Displaying 1189 - 1224 of 1291 results



Facing the music. Did The Brits' PR campaign go too far?

You may not have noticed, but they held the Brit Awards last night. You may not have noticed because the TV coverage attracted fewer viewers than any Brits this century. Whether this is a failure of broadcasting, marketing or pop music will remain a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Digital desire. Will humans ever fall in love with robots?

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Depending on your point of view, this is the point in the year when you make a special effort to show your affection and appreciation for the significant person in your life; or a cynical exercise in consumerism, carried...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Speak when you're spoken to, dear. Or put the kettle on.

Call me naïve, but I think we in the UK are pretty inclusive; more so than other nations. Granted, discrimination in the workplace does still exist on various levels - and much more in some industries than others. Banking, I hear, is one of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


AOL makes bold strides in advertising revenue with programmatic trading

Though it might have been overtaken by Google as the most visible name in online industry many years ago, AOL (America Online) is still going strong and has recently posted 4th quarter figures for 2013 that point to its most successful year in over a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


“It's the [bad] taste.” Farewell to the last of the PG Tips chimps.

Growing up in the '80s, there were only four TV channels. Consequently, when we got to school, it was a pretty safe bet that we had all watched the same telly as everyone else the night before. So in the playground of a morning, we would all run...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Very telly. The best of 2014's new TV shows.

As the Christmas schedule proved, telly in 2013 was a very hit and miss affair. On the one hand, we had the hilarious glory of 'Gogglebox'; on the other, the clunky scripts of Matt Smith's last days in 'Doctor Who'. Still, we're a week into a new...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Create11 The right side of London

I know I am always banging on about how great East London is and I'm sure it is highly irritating for those of you who don't live here but maybe my ramblings on are perhaps slightly useful for those of you who do so here is the latest in the I heart...

Posted by: Creativepool


Fashion's New Year's honours

The 2013 New Year's honours list has been drawn up and announced. This year it consists of a female-heavy list of special mentions and an ominous absence of big names such as Andy Murray and David Beckham whom were both expected to receive...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Drive Like A Girl: patronising, discriminatory...or clever?

Most people would probably agree that, these days, we are a much more touchy-feely nation than ever before. Or much more “politically correct”, if you want to be more politically correct about the label. But advertising is still one of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Top 10 Worst Christmas Hits

Not that I have anything against festive cheer, but for some reason, this sometimes means that good taste seems to vanish completely, and this could not be more true when it comes to Christmas songs. With videos featuring a load of scouse wigs and...

Posted by: Creativepool


The not-so-beautiful game: the sickly world of beauty pageants

These days, we’re by no means strangers to the phenomenon that is reality TV. It permeates every channel, every genre and every demographic. We laugh at the modern Victorian freak show that is X Factor, with their hopelessly deluded, fragile...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Popcorn puzzles. The strange structure of movie posters.

I'm no statistician, but I can be fairly sure fewer people are watching movies at the cinema with every passing month. Netflix, Sky Movies, Film 4, downloads and DVDs are all conspiring to keep film buffs glued to the sofa and away from the big...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Hey, sugar. Is John Lewis' Christmas ad too treacly?

Could they have been the most expensive two minutes in advertising history? Well, if they weren’t, they certainly weren’t far off. Last Saturday during X Factor - and therefore requiring the sign-off from pop mogul Simon Cowell himself -...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Awesome and Imaginative Food Packaging

In today’s market, brands and designers have to find increasingly innovative ways of staying ahead of the competition and making us buy their product. One great way to out do your competitors is through packaging. Generally we’re all used...

Posted by: Creativepool


Kicking up a stink. How Dell can solve their 'cat urine' problem.

In the laptop market, competition is fierce. So many brands, designs and features - manufacturers are constantly looking for innovative ways to make their kit more attractive. Interestingly, none of them has ever released a machine emitting the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Tooth well told. Why the Corsodyl campaign is a touch of brilliance.

I tried Corsodyl once. My mum had a bottle in her bathroom cabinet and, as it said it was a mouthwash, I took a liberal swig. It was very much like rinsing with floor polish and Polo mints. But it is a 'medicine' and the worse a medicine tastes, the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Alternative Gravity Posters

George Clooney and Sandra Bullock must be feeling on top of the world after their space thriller Gravity recorded the strongest October debut in US box office history. Over the weekend, the film scored not only a huge 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes...

Posted by: Creativepool


Thanks to the new Lotto campaign, we all lose.

I was never keen on the National Lottery. On the night it launched, I nipped to the shop for cigarettes and was confronted with a queue which reached out of the door and off down the street. I was concerned the people had been hypnotized and summoned...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The name's Bont. Jace Bunt.

There can be few things more cringey than a big corporation “trying to be yer mate”. (I'm taking the whole dads-dancing-at-weddings thing as read, obviously.) And yet, time and time again, they try to make out that they value me, you and...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison



Hashtags are a funny old thing which seem to have sprouted up from nowhere and now run people's jobs, businesses and even lives. I have been pondering this phenomenon on two occasions in the past week - once when my mother asked me what a hashtag was...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


5 Minutes with: Geoff Foots, Creative Director at Guerilla

5 minutes with... Geoff Foots - Guerilla... Geoff Foots Creative Director, Guerilla... Website: guerilla.co.uk Twitter: @we_are_guerilla Facebook: Facebook.com/weareguerilla LinkedIn: Linkedin.com/company/guerilla-communications Tell us a bit...

Posted by: Creativepool


The iconic K67 hotdog stands of Belgrade

Greetings from Belgrade where, for once, the soaring temperatures are marginally less soaring than those in London right now. So I can hardly use heat exhaustion as an excuse to write about Jelen - a Serbian stalwart and my favourite ever beer - the...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Media will eat itself.

Here's a story so bizarre, so post-modern, that it's hard to believe Chris Morris and Armando Iannucci are not involved. They're not though, because this is something that has actually happened; it involves two major television stations attempting to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Whatever happened to proper advertising?

Last week I wrote a piece for Creativepool, suggesting the role of the copywriter had become sidelined to the extent that designers were now the 'creatives'. I also wondered whether this wasn't just an attack of paranoia. Well, it wasn't. The column...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


5 (Evil) Minutes with... Fede Alvarez

You can’t find an industry more creative than the movie industry; from the hundreds of people on set and the thousands involved in post-production, to the scores responsible for the amazing marketing and immersive digital and online experiences...

Posted by: Creativepool


Is creativity a dirty word to Government?

by Magnus Shaw As the coalition continues to press citizens to find jobs, while simultaneously conspiring to reduce the opportunities available, jobseekers face further indignity. In recent weeks I've heard many opinion formers and politicians...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why faked shabby chic does my head in.

Converse have just launched a new line which they have labelled as their 'Well Worn Collection'. Before you start conjuring images of cheesy smells and athletes foot contagions please bear in mind that these trainers have been artificially worn in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Tips for Negotiating Your Salary and Accepting a Job Offer

Congratulations you have a job interview! However, have you given much thought to negotiating your salary compensation package if you get a job offer? Are you honing your negotiation skills, in readiness for a job offer? Don’t fall down at the...

Posted by: Source

2013 Designs Of The Year

Today sees the opening of the 6th annual Designs Of The Year exhibition and awards at London's Design Museum. Following in the footsteps of previous winners such as Barber Oserby's Olympic Torch and Shepard Fairie's Obama painting, 90 nominees have...

Posted by: Creativepool


Hot to trot. Why we've been waiting a decade for the 3 pony.

By Magnus Shaw I remember when the 3 mobile network was the new kid on the 3G block (will there be a 4 network soon, I wonder?). Keen to make its mark in a crowded marketplace, the brand introduced itself with a rather brave TV campaign. I say...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Michael Tomes: the all-new Creativepool

by Ashley Morrison Last week was a big week for Creativepool: after months and months in the making, the new Creativepool website went live. So to crown its first full week of existence, we have the first ever interview with Michael Tomes,...

Posted by: Creativepool

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