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Displaying 2125 - 2160 of 2218 results



How to... Create a portfolio that best suits you.

Your portfolio is one of the most important things that need to be considered when thinking about applying for a new job. Us "old schoolers" have all spent countless hours trudging around Soho with our A2 portoflio in tow, ending the day with a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Taxing. What we can learn from the Starbucks fiasco.

by Magnus Shaw. There's only one thing that surprises me about the Starbucks saga, and it isn't their reluctance to pay tax. As large corporations are only really answerable to shareholders, that is to be expected. No, it's the fact they thought...

Posted by: Creativepool


Dumb Ways To Die Down Under

by Jessica Hazel. Aussies are well known for their cheery dispositions and sunny outlooks on life and this has never been more true since Melbourne Metro's new Public Service Announcement came to light earlier this week. 'Dumb Ways To Die' is a...

Posted by: Creativepool


The good book. The problem with a copywriter's portfolio.

by Magnus Shaw. Here's a problem which only came to my attention this week. Actually I think it has been lingering in the back of my mind for a couple of decades, but it only came into focus a couple of days ago. Because I write columns here and...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Pregnant, sleeping, Russian couples (by Jana Romanova)

by Jessica Hazel. The time in your life when all your friends start having babies can be a disconcerting one and people react to it in different ways. You can panic and marry the next person to smile at you on the tube, panic and run away to Goa,...

Posted by: Creativepool


skyFAIL - Has Bond gone off-brand?

by Ashley Morrison. James Bond is as much a part of my DNA (or life history) as Wimbledon, walks on Hampstead Heath on Sunday afternoon, and Mars bars. So it pains me a little bit to be mildly disappointed with the new Bond film. Don't worry, this...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 'Welcome To Las Vegas' sign, appreciated.

by Magnus Shaw. If you've always been keen to see the very cornerstone of capitalism; a seething hub of avarice and a perfect mechanism for prising people's hard earned cash from their pockets, Las Vegas is for you. I've just returned from a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Williams F1 picks Rufus Leonard for digital brief

Legendary British Formula One team Williams F1 has appointed digital agency, Rufus Leonard, to lead its online transformation, creating an entirely new user experience across multiple digital channels. The project covers strategy, UX, design and...

Posted by: Rufus Leonard


Ella Universe

I was looking not only for a blog name but for a brand name for my vision. I wanted to embrace all what I love in this alter persona, immerse myself in its world, and invite others to join if they liked. I created this muse, Ella, the timeless alter...

Posted by: Creativepool


Erase and rewind - Is TV advertising a broken model?

Watching the ridiculously good 'Homeland' last week, I was struck by how absorbed and tense I was - transfixed as Carrie ducked and hid to avoid her pursuers in the alleyways of Beirut. The aroma of exotic spices, heat and sandy dust almost filled my...

Posted by: Creativepool


My favourite adverts are currently...

by Ashley Morrison. Volkswagen. I've always been a fan of their ad campaigns and many of them rank pretty highly on my personal "I wish I'd thought of that" list. They work because they seem so 'of the moment'“ and yet, looking back to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Making a drama out of a crisis.

by Magnus Shaw There is much to like about charity advertising. Freed from the constraints of pack-shots and multi-buys, agencies have the chance to show off their creative chops and tell real human stories - often quite brilliantly. One only has to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Did you make the right choices at the start of your career?

by John Fountain Do you remember what it was like when you started out? If you were anything like me you probably focused on getting the basics right. Becoming good at the key elements of the job. Making sure that you were employable rather than...

Posted by: Creativepool


Speakers Corner: Phil Dearson - Advertising is a Tax.

Welcome to the CP Soapbox! Speaker's Corner is an opportunity for industry boffins to take centre-stage and put the (creative) world to rights. But we don't want to stop there! We want comments from 'the floor' so if you've got something you want...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - More than words. What do copywriters know about design?

by Magnus Shaw "Like all forms of design, visual design is about problem solving, not about personal preference or unsupported opinion." Bob Baxley It's funny. Art directors and copywriters work so closely together, for so much of the time, and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Get the most from the hard work you perform by Halcyon Management

Are you looking for better returns from the hard work you perform? As freelancers become more common in the work place so do the solutions that enable contractors to maximise their earnings. From Limited Companies to offshore trust solutions. Which...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinion - The will to live. How complacency is ruining retail.

by Magnus Shaw I hope you enjoyed your Bank Holiday, thunder storms and all. I did some light shopping on Sunday, such is my hectic rock and roll lifestyle. My good lady wife and I wanted to make a couple of specific purchases: some reading glasses...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Jesus The Howler Monkey

by Ashley Morrison Hey, don't shoot the (blasphemous) messenger. I'm not the one restoring pictures in Spanish churches. In case you missed it, last week I woke up to BBC Breakfast reporting on a poor, misguided, elderly Spanish lady who in turn had...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Genius of the mainstream. Tony Scott remembered.

by Magnus Shaw A little over a day ago, Tony Scott - the renowned film and advertisement director - jumped to his death from a bridge in Los Angeles. The details remain unclear but he may have been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Scott...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions- Your move. Losing your job before it has even begun.

by Magnus Shaw Writing in The Drum this week, Phil Haselhurst describes how his determination to climb the career ladder brought him to grief. He had a decent job with an agency he liked - good team, lots of experience, satisfying work. But, not...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Fancy a fight? Join LinkedIn

by Ashley Morrison But not just any sort of fight. LinkedIn doesn't provide a sort of Brad Pitt / Edward Norton-inspired forum or portal where the first rule about Online Fight Club is that you don't talk about Online Fight Club. (Sorry if you...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Farewell The Word Magazine

by John Fountain I've been a subscriber of The Word since 2003. Forget any other music, arts or entertainment magazine, this was the one that I wanted to read. But sadly now this brilliant magazine created by David Hepworth and Mark Ellen has gone...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Talk yourself up, if you dare

by Ashley Morrison I'm very happy to take advice from people. The main caveat is that it has to be from someone who knows what they're talking about. The second caveat is that they have to practise what they preach. Below is a genuine profile from...

Posted by: Creativepool


Speakers Corner with Creativepool

With the amount of likes and comments we can all do now on the internet, the art of being able to get your point across in a face to face environment seems to be getting lost. So to counter this culture of 140 characters and faceless avatars we are...

Posted by: Creativepool


Emma Sexton - Director, SheSays UK

SheSays is an award-winning organisation running free mentorship and events to women in the creative and marketing businesses. Why? Because we want to see more women at the top. And since we are all about doing we also offer courses, career...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. The latest phenomenon at Apple stores.

by John Fountain More people visited Apple's 326 stores than Walt Disney's four biggest theme parks last year. And many visitors don't go to shop. They go to play. They go to have fun. It might be a shop but you know, it's a cool place to hang...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Euro 2012: flags with a twist

by Ashley Morrison As Euro 2012 draws to a close, and while we lick our wounds and I am constantly reminded that being called 'Ashley' is not exactly a blessing right now, thanks to Messrs Cole and Young you may find some artistic Euro 2012-based...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Carr trouble. Why bad news needn't be taxing.

by Magnus Shaw Jimmy Carr is recording an episode of the sweary panel show 'Eight Out Of Ten Cats' tonight. A week ago, that news would be no more intriguing than discovering your train has a filthy lavatory. But a week is a long time in a troubled...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - A quick guide to being made redundant.

by Magnus Shaw Throughout this increasingly insane financial crisis I have worked as a freelance. Disadvantage: I have to find my own work and therefore income. Advantage: I can't be made redundant. However, I have faced the redundancy...

Posted by: Creativepool

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