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Displaying 109 - 144 of 623 results



The blissfully typographic work of a graphic designer - #MemberSpotlight

Coming from a background in typography, Iain Smith Dwight has an incredibly peculiar style that loves to blend type and illustrations in bold new ways. Iain graduated in Northampton with a degree in Graphic Communication and defines himself as a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Everyone hates advertising, until they lose their Dog

Then they want to figure out the best way of stopping people in their tracks, taking notice, and finding Fido. The same is happening with brands with a focus, or increased interest in digital. Every brief asks creatives to think...

Posted by: Simon Manchipp


Between typography, graphic design and perseverance - #MemberSpotlight

Iain Smith Dwight has a mind buzzing with energy and a creative spirit that never rests. From music to fashion, film and even more, Iain can easily find inspiration in any kind of creative industry that interests him, never afraid to take an extra...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Vector dreams in the creative sector - #MemberSpotlight

Ten years fly when you're having fun. Ten years ago, in the middle of the 2010 financial crisis, Rob House was just getting started as a freelance illustrator - and even now, Rob knows that was probably the best choice of his life. Rob has worked...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The value of balancing commercial and personal projects - #MemberSpotlight

All work and no play... well, you know the rest. It is hardly a coincidence that Jack from the Shining was a writer, and thus, a creative professional himself; the importance of balancing commercial and personal projects is much discussed in recent...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Passing on the craft and passion through generations - #MemberSpotlight

It doesn't come off as a surprise to us that Rupert Allcock draws his personal inspiration from ordinary people doing unordinary things. Breaking expectations is pretty much what creativity is all about - it is where the award-winning works...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Outmatching Digital with Fedrigoni's cultural heritage - #BehindTheBrand

When digital took over the world and the first Kindle was released, some publishers shuddered and panicked as they saw printed paper declining like never before. A few were forced to cease operations. The smallest book shops still struggle to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Switching Off with a Creature and a test card

As a successful UK-based mattress brand, Eve Sleep certainly cares a lot about our sleeping habits and it's probably among the most indicated brands that can actually teach us something about how we sleep. To expose the dangers of bad sleeping...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Diversity Drives Creativity – with CCO Owen Lee

If we want more tech wizards, more creativity, more diversity, we need to be exciting and fun again. The creative industry used to be the 'best place to work.' Over time, that fun got diluted and the purpose of the whole industry arguably got...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Blood, Sweat and Loads of Hamm

Spending ten years in the wrong place can truly wear you down. But it can also help you understand what you really want, and who you really aspire to be. That was the case for Garrick Hamm, Creative Partner at Williams Murray Hamm. Though he claims...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Exploring the freedom of digital with illustrator Sayers Design

Patrick Sayers still remembers the times in which his work were carried out on canvas, with oil, paint, brushes and such analogue tools. Looking back, Patrick hasn't touched pen and ink for the past 10 years. His illustrations all carry a certain...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


New stories needed for a new normal

Our societies are built on stories. These stories - of our past, present and future - shape how we think. In turn, the images we see, and the stories they convey to us, shape how we view the world around us. Faced with the new realities of COVID-19,...

Posted by: Si Crowhurst


How brands can develop lifelong consumer friendships

Making friends through loyalty, consistency, honesty, kindness and relevance. Brands are designed to bring in revenue; we get that. But great brands, the brands that stay with us for life, offer consumers something more. They deliver on brand...

Posted by: The Being Group

The Vibrant Fervour in Jonathan Knowles' Shots

Technology has changed much of what we know as the 'creative process', especially in the past few decades. The advent of digital has brought new ways to complete the same tasks and propel our inspiration forward - but there's no denying that the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Abusers Always Work from Home, and Wunderman Thompson wants to stop them

We've heard it, we've seen it around - reports of domestic abuse have gone up tremendously during the UK lockdown. The victims are stuck with perpetrators with little to no chance of escaping the loop, a problem which is very much alive as we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Member Spotlight: Jilipollo and the Art of a Visual Storyteller

It just makes sense that Jilipollo (also known as Javier Medellin Puyou) is an excellent storyteller. You can tell that by the answer below: dragged by love in a country that was not his, trying to succeed as an illustrator but still not quite making...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Top 10 most exciting illustrators

Taking inspiration from the abstract, the surreal, the bold, the colourful and the iconic, this collection of the best illustrators around should provide some much-needed inspiration for those of you struggling with self-isolation. Who are the top...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why we should get ready to embrace change after the lockdown

If anything, COVID-19 will leave us with plenty to learn. In the past few weeks, the creative industry has worked hard to prove its non-stoppable resilience. From spots shot entirely from home to beautiful art made in isolation, creatives all around...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Working as a mum and a leader through the lockdown

If you are a parent in this global climate of pandemic lockdown and quarantine, perhaps the Coronavirus isn't looking so gloom from inside the house after all. Gayle Carpenter is the CEO and Founder of Sparkloop creative agency and is now faced with...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What Does An Art Director Think About While Illustrating?

Internal monologue has been a hot topic as of late so I thought I would share a glimpse into my brain and my thoughts while illustrating a poster of LeBron James. I discovered that my brain is a bit all over the place while designing but I'm sure I'm...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


From Museumification to Mash-ups: Five experiential trends for 2020

Surrounded by pizza museums, themed mini-golf, and interactive paintings, you'd be forgiven for thinking that we'd awoken to some kind of cartoon nightmare. But no, this is the experience economy in 2020. Experiential activations are both physical...

Posted by: Luc Benyon


Behind the Idea: The redemption of Gio Compario

GoCompare is a brand that has become synonymous with a certain character that has proven polarising (to say the least) amongst British TV viewers. When Wynne Evans first burst onto the scene towards the end of 2009 as Gio Compario, nobody could...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why Sol is making the sun shine in October

When we heard beer brand Sol was setting up a bar in East London based on the positive effects of the sun, the first thing we asked was why now? “We conducted some research and two thirds of Brits said they don’t get more than an hour of...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


Women’s Equality Party launches ads against abuse in Westminster

The Women’s Equality Party (WEP) has launched a series of ads asking why MPs facing unresolved allegations of harassment and abuse have been allowed to keep their jobs. WEP’s poster, print and social media ads (below), created by Quiet...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Member Spotlight: Malane Newman's cartoons make America look great

Imagine going to a theme park that caters to different generations with each ‘land’ representing a different decade and a “little bit of Disney magic”. Life in the 50s - Generation Land is a realisation of that place in poster...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Member Spotlight: Flipping the script with copywriter Vikki Ross

Brand and tone of voice specialist Vikki Ross didn’t take your average route into copywriting but has carved out a successful career by going off script. “I’m from the school of Work Your Arse Off,” she says. “I did...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


UKTV's ghost sign celebrates Dad's Army special

UKTV has commissioned a giant ghost mural in London calling on viewers to ‘join Dad’s Army’ for a three-day TV special for the classic comedy. Dad’s Army: The Lost Episodes will see three remade parts from the show's second...

Posted by: Creativepool


Don't miss this official fan art for Peaky Blinders season five

To celebrate the return of wildly popular TV show Peaky Blinders in the UK, public broadcaster the BBC launched a hunt for the best fan art to help promote the fifth season. Anyone with a creative mind was invited to submit a one-of-a-kind static...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


In an age of mistrust, out-of-home inspires confidence

It’s not news that public trust in the news media has declined in recent times, fueled in no small part by accusations of fake news and data privacy across social media. As a result, public confidence in social media is eroding. According to...

Posted by: Posterscope


Why Helvetica Now is a big deal

You may have heard Helvetica has been updated for the first time in 35 years. In the world of typography, that counts as a very well kerned and perfectly typeset Really Big Deal. But even outside of design studios, where we actively pay attention to...

Posted by: Rob Pratt

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