Displaying 1 - 36 of 1188 results



Twitter Blue 2.0 - The beginning of the end for Elon's Twitter?

After the collapse of Twitter Blue, Elon Musk assured us a new system would return, and on Friday he delivered some details surrounding the upcoming delivery of that promise. With a revamped, colour coordinated system, full of manual checks to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Opinions - Doing bird. Should Twitter be policed?

by Magnus Shaw In the early hours of this morning Dorset police arrested a 17-year-old boy. It's alleged he sent a tweet to Olympic diver Tom Daly which read "You let your dad down I hope you know that." Daly had finished fourth in the Men's...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why we love Twitter’s new brand

Brands owe consumers much more than they usually let transpire. As both their advocates and their fiercest critics, consumers will fight for a brand they believe in and they will be ready to take it down just as easily. Often, a brand’s story...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Twitter join the video streaming revolution

It was only a matter of time before Twitter decided to throw it's hat in the ring alongside YouTube, Vine and the like, but it would appear that the social networking behemoth's plans are a little more ambitious than would have perhaps been presumed....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Shhhh. What did the Twitter Silence achieve?

Today I learned an inquest has been opened into the death of a young girl, bullied to suicide by users of social media. This dreadful story adds a terrible darkness to the storm surrounding the abusive use of the internet. And, as happened with...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Is Twitter about to break itself, and what should we do about it?

Today, in the late afternoon, it all kicked off on Twitter. Was it despair at further appalling news seeping from the Middle East? Or fury over another catastrophic governmental decision? Of course not. It was the revelation that Twitter itself is...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


To rebrand Twitter needs to know its tribe | #FutureMonth

“We have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” Bang. Politically liberal users on Twitter surged by 24% as news broke of Trump’s permanent ban from the platform in January...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Revenues are up at Twitter - so where now for the social network?

Whenever financial commentators comment on the fiscal possibilities of social media, the focus falls of Facebook. Understandable, I suppose. A fifth of the world's population has an account and the whole platform seems permanently balanced between...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Keep Track Of Your Wish List With Twitter

November is the busiest marketing month and Amazon is giving its customers another tool to keep track of all the goodies that will be filling up their online shopping baskets. Yesterday Amazon introduced #AmazonWishList, allowing customers to add...

Posted by: Creativepool


IAB UK Digital Upfronts: Twitter push video in a big way

Twitter showcased a selection of exciting new mobile video applications and tools during their lunchtime session at the IAB UK Digital Upfronts last Thursday (October 22), while guests enjoyed cocktails and canapés at the BEAT nightclub in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Can Twitter clean up its act in the Elon Musk era?

The deal to acquire Twitter is done. Elon Musk has now completed his $44bn takeover of the social media company. But while many of us have been distracted by the ‘will he, won’t he?’ headlines over recent months, perhaps what we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


An in-depth look into Twitter advertising

If you happen to have read any of my earlier posts, or you know me personally, you will know I am not a fan of Twitter at all. They have spent years playing catch up to the big social giants because they changed their channel around way too much, and...

Posted by:


Burberry Uses The Twitter Buy Button

Last week Twitter launched the Buy Button which is a new way for users to discover and buy products on Twitter. The new tool will make shopping from mobile devices convenient and easy and provides sellers with a new way to turn the direct...

Posted by: Creativepool


Twitter help Sky 'Amplify' online content and sponsorship fusion

Sky has become the latest brand to sign up to Twitter's 'Amplify' video advertising platform in an effort to integrate its content and sponsorships online. The Amplify platform first launched in May 2013 and now has more than 70 partners (including...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#Trends. Why Twitter shall remain nameless

by John Fountain On Tuesday this week, as Her Majesty The Queen waved her hankie at the soggy hoards along The Mall, Twitter announced a new logo. Yes, as Her Majesty finally kicked off her overly softened shoes and dunked her chocolate bourbon...

Posted by: Creativepool


@Rupertmurdoch - Twitter's newest recruit.

Twitter is a platform frequented by young liberals and techy celebrities, or their PR companies, but New Years Eve welcomed a very interesting new recruit, no less then Britains most-hated OAP Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch has previously referred to the...

Posted by: Creativepool


How not to rebrand: The Twitter / X saga

Rebrands are usually orchestrated very carefully. Months (or sometimes years) of planning reaches a point where an organisation transitions from one brand to another, with every touchpoint and all ramifications carefully considered. And, of course,...

Posted by: Novagram

Strife is tweet - a top ten of Twitter scandals

1. Social sausage Anthony Weiner (oh the irony!) denied everything and blamed hackers (they always do), when a photo of his genitals was tweeted from his account and sent to a woman in Seattle. The problem was that Weiner, at the time, was one of...

Posted by: Creativepool


Thank you, U2...for giving us something to moan about on Twitter

Looking down my Twitter feed, it seems to me that the 140-character-loving public has forgotten something. They've forgotten how to be interesting. That includes me, incidentally, before you go and tweet something rude @Ashley_Morrison in response. I...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


IAB UK Digital Upfronts: DigitasLBi create a literal Twitter Periscope

DigitasLBi kicked off the IAB UK Digital Upfronts last Friday (October 16) with the DigitasLBi UK NewFront, which featured an eclectic array of speakers. The event also saw the unveiling of the “Periscope Periscope,” an interactive...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to spot a Twitter bot with Gravity Road

Twitter has rolled-out various functions to reduce the amount of abuse, harassment and unwanted engagement on its platform in the past few years. They have included allowing users to block certain words from replies to their tweets as well as...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Has Call of Duty taken its latest Twitter stunt too far?

Publicity stunts are far from an explicitly modern phenomenon, but have become more commonplace recently thanks to the immediacy of social media. With brands falling over one another to outdo each other at every step though, is it possible for them...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


My afternoon with the Twitter conspiracists.

It all started innocently enough. Somebody I follow on Twitter, re-tweeted a post from somebody I don’t. The post suggested there had been severe wrongdoing in the Thatcher government of the 1980s, including the deeds of Mrs. Thatcher herself,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Rise of the Machines: Examining the robotic landscape in 2016

OK I'll level with you, that headline is more than a little clickbaity, as we're still decades away from an actual, potential robotic uprising. The last few years have seen a marked increase, however, in the use of robotics in not only manufacturing,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


'Ello, 'ello, 'ello. What’s all this 'ere, then? #CuriousCop

Happy new year to all you Creativepoolers. Hope you had a blast - and not necessarily of reality. Lord knows we have enough of that for the rest of the year, so I hope you had a day off from the doom. I wonder how many of you went down to the Thames...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison

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