related to Skynet and the Matrix, the rise of AI anticipates a future of big data, digital and progress. Countless are the already available uses of AI, from the most primordial forms in game programming to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive Marcom Tips, Week of 27 April

Image Source: From IABC’s COVID-19 Resources, https://www.iabc.com/covid-19-resources/ Being an excellent communications consultant is highly demanding. On top of all the other diligence and expertise, sustaining professional development is...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Three tips on how to write through the crisis

In a crisis, good communication matters more than ever. From supermarkets to airlines, brands are having to find the right words to set out their position and help customers make sense of the world right now. As a copywriter, I know how quickly...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Disney+ and what it means for the future of streaming entertainment

This week, Disney+ finally launched in the UK at perhaps the most opportune time in history - when almost all of us are forced to stay indoors. We can gently chuckle at the conspiracy theories about Disney engineering coronavirus to maximise...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Maturation of the Startup - A guide to starting your own agency

So you want to start your own creative agency? Well, good luck! If building a business is like raising a child, then nurturing a team of passionate, sensitive creatives is like being a first-time father or mother and caring for a sick infant....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


4 need-to-know digital marketing trends for 2020

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and with the new year bringing many more advancements, you must be aware of the changes we expect to see this year. Here, Marc Swann, Search Director at Glass Digital discusses the top digital marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Giving the gift of reading this Christmas

Last month, Penguin Random House collaborated with London-based studio Anyways Creative to create the ‘Books Make Us Better’ campaign to promote the joy of reading by gifting books at Christmas. The campaign aims to appeal to readers of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Agency Spotlight: The eclectic passions of the Deep

Deep is a design agency focused on branding, design for print and digital communications. The agency has existed since the turn of the century and has spent the last 20 years carving out a niche for itself on London’s fashionable Union Street....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Tons Of Tips For New Art Directors and Copywriters

What advice would you give Art Directors and Copywriters trying to get into the advertising industry? This compilation video holds the answers to that question from over 15 Advertising Creatives. The advice varies from entry-level pros to seasoned...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


The copywriter’s toolkit - part 3: How to get paid

Let’s look at an all-too-familiar scenario. The deadline - which was already tight - got moved up. The brief that you’d agreed to got changed as their client added more aspects to it. But in the interests of professionalism you cut all...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill


The 3 pillars of performance branding

Molecular archaeology is a relatively new discipline which provides those practicing it with a deeper understanding of the past through the scientific analysis of molecules extracted from ancient samples. For instance, recently the presence of...

Posted by: Yonder Consulting


Member Spotlight: Flipping the script with copywriter Vikki Ross

Brand and tone of voice specialist Vikki Ross didn’t take your average route into copywriting but has carved out a successful career by going off script. “I’m from the school of Work Your Arse Off,” she says. “I did...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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