Displaying 1 - 36 of 3712 results



#GettingToKnow the Ted Lasso of sports advertising - Josh Green

Josh Green is the Boston-born, London-based Executive Creative Director at sports + culture agency Octagon and sister agency FRUKT. He leads the agency’s creative output across six European offices in London, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Frankfurt...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Streaming kings - The growing power of influencer marketing on Twitch

Matt Woods, CEO and founder of influencer marketing agency AFK Digital explains the power, potential and reach of influencer marketing on Twitch. Twitch is known as a live-streaming platform for gamers, however its growth over the last number of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What is slow marketing and why is it fast becoming such a big deal?

Playing the long game is a concept that might be unfamiliar to ‘old-school’ marketers that were more bothered about getting results ASAP than building a long-lasting brand. But the consumers of 2022 have longer memories than their...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A view on the next ten years in Experience Marketing

You could say that after this year, only a fool would attempt to predict anything about the future. But, foolhardy or not, we can look at the direction of travel of the biggest drivers of change and make some inferences from that. After all, as Bill...

Posted by: Imagination


10 digital marketing trends to watch in 2020

Ten years ago, display advertising was in its infancy and Promoted Tweets were yet to make their debut. Times have changed considerably. Intelligent and automated technologies have increasingly super-charged digital marketing efficiency - so much so...

Posted by: Caroline Burgess-Pike


Rebrand Roundup: The Diana Award, Cruel Sports, Serbia and other stories

Jones Knowles Ritchie - The Diana Award Jones Knowles Ritchie (JKR) has rebranded The Diana Award, the youth charity set up in memory of the Princess of Wales. The Diana Award was established in 1999 following the death of Princess Diana and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Marriott announce the launch of global content marketing studio

Following a growing trend of marketers becoming publishers, Marriott, the international hotel chain, recently announced the formation of a new global content studio dedicated to publishing, distributing and sharing digital and filmed story-driven...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How-To: How Businesses Can Use Video Content in Marketing

The popularity of digital video content is undeniable. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, all heavily video-based, are among the top social media platforms. For many young audiences, these platforms, along with a host of streaming services, are...

Posted by: Taker | Maker


Why experiential marketing walks all over product marketing #MoneyMonth

According to Ofcom, we check our phones on average every 12-minutes and are bombarded daily with between 4,000 and 10,000 messages. Separate research shows we tap our phones 2,617 times and scroll through 362 feet of content a day. In many cases, we...

Posted by: Collider


The Power of Content Marketing for Success of Tech Startups

In the dynamic landscape of tech startups, content marketing emerges as a powerful tool for establishing brand presence, attracting customers, and driving growth. This article explores how startups can leverage content marketing strategies...

Posted by: Taker | Maker


How AI Will Transform Marketing in 2024 and Beyond #MarketingMonth

If the recent Willy Wonka spectacle taught us anything it’s that relying too heavily on AI for anything at this point is a fool’s errand. However, while there are significant drawbacks to using too much AI in a creative capacity, when it...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


When AI Marketing Goes Wrong: The Willa Wonky Washout #MarketingMonth

For over a year now we’ve been waxing lyrical on this site about the creative potential of AI, but we’ve also never shied away from highlighting the potential pitfalls. One of those pitfalls was underlines quite spectacularly this week...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top 5 digital marketing trends for 2024 #PredictionsMonth

The world of digital marketing got disrupted like never before last year when AI truly made its presence felt in a big way. You’ll probably read a hundred think pieces this month on a fundamental shift AI has had, and is continuing to have on,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Using AI to support your marketing

Sarah Evans, Head of Digital at PR agency, Energy PR, offers her advice on using AI to assist with your marketing work, freeing your team up to focus on the areas where you can add the most value. AI is not new. However, the launch of platforms like...

Posted by: Energy PR


The future of influencer marketing #YearInReview

Keith Foggan, Founder of social agency System, on what 2024 has in store for us across social media and digital marketing. Although many people think that influencer marketing is a relatively new phenomenon, borne out of the social media boom,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Ten Red Flags to Look for When Hiring a Marketing Agency in 2024

UK businesses have been warned to look out for ten red flags when engaging with a digital marketing consultancy, such as guaranteed results, lack of transparency, a focus on vanity metrics and more. Despite current economic challenges, the first...

Posted by: outbloom


The importance of branding for B2B – Part II: Marketing

B2B brand awareness matters more than ever - and the data backs it up. Brand awareness is the top priority for B2B businesses in 2022[1], not just in the UK, but worldwide[2]. B2B companies have historically always been about leads, sales, and cost...

Posted by: Think Design Manchester Ltd


How surrealism took over digital marketing

Keith Foggan, founder of creative social agency System, shares his thoughts on the rise of surrealist marketing. What drives these campaigns? Is it simply fitting for this era of escapism, or does it speak to a larger issue that brands are struggling...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Love it or Hate it - The History of Marmite Marketing

“I’m a bit like marmite, you either love me or hate me.” How many times have you heard somebody literally compare themselves to a condiment? Probably more than you’d like to admit. But such is the popularity of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

Top 5 Marketing Strategies for Local Rental Businesses

Traditionally, rental properties have been marketed through bricks-and-mortar stores or “For Rent” signs. But that has all changed dramatically since the invention of the internet as the global world has moved online. Marketing a local...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Getting creative with your ChatGPT marketing strategy

Gillian McCurdy, Head of School of Digital Marketing at Arden University discusses how you can be creative with ChatGPT and how it can impact your marketing strategy. There’s been a lot of talk around ChatGPT and generative AI and all of its...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why generative AI should be in all 2024 marketing plans #FutureMonth

ChatGPT has become the biggest buzzword of the year. And for great reason - generative AI presents a challenge and opportunity on a scale that may eclipse the rise of the internet itself. Digital marketers, due to their increasingly fast-paced and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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