Displaying 3601 - 3636 of 3955 results



McCann Erickson bring little joys to life with a new Coca-Cola campaign

Coca-Cola has teamed up with global McCann Erickson World Group advertising agency and esteemed director Anurag Kashyap to launch a new campaign in India that seeks to give a refreshing twist to the brand image in the region. The 'Choti ho ya badi,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What do apostrophes make? Prizes! The day John Lewis bagged my loyalty

Contrary to popular urban myth, I am not a member of the Apostrophe Protection Society. Yes, I did write a blog about Waterstone’s and the decision from their powers that be to get rid of the apostrophe in 2012. My blog did, incidentally,...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


I Heart Studios take over Shoreditch Art Wall #iheartcreates

We sat down with the Creative Director of I Heart Studios, Martin Winslade yesterday to talk about their most recent takeover of the Shoreditch Art Wall. The creative for Underated went live yesterday so head to Shoreditch and see it in the flesh....

Posted by: I Heart Studios


Kitcatt Nohr Reverts To It's Roots By Dropping The Digitas Baggage

Since it was bought by the French multinational 'Publicis Groupe' back in 2011, the Digitas name utilised by UK agency Kitcatt Nohr has been synonymous with helping brands create unique and daring advertising opportunities. However, the company now...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Bieber: only slightly more bad-ass than Barbie

So, Justin Bieber’s in the news. Yes, that craaaaazy 19-year-old superstar is at it again. The over-exposed victim of his own success was caught racing down a Miami street in his bright yellow Lamborghini at 4am. Apparently he’d had some...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Are You Being Served ?

Earlier this week, I wrote about the exaggerated claims made by the hotel in Egypt in which I'm staying, on the website Trip Advisor. Somehow, the management was able to promote the establishment with four stars, when in fact its true status is...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Bad advice. Is Trip Advisor an effective marketing tool?

I'm in Egypt, as I write this. I've returned to Dahab on the Sinai Peninsula to see how two revolutions have changed things since I was last here. As it turns out, the Egyptians are still as warm, hospitable and helpful as ever. The Red Sea remains...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Anatomy Of A Headline

I've always loved advertising headlines. Long before I embarked on a copywriting career, I'd amuse myself by creating new versions of lines I saw in magazines or tube trains. Even as a kid, my mum (an English teacher) would point out headlines she...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


“It's the [bad] taste.” Farewell to the last of the PG Tips chimps.

Growing up in the '80s, there were only four TV channels. Consequently, when we got to school, it was a pretty safe bet that we had all watched the same telly as everyone else the night before. So in the playground of a morning, we would all run...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Unlucky for some. How 2013 let me down.

For all its joys and thrills, fun and frolics, 2013 still managed to deposit a substantial quantity of manure into our desperate existence. So, as 2014 crashes unbidden into our lives, let us exorcise the demons which threatened to engulf us this...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


It's a wrap. Introducing this year's best Christmas campaign.

Understandably there's been quite some fuss about the John Lewis 'Hare and Bear' Yuletide spot. Not only is it high profile and eye-catching, but the cartoon alone cost somewhere in the region of £7m. With that sort of investment, you 'd hope it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


YouTube and You: are you doing yourself out of a job?

“That’s the power of social media” - that’s what they keep telling us. Yep, social media can indeed be harnessed and used to great effect by an enormous range of businesses - from sole traders to multinationals. For some of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Bat Wings: 60 years of the BBC ident

"All branding is about setting yourself apart and trying to be clear to your audience or customers that you stand for this set of values.” Absolutely spot on…and so it should be, because those words of wisdom come from Martin Lambie-Nairn...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Vintage Politically Incorrect Advertisements

If TV and newspapers tell us anything, it’s that working in advertising back in the 60′s and 70′s was fun, booze-fueled and that everyone smoked lots and had buxom secretaries. Perhaps bearing this in mind it’s no surprise...

Posted by: Creativepool


Hey, sugar. Is John Lewis' Christmas ad too treacly?

Could they have been the most expensive two minutes in advertising history? Well, if they weren’t, they certainly weren’t far off. Last Saturday during X Factor - and therefore requiring the sign-off from pop mogul Simon Cowell himself -...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Tooth well told. Why the Corsodyl campaign is a touch of brilliance.

I tried Corsodyl once. My mum had a bottle in her bathroom cabinet and, as it said it was a mouthwash, I took a liberal swig. It was very much like rinsing with floor polish and Polo mints. But it is a 'medicine' and the worse a medicine tastes, the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The heads up. Why Facebook has lifted its ban on decapitation videos.

In my late teens, a video was doing the rounds. It was called 'Faces Of Death' and I don't think it was an official release - more a much-copied bootleg. Essentially it was a compilation of clips showing people meeting their deaths in accidents. A...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Fashionably Dressed Animals Photographed by Miguel Vallinas

Upon first glance at this body of photographs Madrid-based advertising and industrial photographer Miguel Vallinas it’s easy to view it as a typical “animals dressed as people” project. But the closer you look makes you realise...

Posted by: Creativepool


Reflections. A Portrait Series Looking At Our Youth

Tom Hussey is an award-winning lifestyle advertising photographer based in Dallas, Texas. In a series entitled Reflections, Hussey shows a series of portraits depicting elderly people looking in a mirror at their younger self. The photographer...

Posted by: Creativepool


Writer's "I quit" video goes viral

We’ve all had fantasies about various ways of quitting our jobs. In fact, some of you out there may even have turned freelance because you just couldn’t take the permanent life any more - either because of your boss or the work itself....

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Sexy Pin-Ups Made With Clothing Entirely From Milk

Originally from Poland, but based in London, Photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz has a background in Fine Arts, degree in Architecture, and a wide array of experience. Being an Architect taught him how to be resourceful and to solve complex...

Posted by: Creativepool


30 Clever Print Ads

In the print advertising world, agencies are constantly working hard to create images that have the public talking. Smart ideas on great visuals attract audience’s attention easily and they become a kind of art in the end. We've looked high...

Posted by: Creativepool


Thanks to the new Lotto campaign, we all lose.

I was never keen on the National Lottery. On the night it launched, I nipped to the shop for cigarettes and was confronted with a queue which reached out of the door and off down the street. I was concerned the people had been hypnotized and summoned...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


It's political correctness gone mental

So, tell me honestly, does that title offend you? It's a serious question - I put it there deliberately. The reason being that, last week, Asda paid £25,000 to mental health charity Mind for advertising what was deemed to be a completely...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The 3rd Annual Lovie Award Finalists Announced!

It's time to VOTE in The People's Lovie Awards The wait is finally over! We are so thrilled to share The 3rd Annual Lovie Finalists. With 350 expert Academy members across Europe, nearly 1,500 works were judged and thousands of reviews were...

Posted by: The Lovie Awards


Spinnaker appointed as digital agency for iNTERTAIN

Following a four stage pitch process Spinnaker has been appointed by iNTERTAIN, one of the UK’s leading high street hospitality companies, operating 35 bars and comedy venues nationwide. Spinnaker will be originating and implementing a new...

Posted by: Steph Smith PR


Just how important is an agency's name?

Sited just off Fleet Street, the very first agency for which I worked was called 'Riley' and it was great. Inevitably though, I eventually moved on (sooner than I should have, actually) and 'Riley' changed too. In a large-scale, late nineties...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


HTC: Humongous Tinfoil Catamaran? Hot Tea Catapult?

When the Kevin Bacon EE 4G mobile network commercials first came out at the cinema, the auditoriums (or at least the ones I sat in) were awash with laughter. Tightly scripted, informative and amusing to boot, they were a breath of fresh air and just...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison

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