Displaying 145 - 180 of 3611 results



Understanding propaganda in advertising

I’ve always been fascinated with the power of propaganda. Last week marked the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War and, of the many impacts it had on the world, it’s effect on advertising is the one I encounter every...

Posted by: Rob Pratt


Are white male creative directors ruining advertising?

The reason 89% of advertising is forgotten is because white men in London are the ones making the ads, according to Paul Mellor, owner and design director at Mellor&Smith. It’s all well and good for business leaders like Cindy Gallop and Sir...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


International Women's Day 2017 in Advertising

This year, there has been decidedly more attention cast on International Women's Day, which is important, as, even in these enlightened times, many women across the world are still being made to feel as if they are somehow 'less than' their male...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why the advertising industry needs to be more Punk

The upcoming Production Social (30th November) is themed around Punk, Dani Michelon, Head of AMV XLAB, the innovation lab at AMVBBDO & Founder of Production Social discusses why she chose this left field theme and the need for originality, rebellion,...

Posted by: Creative Social


Free The Bid aims to break gender bias in advertising once and for all

Gender bias has, until now, been one of those issues a lot of us like to sweep under the rug, even though we all understand it's a major problem. For many, it's a lingering reminder of a bygone age of rampant misogyny and prejudice that we'd rather...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Creative Circle want us to test our advertising knowledge

Creative Circle, the longest running advertising awards body in the UK, has launched a social media focused campaign called #namethebrand to mark their call for entries for the 2016 awards. The campaign, created in collaboration with Leo Burnett...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


IAB UK Digital Upfronts: Facebook unify TV and mobile advertising

Facebook commenced this week’s IAB UK Digital Upfronts on Monday morning (October 19) with a session packed full of insights about today’s mobile world. Ed Couchman, Facebook’s UK head of agency relations kicked-off proceedings at...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Social Media Advertising: Show Them The Money

Don’t you just hate it when they take something pure, and put sponsored ads all over it? Not that Instagram is the purest social media platform; it has been co-opted readily by A-List celebrities who just want to rebel against Anna...

Posted by: Jade French

Advertising Week Europe Live Streaming from #AWEurope Underground


Posted by: Advertising Week


A Distinctly Creative Advertising Week Europe

There is most certainly much business going on at Advertising Week Europe. When one sees the great work from Karmarama for the week itself, you’ll see that this not your “typical” gathering of advertising folk. Yes, there will most...

Posted by: Advertising Week


The Week In Advertising.

Warner Brothers - 'American Sniper' All too often, ads for movies contain too much information and far too much of the movie itself. In short, they're a bit desperate. But this is much more like it. Lean, intriguing but giving little of the story...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Tough truths for advertising in 2015.

Ah! There you are. I trust the festivities were kind to you? But now, here's 2015 in all its fresh-faced glory. Swollen with potential and pitfalls, what will this new year bring? Frankly, I have no idea - but I do know there are a few troublesome...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Publicis Groupe back Israeli digital advertising group

It was announced recently that Matomy Media Group has agreed to sell just under 25% of itself to the French media conglomerate Publicis after the Israel-based company floated on the London stock market. Publicis will be buying 20% of Matomy's shares,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Create Buzz Advertising and Appeale to a Younger Audience

Buzz advertising, or the ability for your advertisement to create conversation, is an art, slowly being perfected through past decades of advertising history. Many advertisements achieve good buzz marketing naturally, through internet and televised...

Posted by: Creativepool


Sir John Hegarty says modern advertising is 'sh*t'. Is he right?

“If you look at the UK, we are suffering because we are not putting the time into the idea and there’s empirical evidence to say that the quality of our output has gone down. It’s not my opinion. Empirical evidence from the audience...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

Advertising executives? - Why don't you open your mind?

Saturday afternoon was spent lazing about underneath a tree on Hampstead Heath, me and my friends slowly working our way through a gigantic picnic. Whilst doing a bit of cloud watching, we spotted a helicopter pulling a gigantic PKR Poker banner...

Posted by: Creativepool


Compare and contrast. American advertising's point of difference.

I'm in the USA - in a beautiful city called Charlestown on the Atlantic coast of South Carolina. But I'm travelling, so last night I was in Cherokee which, although it sounds romantic, is actually a rather tacky casino town 300 miles north. The...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Is 'AdBlock' software unfair to the advertising industry?

You know 'Mozilla', don't you? The people who make the Firefox web browser? Well, it turns out they also make a thing called 'AdBlock Plus'. And, if you're using it, you're getting right up the noses of some advertising big-wigs. For the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Powder power. Ariel's stroke of advertising genius.

Do I moan a bit in my Creativepool columns? Don't answer that. As a fully paid-up, grumpy old copywriter, I know I probably do. But you can relax, because today I'm discussing something I really, really like. And handily, it's an...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Khloe effect. Has internet advertising abandoned creativity?

The Huffington Post reports that Khloe Kardashian (who?) is now being paid as much as $13,000 per tweet. The fee doesn't cover profound wisdom like "Remember sweat is fat crying" - it's for equally useful posts wherein she names brands and includes...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Room 101 - ten things to hate about TV advertising

If you look to the left, you'll notice this is the one hundred and first column I've written for Creativepool. I must admit I let my century pass by unnoticed, which is rather typical of my lack of attention. But it does allow me the opportunity to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Shouldn't banks just stop advertising?

When you're as reviled as the Black Death, figuring out a productive advertising strategy is quite a challenge. Indeed, some might suggest shutting your fat gob and staying well off the radar might be a good call. But when you're a megalomaniacal...

Posted by: Creativepool


Nostalgic Advertising- why fix it if it aint broke?

When it comes to trends, what goes around comes around. Trends will invariably repeat themselves once enough time has passed for them to become 'In Vogue'again. This is true across the board, from fashion and interiors to music and lifestyle choices....

Posted by: Creativepool


The big advertising shift towards purpose 

In 2015, audiences on social media platforms hit a critical mass. Brands suddenly needed to find a new way to speak to consumers. It seems unthinkable now that we all create thousands of video formats for single ad campaigns but it was a much simpler...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Breaking into advertising with The Copy Samurai

In today's advertising car interview, we learn about how to break into the advertising industry from Braylond Howard aka The Copy Samurai. He talks through his journey with the Marcus Graham Project to emerging into the agency world. Come along for...

Posted by: Kevin Forister

Is art advertising (3)?

Many artists say they despise advertising. One embraced it. In fact, he started out in the business. He even won awards. And advertising coloured his work when he turned himself into an artist. Andy Warhol recorded pop culture as he saw...

Posted by: Patrick Collister

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