Displaying 1 - 36 of 9447 results



It's pandemic day today. How are you?

How are you? A question rarely asked for fear of the answer. It is August 2020 in Mexico City. My spouse and I recently bought our first home and it is in a woody area. Its name translates into the Desert of the Lions, a name befitting my family; my...

Posted by: Paola Figueroa


Yes we Cannes! What's happening at the festival today?

Have you ever been to Cannes? Not on a cycling holiday, but the festival? No, not the movie festival - the creativity festival, The Lions? Ever been to that? Me neither - but I do find myself reading about it every year; largely because the industry...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Top 25 mind-blowing advertising facts you should know today

Did you think you knew everything about advertising? These top 25 historical facts about the ad industry will surprise you. It is History Month here at Creativepool, which is the perfect opportunity for us to be reminded that there is always...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Top 20 product designs of 2021 to get you inspired today

This was a great year for product design. From the release of new smart home kits to the launch of iPhone 12 and everything in between, there were loads of incredibly inspiring products to buy, admire and learn something from. And though the smart...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The agency of tomorrow focusing on the youth of today | #CompanySpotlight

We Are Futures is a brand and social impact agency, which specialises in the youth markets of tomorrow. They analyse how young people think, react, talk and behave, and help businesses connect with young people and their families. This week, we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


I eat therefore I am - branding today's edible experiences

The food and drink landscape today has many different faces. But, one which continues full steam ahead is its wonderous reflection of people’s desire for experience over things. And now more than ever, how we fuel ourselves makes a statement...

Posted by: ECHO


How can today’s finance brands navigate the years ahead?

We are approaching a whole new world for brands and consumers alike, one in which humanity will matter more than anything else. Yet, it would be foolish to overlook what has happened in the past 16 months - and how the financial struggles of many...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The 5 secrets to a killer brand community that you can learn today

People love coming together for a number of reasons, and more than anything else. It is one of the many things that this global crisis has taught us - and a positive lesson, for once. There is nothing like a worldwide illness to make people feel...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Adapt or die: 5 design principles for today's luxury brands

The world is changing fast, and luxury consumers are changing with it. So, what should luxury brands do to adapt, and how can design help? As a generation, we’re far better off than our parents. Millions can now afford things that were once...

Posted by: Lewis Moberly


Join the Losers' Club in London today

Pennywise the clown makes a long-awaited return today as IT Chapter Two is released in cinemas, but excitement is spreading beyond the big screen to the pavements of London. ESI Media’s Evening Standard has partnered with Warner Brothers and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Trends of Today Shaping the Agency of Tomorrow

In anticipation of our next CS Presents which explores the Agency landscape in 2020 we asked our speakers to take a peek into a crystal ball and predict which main trend of today will have the most impact on the Agency of Tomorrow. Here is what they...

Posted by: Daniele Fiandaca


How would rate our work today?

Was reading about the release of ‘Bad Reviews’ (Aleksandra Mir and Tim Griffin) who’ve painstakingly brought together 150 artist’s worst reviews, prompting memory-lane moments where my own work was (quite rightly) excoriated by tutors and...

Posted by: Richard


Find some inspiration today with the top 5 animations of 2021

It’s been a year! Wherever the past 11 months went, we are now in December and it’s time to start looking back on everything good that happened this year. What better way to start than by listing the best animations from 2021? Top 5...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The 10 best ever Christmas ads that you should watch today

It’s that time of the year! In mid-November, brands usually rush to release their best Christmas ads and capture a precious slice of attention from their target audiences. Due to the shortage crisis, this year was a bit different, but...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Top 20 illustrations to get you inspired today

From digital to 3D, editorial and packaging, a collection of the best and most inspiring illustrations from last year. Nothing like a good year stuck at home to get you inspired. Right? If you’re like me, by now you have realised that being...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How freelancers can prepare for Brexit today

And what the self-employed need to know about leaving the EU. That’s right, I used the dreaded ‘B’ word. As you can imagine, Brexit will have a certain impact on freelancers in the UK, and to an extent, to those working from Europe...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


New coin portrait of Queen unveiled today at National Portrait Gallery

Let's face it, if you're going to have your face on millions of coins, you're going to want to be pleased with the chosen image. So let's hope Her Majesty is not going to be ordering any beheadings after this morning's unveiling at the National...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Opinions - What's your day rate?

by John Fountain Ever wondered if you're being paid the market rate for all the long hours you work? Well if you are working every hour God sends then maybe it's time you put your prices up. Today I'm going to have a look at typical day rates for...

Posted by: Creativepool


International Women's Day 2017 in Advertising

This year, there has been decidedly more attention cast on International Women's Day, which is important, as, even in these enlightened times, many women across the world are still being made to feel as if they are somehow 'less than' their male...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Best Valentines Day Campaign's of 2017

Whilst most of us know deep down that Valentine's Day is little more than a reason for couples to buy more cards and chocolate for one another and for singletons to buy more beer, ad land continues to pull out the punches every year. 2017 is no...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Give a Crap this World Toilet Day

Some of the richest people in the world are being urged on social media to show that they “Give a crap” about clean water by WaterAid, the international charity that transforms “Millions of lives every year with clean water, safe...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Mayday, May Day! Crack open the Champers!

I didn't wake up this morning thinking, “oooh, today is a significant day.” Nor do I have a beer-fuelled celebration planned for this afternoon in the balmy bank holiday sunshine - or even a rosé-fuelled celebration planned for later...

Posted by: Creativepool


Could 2022 be the year of the 4-day work week?

There have been many talks about implementing a 4-day work week over the past few years, with no reduction in salaries. It's a tactic that studies have shown could lead to happier and more productive employees and with the world shifting gradually to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Designing our time - The case for R&D and a 4-day work week

An approach to doing better work We’re often asked about the way we work. New clients understandably want to look behind the curtain to better understand our approach, process and culture. They want to know when we’re available, and what...

Posted by: ELSE London


Ads of the Week: The best of Fathers Day and other stories

Recipe - Birdseye Birds Eye is building on its #Solidaritea campaign, championing parenting and putting an end to “parent shaming.” The new campaign showing solidarity with parents is breaking in the run up to Father’s Day on June...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How brands and agencies celebrated International Women's Day 2016

Say what you want about adland, but it's always been an incredibly progressive industry, so it's only natural that many of the industry's biggest and best agencies and brands would want to piggyback on the social media frenzy surrounding...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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