Displaying 505 - 533 of 533 results



Ogilvy & Mather Chicago appoints new Head of Planning

Ogilvy & Mather's growing international leadership team added another string to its bow yesterday when it was announced that Antonio Nunez will be serving as the new head of planning of the agency's Chicago office, starting this month. Nunez, who is...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Three ways that brands can move from social pariah to social star

Brands have forgotten what being ‘social’ actually means and need to put more effort into ‘working the room’ on social media, says Rena Varsani, head of copy. Bear with me for a moment while I ask a patronising question: can...

Posted by: Rufus Leonard


Freelancers, stop ignoring customer retention!

Most freelancers think that 'customer retention' and 'brand loyalty' are just terms that get thrown around by marketers and don't apply to them. But no matter how small the business in question may be, customer retention is always relevant. In fact,...

Posted by: Copywriting Is Art


ViralGains raise $2.8 million of a $3.3 million round of funding

ViralGains, the viral video marketing firm, announced yesterday that they have raised $2.8 million of what is expected to be a $3.3 million seed round of funding. They will be using these funds to grow the supply and demand sides of its business and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Vector Illustrations

Business People Communication - Vector Illustrations Verbal or non-verbal, business communication is essential everywhere, and I’m talking about the virtual world too. Quite often, in the ‘virtual’, communication needs some visual...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to make yourself a billionaire with a failing social network.

How about this for a pitch. A new social network - only you pay for this one. For your money, you are guaranteed the opportunity to interact with celebrities, leading business people, sport stars and top technology people. Essentially, you're buying...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Spray That Again. How evil is advertising?

Since an art director colleague introduced me to Banksy many years ago, I’ve enjoyed his stuff enormously. In that time he has painted throughout the world, from Sydney to Camden, LA to Palestine. The art critics bemoan him - too obvious, too...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


BBD Perfect Storm scoops up a Dream account

After having scooped a huge account in the form of the Prudential's 'PruProtect' life insurance business at the end of last month, BBD Perfect Storm now adds another wealthy string to its bow in the form of bed specialist 'Dreams', who yesterday...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


We're being spied upon. But then, we made it so easy.

The most surprising aspect of the Edward Snowden case and the revelations about GCHQ is that anyone is surprised. Did we really imagine our 'lords and masters' had such respect for our privacy and dignity that they would resist the temptation to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


A guide to handling unpaid invoices and refusenik clients.

Creativepoolers in the fortunate position of holding down a fulltime staff job will be familiar with the warm glow of the monthly payslip. Sure, you'd probably like the net total to be larger, but at least your earnings show up on a predictable...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Could you help this copywriter find work in Chicago?

The Creativepool network spreads far and wide and maybe you could help a fellow creative in need of help. Damien James is a US copywriter who has spent the last three years with his wife and children working in Krakow, Poland. Last week the time...

Posted by: Creativepool


Technology makes me boring

By Ashley Morrison Considering that words and the effective use of them takes up pretty much my whole working life, I don’t read enough of them. No, cancel that - I do read enough of them, just not the right ones. Last night, I found a largely...

Posted by: Creativepool

2013 Designs Of The Year

Today sees the opening of the 6th annual Designs Of The Year exhibition and awards at London's Design Museum. Following in the footsteps of previous winners such as Barber Oserby's Olympic Torch and Shepard Fairie's Obama painting, 90 nominees have...

Posted by: Creativepool


Creating social barriers - Why do it to yourself?

by Andrew Greenhalgh. In an article (Marketing, March 6th 2013) about the latest Andrex campaign which asks whether or not the nation “scrunches or folds” their loo roll, a rather prudsih Nigel Roberts writes, "Who honestly thought that...

Posted by: Creativepool


What did you just call me? The tricky art of naming brands.

By Magnus Shaw Have you used your Tripod today? How about your Mobi? There's a very good chance you have, but you knew it as your iPhone. It seems the obvious name for Apple's mobile handset doesn't it? After all, they already the iPod and its...

Posted by: Creativepool


Simon Shaw - Exposure

What do you actually do? I am the Creative Director of exposure. We sometimes discuss amongst ourselves what it is a modern creative director does. At exposure my job falls into four main sections; idea architect, creative conductor, talent scout...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Nigel Edginton Vigus - Creative Director at Wunderman

"My career has had a few twists and turns" Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for? Saving the world, oiling the wheels of commerce and bringing joy to millions - an ad, banner, MPU, website, DM piece, letter, SMS or email at a time....

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Aindri Chakraborty

Website: aindri.com Creativepool: creativepool.com/aindri Facebook: www.facebook.com/aindri "I am an illustrator/designer/animator gathering experience in different sectors since 2006. My creative practice so far has covered education, television...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Tweeting for crisps.

by Magnus Shaw Special K eternally pitched as a "healthy" food, it's now at the centre of an "eat this and wear smaller jeans" campaign. It must be going well, because a line of Special K snacks has been launched named "Cracker Crisps." It's no...

Posted by: Creativepool


Do you network?

Up until a month ago I'd never attended a networking group. In truth I didn't know much about them. I assumed that they were for geeks and braggers, for the totally incompetent and the mildly desperate, for people either short of friends or folk who...

Posted by: Creativepool


Facebook Vs. CVs - is it ok for employers to stalk applicants?

As Facebook timeline is being pushed upon us more and more forcefully from the powers that be, you might want to stop and ponder the implications of opting to have your entire Facebook past accessible to all. Click on 2008 and photos of a stag night...

Posted by: Creativepool


What does 2012 have in store for us?

In truth no one knows. Conversations we’ve had with many of our clients show that 2012 holds a certain unpredictability, which is making many a little nervous. There seem to be a lot of pitches around and enough work for everyone but with the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Who's killing copywriting?

Recent months have seen a swathe of articles predicting the end of the traditional, journalistic newspaper. Indeed, I have commented on the topic on Creativepool. But, as far as I'm aware, there has been no suggestion that the art of copywriting may...

Posted by: Creativepool


Richard Avedon fashion's greatest photographer

If there is one iconic image which sums up all that is glamour and stardom within the realms of fashion and Hollywood then it has to be that over-exposed, stark image of Audrey Hepburn’s eyes, eyebrows and lips from the 1957 musical Funny...

Posted by: Creativepool


Damien Hirst and plagiarism

Today we live in a copy and paste world where it's acceptable to take someone else's idea and use it for our own benefit. Some say it's not plagiarism, it's a homage, a way of paying respect to the greats who came before. Others say it's just lazy....

Posted by: Creativepool


What does the internet sound like?

You may think this is an unusual question to ask. But every day, millions of people visit internet chatrooms...to chat albeit by typing rather than by speaking aloud. Ben Rubin (a New York artist) and Mark Hansen (Associate Professor of Statistics at...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Dave Morris

30 years ago I was a student trying to get into the business and Dave Morris was one of my course lecturers. Today he visits the leading advertising colleges in Milan, Amsterdam and England and has luminaries such as Dave Trott singing his praises....

Posted by: Creativepool

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