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Advertising Age names agency A-List Winners

Advertising Age has named 10 advertising agencies to its prestigious A List, which recognises the nation's best advertising and marketing firms. Advertising Age evaluated agencies based on creativity, innovation, financial performance, their ability...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Age and Creativity: Do We Get Less or More Creative as We Get Older?

Without stories what are we really? Storytelling is at the root of so much of our shared culture and it winds its barbs into everything from the stories we ingest actively (be it through books, TV, games or otherwise) to those we ingest passively...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Experience Bronze Age VR at the British Museum

Between the 8th and the 9th of August, visitors to the British Museum will be invited to step a virtual foot inside a 4,000-year-old Bronze Age roundhouse with the launch of the London museum’s first ever virtual reality weekend. By teaming up...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The age of beauty: tackling the industry’s diversity blind spot

A fixation on youth is endemic in advertising, with the fetishisation of bleached blonde locks, smooth bronzed skin and chiseled jawlines almost as old as the medium itself. But while there have been great strides made in recent years to diversify...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is the 'New Age' just marketing gone bad?

Spaghetti hoops, luxury cars, whisky, compact discs, bleach - if you can think of it, somebody has advertised it. And that's fair enough. As long as it's legal, any producer of a service or product has the right to attempt to persuade us to buy it;...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Homefarm: A very modern old age

We spend inconceivable hours dreaming of what our future might hold. How many kids we might have, if any at all. What kind of car we might drive. Where we might live. Yet, there’s a perception that once you cross the threshold into old age...

Posted by: Sophie Summers


The age of equality and diversity? Not quite…

By Rachel King, founder and EP, Parkview Creative March often feels like a month of transition. Winter slowly disappears behind us and feelings of hope and optimism are rekindled. There’s a renewed energy for change. March is also the month we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Pie in the sky. A memorable campaign from the pre-digital age.

As a technologically advanced species, we've achieved a great deal. After all, you don't see hamsters riding micro-scooters, or otters designing iPhone apps. But we do have a tendency to overcomplicate things. Recent months have seen new versions of...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Making music in the streaming age – #CompanySpotlight

When the advent of streaming unleashed pretty much what looked like a catastrophe on the music industry, many were forced to adapt or die. Founder of Syncsmith Gavin Mee was placed in an uncomfortable position - but he managed to make that harshness...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The information age is dead

The information age is dead In the later part of 1971 Ray Tomlinson sent the first email, since then telecommunications and computer networks have become increasingly complex and powerful. Today every aspect of our lives relies on fibre optics and...

Posted by: Blutui


Rebranding in the Age of Digital Transformation #FutureMonth

There have been few rebrands in recent history as catastrophic as Twitter under Elon Musk. Now, it could be argued that no rebrand could survive the man’s toxic persona and baffling business decisions but surely that bizarre name change, and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Relearning creativity in the digital age

People often assume creativity is inherent and that you are ‘born creative’. However, Cavell Ord-Shrimpton, Head of the School of Design at Arden University would disagree. Touching on how the creative mind is built upon confidence,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How brands can survive in the age of cancel culture

Among the many fascinating terms originating from Gen Z and millennials, Cancel Culture is certainly an interesting one. It connects brands and influencers with the direct consequences of their actions, paving the way for an age of brand reputation...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


In an age of mistrust, out-of-home inspires confidence

It’s not news that public trust in the news media has declined in recent times, fueled in no small part by accusations of fake news and data privacy across social media. As a result, public confidence in social media is eroding. According to...

Posted by: Posterscope


How Branding In Video Games Has Come Of Age #MediaMonth

Over the past few decades, video games have evolved from simple pixelated pastimes into immersive interactive experiences with vast storytelling potential. Alongside this evolution, branding in video games has also matured significantly. Once...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Honey Monster comes of age

The Honey Monster was really starting to show his age when the official Sugar Puffs mascot was benched back in 2010, but it would appear he's due a comeback in his autumn years. Having originally been created by the advertising legend John Webster...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A new age for NESQUIK’s iconic mascot | #BehindTheBrand

NESQUIK has partnered with global brand-led business transformation company FutureBrand to deliver a modern brand identity. At the heart of the work sits NESQUIK’s much-loved iconic mascot, Quicky, who has been reimagined for a digital future....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Hybrid experiences will come of age in 2021

2020 was the year that brands were compelled to engage with the world of blended physical and virtual experiences, also known as hybrid experiences. The learning curve was steep for many, with a huge variation in quality and creativity. However, the...

Posted by: Imagination


Consumerism in the regenerative age – 4 brands to lead the way

In a world that needs to rethink consumption, who’s leading the way in innovative design and astute behavioural change? Ethical consumerism isn’t a niche for brands to stay relevant anymore. It’s a driver of mass demand. In my...

Posted by: Proximity London


How to survive in the new age of creativity

Agencies are going through an unprecedented time of change with technology having a significant impact on business and how they are defined. So how can they survive in this new age of creativity? Laura Jordan Bambach, chief creative officer at Mr...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How the golden age of pop videos threw up a glorious abberation

The golden age of the pop video brought us a buffet of treats, didn’t it? Who could forget Simon Le Bon lashed to a windmill sail in ‘Wild Boys’? Or Paula Abdul flirty dancing with a cartoon cat in ‘Opposites Attract’....

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

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