Displaying 3853 - 3862 of 3862 results


Job Description: Technical Author

Technical authors produce technical information such as instructions to help users get to grips with all kinds of technology. The material they write is designed to allow their audience to use a particular gadget or understand a subject. Technical...

Posted by: Creativepool


Verizon bag AOL for £2.8 Billion

Anyone who came of age in the 1990's will probably remember AOL rather fondly as the leading internet service provider of a bygone age. When internet connections required us to ask our parents permission and actually successfully logging on was...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The great Sky/Skype debacle

An EU court recently ruled that the Skype and Sky TV logos were so similar that there is a strong likelihood they could be confused with one another, which effectively means that Skype is now unable to register its current logo as a trademark. The...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Google and the Looney Balloons

In this perpetually advancing technological age, we've developed a habit of taking things for granted, particularly when it comes to the internet. Just yesterday in fact, I recall sitting across from a frumpy young woman in a local eatery, who was...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


TH_NK Selected to Design the Bank of the Future.

We're proud to be partnering with Atom, the Durham-based firm applying to be the first bank designed for digital. Atom ran a detailed competitive process to find a partner capable of merging functional innovation and personal security with an...

Posted by: TH_NK


M&C Saatchi Milan bring Rio's 'Christ the Redeemer' statue to Naples

As well as losing out on their own 2014 World Cup (after a staggering 7-1 defeat to Germany on Tuesday evening) it would appear Brazil have lost something else to a European country. In this case we're referring to the iconic 'Christ the Redeemer'...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Michelle Coomber - Medina Films

Michelle Coomber Director Medina Films medinafilms.com "Medina Films is a London-based production company creating high calibre documentaries, commercials and promos in the UK and internationally. We are global storytellers in a digital world."...

Posted by: Creativepool

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