Displaying 289 - 324 of 2723 results



Twist and shout. How a town gained a brand from a happy accident.

To create a brand for a new building is to take on one of the most challenging projects in the industry. Once the brick dust has settled and the scaffolding rolled away, there's a need to create an identity and personality for a new development....

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description - Broadcast Journalist

What is the work like? Broadcast journalists research and present news items for broadcast on radio, TV and online. Their job is to tell each story in a compelling way - combining the facts with the most apt sounds or pictures. Many journalists...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description - Broadcasting Engineer

What is the work like? Broadcast engineers use their technical expertise to put shows on the air. They make sure programmes are broadcast at the right times, and at the highest quality level. Engineers are involved in all kinds of production,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Job Description: Photographer

Professional photographers take pictures of people, events, places and objects. Their work can appear anywhere from newspapers and magazines to wedding albums and textbooks. View photography jobs View photography profiles View photography...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why creative jobs aren't always a bowl of cherries.

by Magnus Shaw. I work as a copywriter and blogger. I also do something I call consultancy - advising people on their writing, marketing or branding, really. Sometimes, I produce or present radio programmes too. These are all very enjoyable and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Lovie Awards Winners Announced

SoundCloud, VICE, StumbleUpon, Akestam Holst awarded alongside Special Achievement Honourees Stephen Fry and Professor Heinz Gerhäuser & Team, creators of the MP3 file format. On the 16th October the International Academy of Digital Arts and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Mange tout, Rodney, mange tout

by Ashley Morrison Hello from the Cote d'Azur, playground of the rich and famous and home to the wealthiest of the wealthy. Monaco itself boasts the world's highest GDP per capita (for that, read everyone earns shed loads) and, as a by-product,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - A losing battle. Where now for bank advertising?

by Magnus Shaw When a kitchen is infested with cockroaches, the little beasts do their unpalatable work quite happily while the room is dark.But turn on a light and they scatter chaotically in all directions, scared and confused. There are many...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Eye of the beholder. History's most powerful photography.

by Magnus Shaw The internet is full of hyperbole. Social media in particular. 'The funniest video ever!', 'The best song of all time!' - in a rush to draw attention to their tiny corner of the web, users understandably become overexcited and...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Heads up. The best advertising headlines in the world?

by Magnus Shaw For a jet propulsion lab brochure: "What we do isn't rocket science. Oh, hang on ...". For Sainsbury's: "We say 'hello' to good buyers". A recruitment ad for security guards: "Who says you can't have a successful career after the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Abstract product design: one bar of Hope, please

Being the product-loving and recession-conscious consumers that we are, we all want to get as much for our cash as we can. And in some ways, that even applies to giving to charity. People will admirably train themselves to death to run the London...

Posted by: Creativepool


Quietly Redundant - the future for the QR code?

I'm not a classic early adopter. I don't queue outside Apple stores every time a plastic cover for the iPad is released, but I latch onto technology fairly quickly. I was online in the late nineties, had one of the first phase of free Spotify...

Posted by: Creativepool


Roald Dahl. More than mere talent

I've always been interested in creative people. Why they do what they do. Where their ideas come from. What makes them tick. Today, for no other reason than I want to, I thought I'd write something about a true legend and a prince among men: Roald...

Posted by: Creativepool


What a [lovely] load of rubbish

Question: if a piece of art can literally be mistaken for rubbish, does that make it rubbish? No, not necessarily '“ but it does raise an interesting and valid question about whether art can ever be called 'bad' (or 'good') and whether it...

Posted by: Creativepool


Rob Lowe just looked right at me!

For me, going to the cinema is often a slightly nervy business. When I go, I go because I like to see films on big screens with big sound how they're meant to be seen. I certainly don't go for a meal of slimy hot dog, popcorn, Revels and Coke, for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Shouldn't banks just stop advertising?

When you're as reviled as the Black Death, figuring out a productive advertising strategy is quite a challenge. Indeed, some might suggest shutting your fat gob and staying well off the radar might be a good call. But when you're a megalomaniacal...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Andy Hayes (Part 1)

Andy has over 18 years' agency experience, mostly in project management and co-leads one of the design teams at The Partners. Or rather, he did, because in a few days he'll be saying a tearful goodbye to everyone, including his wife and family, and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Bored of Ford? American Idol isn't.

I love my Ford Focus. I've had it for ten years almost to the day and only now is it starting to grumble for the first time with 90,000 miles on the clock. It's reliable, solid, still looks lovely (in my eyes) and takes corners like it's on rails....

Posted by: Creativepool


Not so simples

As with so many wonderful things, the Meerkat was first introduced to us by Sir David Attenborough. In the 1980s documentary Meerkats United' we discovered they are not cats, they reach sexual maturity aged one and they speak' to each other. It...

Posted by: Creativepool


How coworking is disrupting office culture

Technology has played an important role in challenging the traditional concept of ‘work’. The internet, as well as the mobility enabled by laptops and smartphones, has created a nomadic workforce. Partly as a result of this shift, the...

Posted by: Canvas8


Converagency: The device of our time

In times full of powerful stimuli that come from a multiplicity of channels, there is a need to think, to be, to live and to create outside the box in order to communicate honestly. A 360° perspective is no longer enough. It might seem...

Posted by: Pancho González


Forget VR – The future of advertising is Mixed Reality

Virtual Reality is now. If most of the advertising industry hasn’t jumped on the VR ship yet, you can bet we will soon - or at least, as soon as those incredibly expensive headsets become a bit more affordable (or attractive?) for the general...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Trailblazers: Scandinavian traditions at NORM Architects

NORM Architects was founded in 2008 by Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen and Kasper Ronn. Based in the heart of Copenhagen, this architecture studio works in the fields of industrial design, residential architecture, commercial interiors, products and art...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


The Latest Highlights and Trends in Tech

First off the bat, let me take this opportunity to wish all my fellow Creativepoolers a happy and prosperous new year! 2015 was certainly an exciting one in the tech world, but with a 2016 looking to herald the dawn of mainstream virtual reality, the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire a Retail Designer

In the highly competitive world of retail, the visual appeal of your store plays a crucial role in influencing buying decisions and attracting more visitors. Hiring a skilled retail designer is essential for creating a compelling and superior...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ikea Museum set to open in Sweden

Ikea is a lot of things to a lot of people. To some of us, it's essentially hell on earth; a gigantic shrine to consumerism with added meatballs, which pushes products you'd need a masters in engineering to assemble with any genuine level of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Facebook designs the world's largest open plan office with Gehry

Facebook has begun the process of moving its 2,800 members of staff into the company's elaborate new office space in Palo Alto, California, which founder Mark Zuckerberg has been designed as the “Largest open floor plan in the world.” The...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Designing our time - The case for R&D and a 4-day work week

An approach to doing better work We’re often asked about the way we work. New clients understandably want to look behind the curtain to better understand our approach, process and culture. They want to know when we’re available, and what...

Posted by: ELSE London


Mobile World Congress 2019: A virgin's view

As someone who hasn’t set foot inside an exhibition hall since my dad took me to the London Motor Show in Earls Court in 1995, I was intrigued to see what my visit to this year’s Mobile World Congress (MWC) at the Fira de Barcelona would...

Posted by: Matt Box


Designs unveiled for Moontopia, the self-sufficient lunar colony

Ever since the great space race of the 1960s, mankind has dreamt of living amongst the stars, and whilst the concept of lunar colonisation has been a mainstay of science fiction for decades, it's only recently that the idea appears to be broaching...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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