Displaying 37 - 72 of 9451 results



How to find work as a freelancer

One of the most important things you’ll ever learn as a freelancer is that you’re never unemployed, you’re self-employed. You provide a service which means you’re a business and you work for that business. Like any business, you won’t get...

Posted by: Boox


Why not working will make you work better

Any working adult will know that not every idea, or every piece of work, is going to cut-through. For those in creative roles, this can be difficult to deal with. Creatives put so much of themselves into their work, as a form of self-expression - of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Office: Re-imagined in an age of hybrid work

As hybrid work continues to evolve, IT decision makers (ITDMs) and management teams are finding new ways to bring people together- both inside and outside the office - to communicate, collaborate and create together. With the ability to go into the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why Creative Labour Isn't Always Seen as "Real Work" #PurposeMonth

Aside from my “day job” as a copywriter/journalist/mercenary, I’ve also worked on and off as a semi professional musician for the last 20 years. At one point around 2008, it seemed as if that career might actually blossom into...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Pursuing a healthy work-life balance - #MemberSpotlight

Being a creative professional isn't a job - it's a life commitment. We think creative, work creative, dream creative and sometimes even entertain us with creative hobbies. It's like a curse, but one we're much happy to have. Yet when Designer & Art...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Could 2022 be the year of the 4-day work week?

There have been many talks about implementing a 4-day work week over the past few years, with no reduction in salaries. It's a tactic that studies have shown could lead to happier and more productive employees and with the world shifting gradually to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to... Work from home effectively

by Ashley Morrison. One of the perks of being a freelancer is the ability to work from home. I love it. No arduous daily commute (and related expenses, obviously), no noisy work colleagues, and seriously good coffee on tap when I want it. But in...

Posted by: Creativepool


The blissfully typographic work of a graphic designer - #MemberSpotlight

Coming from a background in typography, Iain Smith Dwight has an incredibly peculiar style that loves to blend type and illustrations in bold new ways. Iain graduated in Northampton with a degree in Graphic Communication and defines himself as a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Should creatives ever work for free?

Have you been to a supermarket recently? If you have, did you ask the till operator whether you could take the contents of your trolley for nothing? Of course you didn’t. The very suggestion you might be entitled to free groceries would be...

Posted by: Creativepool


3 simple ways to gracefully turn down freelance work this Christmas

This Christmas is set to be one of the biggest ever, as the world returns from a couple of years in lockdown looking to really enjoy the holidays this time around. Some freelancers have been struggling to find work in the last few months of this...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Do you need a degree to work in advertising?

Freelancer or not, the dream of working in advertising is real for many creative professionals out there. It gives us a career prospect and a much concrete way to give shape to our dreams. As much as it would be lovely to live off prints and short...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


First Faster Horses work is an epic relaunch campaign for UNIQLO

Sam Walker and Joe De Souza, the former group ECDs and partners at Karmarama, have launched a new creative shop called Faster Horses, and this week announced their first major work; an ambitious relaunch campaign for UNIQLO's flagship store. The new...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


5 Work Resolutions for Creative Freelancers in 2024 #PredictionsMonth

A new year often brings with it a chance to sweep the slate clean and make healthier choices when it comes to the work we accept and the work we don’t. Indeed, it could be argued that the perpetual curse of the freelancer isn’t so much...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Should I Work Over the Holidays as a Freelancer? #HolidaysMonth

Christmas is something of a mixed bag for me and has been ever since I made the decision to go freelance almost two decades ago now. On one hand, everyone else if off work so it’s tempting to take the opportunity to cool the jets for a week or...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What does the Best Place to Work For look like?

The new year is upon us, January is almost over, and chances are you’ve been spending the past few weeks thinking about the next steps in your career. Or perhaps you would like to know how to make your business the best out there for employee...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Brave New Office: the Future of Work sounds... scary

'Keep safe, mate.' I think I’ve heard this more in the past few months than in all the years I spent in London. It feels like a new salute, something you are compelled to say in our email sign-offs or opening lines. I’ve even seen a topic...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


5 tips on how to be happier at work

Four out of five staff admit to feeling burnt out and 73% expect their stress levels to increase in the near future, according to new research from Workfront, a cloud-based modern work management tool for businesses. With these problems having a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Agency v freelance. Better pay, better work or better life?

Years back it was said that creative people that chose to go freelance were either too old to be considered for full-time employment or simply not good enough to cut it in a top agency. In those days, I’m going back to the 80’s here, the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Turn your work into a question mark - #MemberSpotlight

Your work has to be like a question mark. If there is one piece of insight you can gain from McCann Paris Associate Creative Director Joseph Dubruque, it is this one for sure. Joseph, who was chosen to judge the Covid-19 category for Annual 2021...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why your work environment matters – With Group CEO Russ Lidstone

"Life is too short to work with people you don't like or respect." Russ Lidstone grew up in a small fishing town in Devon. Not many can easily get out of that life. To an extent, your roots and background are exactly what defines you, and it's not...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Negotiating Better Rates for Creative Work #MoneyMonth

Negotiating rates for creative work is a fine art that’s been complicated even further in recent years by AI. Securing fair compensation goes beyond just balancing the books though. It’s about recognising the worth of your craft and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Using goal-setting to get the right work

I don’t want to sound like a cliché here, but as we start a new year, it’s hard not to think about goal-setting. Of course, it’s important to set and review our business goals at various points in the year, but it feels kind of...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


Bruce Daisley on fixing your work culture

Besides being Twitter’s VP of EMEA, Bruce Daisley is intent on helping creative companies improve their working cultures and hosts the Eat Sleep Work Repeat podcast on the subject. He’s also written a book called The Joy of Work offering...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


Life as a junior. Be prepared to work hardest of all.

Starting out in the creative industry can be hard for anyone, and you should be prepared to feel as though you are doing more work than the MD or CEO. The basics are easy, arrive first or go home last (whichever is noticed), and pretty much be...

Posted by:


Your Work Here: The Annual 2016 Submissions are now open!

2015 is slowly winding down as the weather appears to be doing likewise, which means it's time for the industry to cast its sights on the new year. It's also that busy time of year where we start to collate all the best work for the Creativepool...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


'Mythbusting' what you know about work health and safety

Later today, a campaign will be launched in London at the House of Commons to attempt to cull the number of deaths related to occupational cancer. The campaign, organised by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (the IOSH), which is the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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