Displaying 1 - 36 of 817 results



Are you Wired for Sound? If not, then listen up | #PredictionsMonth

If you ask anyone in my family to identify my mum, they’ll refer to the jingle jangle of the mass of gold bracelets on her wrists. That metallic cacophony to me, more than a look or smell, is the truly evocative sound of home, and of love. So...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Listen up brands - it’s time to find creative solutions to waste

There has been quite some stirring in the plant-based sector lately for the UK government's AM 171, declaring that brands should stop calling plant-based drinks "milk". Apparently this hurts the dairy lobby. Apparently it is also one of the most...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


MullenLowe London encourage us to be better listeners for the Samaritans

While most of us certainly like to think we’re good listeners, we often keep quiet about our own problems according to recent statistics released by the Samaritans show. The stats reveal that nearly two-thirds of UK citizens believe they’re good...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is Dolby Atmos the Future of Sonic Branding?

Sonic branding. It’s something all creatives are familiar with, and something we can certainly appreciate the importance of. We’re all aware of how great sound can make or break a product, but something rarely talked about is how much of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


From consultant to creative | #GettingToKnow Izgi Yapici

We’re all for reinvention here at Creativepool, particularly when a late game lane change leads to more creative path. Izgi Yapici left a career in consultancy to literally go back to the drawing board and work her way up in the world of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why we should be doing more listening in 2022

Content Strategist Don Hoyt Gorman reveals some insights from the research and strategy desk at The Frameworks In order to get to meaningful, impactful content, you need to start by listening. We do this all the time on behalf of our clients. We...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


WHAT’S UP 2022? Three media experts predict the year’s big trends

Long form, short form, educator content, social media and inclusivity - a trio of industry leaders predict what they expect to be big this year, whilst examining where they come from in the first place. Simon Binns, editor of LAD Bible, Matt...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Talking To Women: Communicate With Individuals, Not Stereotypes.

Women are the world’s most powerful consumers. They drive 85% of all consumer purchasing and their impact on the economy is growing every year. So how can brands successfully sell to the world’s greatest emerging market? Learn how to...

Posted by: Nicky Anstice


YouTube's Key, the future of online music

YouTube, the infinitely successful video streaming site now owned by Google, announced a new service yesterday, which might well out-do Spotify at their own game. If it lives up to its own hype that is. YouTube Music Key attempts to radically alter...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#GettingtoKnow Alex Normanton, Global Brand Experience Lead at Reckitt

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? My days are incredibly diverse, spinning multiple plates at any given time. I think the only typical moment within my day is drinking coffee. I could be writing briefs, reviewing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Preparing for the creative journey and #GettingToKnow Carsten Glock

It takes quite a lot of confidence to name an agency after yourself. But GLOCK founder and CEO Carsten Glock certainly doesn’t come across as arrogant. Indeed, he never even set out to create an agency at all. But how did he get there and where...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to avoid being bullied by your client

You can hear horror stories from all over the industry, and unfortunately any agency leader can tell you that they are far too common. Clients leveraging their influence and the power of their wallets to have agencies submit to abusive behaviour,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Falling in love with running all over again with ASICS's Run to Feel

Back when this lockdown mess started, several countries all over the world tackled restrictions in different ways. One of the unexpected results of social distancing is that people started taking real advantage of their 'allocated' exercise hour,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


7 ways to succeed as the underdog

Three guys got lucky with a nomination for their startup; Fabrik at this year’s Webby Awards next to industry giants Squarespace and Adobe. This short guide explains how they got this far and why you should back the little guys. Help them...

Posted by: Fabrik


The BBC versus Apple in the battle for your ears.

For the first time ever, radio and music lovers will be able to download BBC radio programmes in full, to their smartphone or tablet for free, listen to them offline, and keep them for up to 30 days on the BBC iPlayer Radio app. The update, rolling...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The safest & smartest headphones in the world

These remarkable headphones were designed by Royal College of Art graduate Gemma Roper to clip comfortably to a cycling helmet and play music through the wearer's cheekbones, so they are still able to listen out for vehicles whilst they are also...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Negotiating Better Rates for Creative Work #MoneyMonth

Negotiating rates for creative work is a fine art that’s been complicated even further in recent years by AI. Securing fair compensation goes beyond just balancing the books though. It’s about recognising the worth of your craft and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Transmedia Opportunity for Games

Written by the Strategy team at Waste Creative. Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Barbie, Lego… we watch their movies and shows, read their comics, collect their merch and in many cases, play their video games. They’re the epitome of something called...

Posted by: Teodora Miscov


Creative Resolutions for 2024 #YearInReview

As the year starts to wind down and we take stock of what we achieved (or didn’t achieve) over the last 12 months, it’s only natural to start asking what we’d have done differently if we could do it all over again. Well, thankfully...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The World’s First Augmented Performance Agency #CompanySpotlight

It’s one of those ideas that you’re amazed nobody had before. Will Scougal, however, was the one to finally give it wings as the Founder and MD at Make My Day. The idea in question was using augmented reality to bring brands into...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow Darren Sital-Singh, Managing Director @ Studio PI

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? As MD of Studio PI, an artist management and production agency, no day is the same for me. Every day involves managing a number of projects, the content of which varies on a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Providing exceptional value to your awards judges in 10 easy steps

If you’re running an awards program, you have a unique opportunity to create a truly memorable experience for your judges. By providing value to your judges, you not only ensure the success of your awards experience but also hopefully cultivate...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#GettingToKnow Nader Dehdashti, Head of Creators at Jungle Creations

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? There’s never a typical day in the world of entertainment! When you work so closely with talent and creators, you’re often reacting to brand new opportunities which...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow iconoclastic director and advertising legend Thierry Albert

Thierry Albert is a French Director and Creative Director based in Amsterdam who writes and directs music promos, advertising campaigns and documentaries for the likes of The Pet Shop Boys, Dazed, Instagram, Duke Dumont, Format B and Uber. A fan of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Taking crowd-sourced answers to the Yext level | #CompanySpotlight

Yext describes itself as “the Answers company that’s on a mission to empower every company in the world to provide authoritative answers to every question about their organisation.” It achieves this by using AI to collect and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Enjoying the thrill of the unexpected with Austin Lane | #GettingToKnow

You might have seen BLVR’s Compton Cowboys campaign for Andis - ‘an unusually tender, insightful work for a barbering campaign’ - ECD Austin Lane led the creative vision on this. Photography, painting, drawing, and filming were all...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Don’t play it safe - make us feel safe

Creative coach Syreeta Challinger explores how can brands not just survive but thrive in the unknown terrain ahead. We are living through an extraordinary period of global change; pandemic, pending recessions, climate change and political ideology....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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