Displaying 1 - 36 of 6329 results



Campaign to bring back Page 3 proves scars can be sexy #BehindTheIdea

Eleven years on from the start of the No More Page 3 campaign, which saw women’s rights advocates bring an end to the controversial topless pin-up page, feminist and sex positive porn pioneer Erika Lust is leading a campaign called ‘One...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Up front. What does 'Page Three' have to do with cancer?

On the whole, we don't tend to turn to The Sun for medical advice. Insensitive headlines about torpedoed foreign ships and prurient trivia about the borderline famous - yes, absolutely. But practical guidance on cancer prevention? Not quite so...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


6 important design elements for a landing page that converts

Retail e-commerce sales are set to hit an eye-popping $5.4 trillion by the end of this year; even so, many would be surprised to realise that the average conversion rate ranges between 1% and 4% for many industries. These statistics make it clear...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Give them a word and they'll take a page

Make no mistake: your writing is worth money. But should you ever work for free? As much as it’s a milestone, you probably can’t remember the exact moment you first got a positive response from an application. But rest assured, at some...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill


Online ads are too annoying says Larry Page

There was a sticky period in the evolution of the World Wide Web. This was the time when developers and advertisers seized on pop-up technology, but before any ad-blocker software was available to mitigate it. If memory serves, it lasted about a year...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

7 Reasons to submit to the Annual 2016

1. You’ll win awesome prizes This year we will not only send you a Limited Edition hardback copy of the Annual, but winners receive some extra wicked prizes. We give individuals a Creativepool Pro Account for up to 3 years, which gives you...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Big Has and mates whip up fusion frenzy for Inch’s cider #BehindTheIdea

Heineken’s apple cider Inch’s, and food and drink social media publication Twisted by Jungle Creations recently launched Local Gems, a tasty new campaign seeing leading UK foodie creators Big Has, Alfie Cooks & Hey Renu and chefs from the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why Creative Labour Isn't Always Seen as "Real Work" #PurposeMonth

Aside from my “day job” as a copywriter/journalist/mercenary, I’ve also worked on and off as a semi professional musician for the last 20 years. At one point around 2008, it seemed as if that career might actually blossom into...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#MemberSpotlight on 'Pixel Professor' Matthew Flaherty

How did you first get into the industry? It has been a really long road. I always wanted to be a graphic designer, ever since I was little. My studies were taking me in this direction, but life has a way of changing your direction. I was an IT...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Three Weeks. Three Steps

We've all done it. Leaving that super important task until the absolute last minute. So, while 3 weeks might sound like a lot of time to get your entries ready for Annual 2024, if your days' are anything like ours, it will be gone in a flash. Below...

Posted by: Creativepool


How AI is Helping Adland Become More Sustainable #SustainabilityMonth

The intersection of AI and sustainability is reshaping ad land, offering new ways to reduce environmental impact while enhancing campaign effectiveness. For those who have seen the writing on the wall for a while now, this is a necessary next step...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Power of Content Marketing for Success of Tech Startups

In the dynamic landscape of tech startups, content marketing emerges as a powerful tool for establishing brand presence, attracting customers, and driving growth. This article explores how startups can leverage content marketing strategies...

Posted by: Taker | Maker


The Top 10 Most Asked Questions About The Annual - Answered!

The next Annual deadline is just a few days away! To help you with your submissions we have collected answers to the 10 Most Asked Questions about The Annual. 1. How do I submit my work? It all starts on your Creativepool profile. Choose the work...

Posted by: Creativepool


Designit create a comedy series for Pluralsight #BehindTheIdea

What’s the obvious answer when putting together a campaign for an online education company? Create a four-part comedy series, of course! To learn more about this bonkers but brilliant idea, we spoke to the team behind it. What was the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Implications and Complications of AI Branding #BrandMonth

There will come a time in the not-too-distant future where I officially get sick of writing about AI. Thankfully, however, I’ve not quite crossed the indifference Rubicon yet. Indeed, given the pace the technology is developing, it seems...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire a Typographer

In today’s digital era, typography plays a pivotal role in enhancing brand identity, conveying meaning, and elevating the user experience. Whether you’re designing a website, logo, or marketing materials, the right typographer (font...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#CompanySpotlight on progressive design agency Studio Miko

We caught up with Studio Miko Co-Founder and Creative Director Alistair Millen this week to talk the enduring value of design in a “do it yourself” world. How was your company born and where are you based? Both Laurence, co-founder, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Beyond Radio

Throughout my career as a sound designer, I've witnessed rapid changes in the audio landscape. As I reflect on this, I realise that there has never been a better time to work in audio. Radio listenership is currently at an all-time high, podcasts...

Posted by: Chris Turner


Is TikTok a positive influence on diversity? #DiversityMonth

If a fair proportion of the mainstream legacy media were to be believed, TikTok represents a very real threat to our children. In reality though, anyone that’s ever spent even a little time scrolling through the app will tell you it is, in...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#MemberSpotlight on Creative Director John-Louis West

With a background in print design and advertising, John-Louis West has over 20 years of experience as a design consultant, which places him at the intersection of business, digital, graphic design, and motion graphics. We caught up with him this week...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Using AI to support your marketing

Sarah Evans, Head of Digital at PR agency, Energy PR, offers her advice on using AI to assist with your marketing work, freeing your team up to focus on the areas where you can add the most value. AI is not new. However, the launch of platforms like...

Posted by: Energy PR


The Future is Now: 5 Design Trends for 2024 #PredictionsMonth

Can you believe it, we’re almost already two weeks into 2024? The passage of time is a strange and cruel thing and I feel almost nervous that it’s taken me this long to break out a true predictive trends piece. Trend forecasting, you...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Tearing loved ones apart for 40 years with Domino’s #BehindTheIdea

Domino’s, the UK’s most loved pizza delivery company, unveils the next chapter of its ongoing Domin-oh-hoo-hoo campaign. Revealing a new 30” spot which reflects a brutally honest take on sharing, Tearing Loved Ones Apart Since 1985...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow Louisa O’Connor, Managing Director at Seen Presents

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? As the head of a brand experience agency, it's a blend of jumping into new business meetings, hashing out creative strategies for ongoing projects, and throwing in some...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ridding the world of bad design with Dawn Creative #CompanySpotlight

This week, we speak to David O’Hearns, Managing Director at Dawn Creative, about how a nightmare at an old agency turned into a beautiful dream of a fresh start. A new dawn, if you will… How was your company born and where are you...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creative Trends That Will Dominate 2024 #YearInReview

We’ve already looked back at the year that was 2023 and what a year it was. But what kind of magazine would we be if we didn’t also cast our sights on the next 12 months? Of course, there are a few trends you can expect to see pop up...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The fake agency pitching for the world’s largest oil and gas company

“Fake it until you make it” is a common adage in the creative industries but never before has it rang so true as with the spoof ad agency created to satirise the notoriously amoral oil and gas company Saudi Aramco. Climate collective...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Ten Red Flags to Look for When Hiring a Marketing Agency in 2024

UK businesses have been warned to look out for ten red flags when engaging with a digital marketing consultancy, such as guaranteed results, lack of transparency, a focus on vanity metrics and more. Despite current economic challenges, the first...

Posted by: outbloom


#MemberSpotlight on children’s artist and illustrator Floris Eloff

How did you get into the industry? After completing my Art & Design studies at the Durban University of Technology, I dived with youthful enthusiasm into my first attempt at illustrating a children’s book, written (dutifully) by my mother back...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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