Displaying 145 - 180 of 262 results



Global creative calendar: June 2023

According to BCG Henderson Institute Chairman Martin Reeves and Rhodes Scholar Jack Fuller, imagination is crucial for “seizing and creating new opportunities and finding new paths to growth.” Their Harvard Business Review book “The Imagination...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


How to hire a great photographer

Hiring a photographer can be a daunting task, especially if you don't know where to start. Whether you need a photographer for a wedding, a corporate event, or a personal photo shoot, there are a few things you should consider before making your...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#CompanySpotlight on Flying Duck Studio Lab

Flying Duck Studio Lab is an ethical and inclusive creative studio whose goal is to share positive and inspiring story-telling by bringing top-notch productions to the world and working towards changing the industry for the better. They specialise...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Tokyo agency that took on the world and won | #CompanySpotlight

Global design-driven creative agency monopo is an independent creative agency born in Tokyo, with offices in London, New York and Saigon that helps brands be their most inspiring selves. Their goal is to inject personality into digital design and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelance events designer?

Now that the pandemic has gently receded into the background hum of everyday life, the events sector has finally started to come back to life. Indeed, we recently celebrated a pretty spectacular event ourselves with our 2022 Annual launch earlier...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How brands can untangle their data spaghetti | #MediaMonth

Despite the optimism of a return to ‘normality’ at the beginning of 2022, we now find ourselves mid-way through the year with another emerging crisis affecting consumers and brands alike. According to Bridget Arik, Chief Operations...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Global creative calendar: June 2022

According to BCG Senior Partner and Managing Director Martin Reeves and Rhodes Scholar Jack Fuller, imagination is crucial for “seizing and creating new opportunities and finding new paths to growth.” Their Harvard Business Review book...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


The studio saving masturbation from the bottom drawer | #BehindTheIdea

It’s not something we like to talk about in so-called ‘polite society’ but most women masturbate at least once a week. To celebrate rather than tut over these findings, the award-winning visual design and innovation studio Morrama...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 20 product designs of 2021 to get you inspired today

This was a great year for product design. From the release of new smart home kits to the launch of iPhone 12 and everything in between, there were loads of incredibly inspiring products to buy, admire and learn something from. And though the smart...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Global creative calendar: September 2021

Never have we found so many extraordinary offerings to showcase in a Global Creative Calendar edition. Wherever you are, you will recognize many of the social engagements returning to pop culture's center stage. Historically, we have hit the road to...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


What we can learn from the success of the shorter work week in Iceland

We heard a great deal of talks about mental health, work-life balance and authenticity during the past year, and the push to remote work is certain to leave a long-lasting mark in the workforce - creative industry or otherwise. What was once...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Legends of Advertising: Sir Martin Sorrell

Few people in advertising can hope to compete with the fame and legacy of Sir Martin Stuart Sorrell. At the age of 76 and counting, the historic founder of WPP is still very much in the game, a proof of character with no equals in advertising and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Global creative calendar: June 2021

According to BCH Henderson Institute’s Chairman Martin Reeves and Rhodes Scholar Jack Fuller, imagination is crucial for “seizing and creating new opportunities, and finding new paths to growth.” Their forthcoming book “The Imagination...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Why 2021 must become the year of inclusive workplaces

Though Covid has somewhat strengthened some workplace ties between employees, there's still a significant portion of the workforce which doesn't exactly feel more connected than before. In fact, this physical distance seems to have hurt the industry...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Job Description: Retoucher

The job of a retoucher is far more complicated and exciting than just making exceptionally pretty people even prettier. Editing images and videos, or photographic retouching, helps the creative present his or her project in the best light...

Posted by: Creativepool


How much should I charge as a freelancer?

So you’ve decided you want to go freelance. Congratulations! Choosing the freelance life is a huge decision and I’m sure you didn’t take it lightly. Of course, autonomy and independence comes at a certain price; and that price, you...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The formal floral fancies of interior design manager April Sharman

Here at Creativepool, we could never be accused of staying in just one lane when it came to the creative industries. That’s why, today, we’ve chosen to shine our illustrious Member Spotlight on April Sharman, a design manager for Style Library...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Conversational ads can unlock the measurable value of creative 

When I first started working in digital advertising 13 years ago and media was still bought over the phone, my manager shared an anecdote with me. It was late in the day at their agency and the team were waiting to receive the creative to go live...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A year into my first design role

Being part of the Brandpie team has been both gratifying and a huge learning curve. Starting your first graduate job undoubtedly is both an exciting and overwhelming experience. Working with creatives from multiple disciplinary areas has broadened my...

Posted by: Jess Patel


Global creative calendar: September 2020

In the recent past, pioneering research by The EXPERIENCE Institute established three main reasons for attending events: Education, Destination and Networking. These days, while it may not be an option to travel, the ability to advance knowledge and...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Learning from Failures with Oliver Fuselier

Few people make their way in your heart like Great Guns USA managing director Oliver Fuselier does. Reading him as he tells stories of his remote and recent past is heartwarming and enough to paint a beautiful, comprehensive picture of an ambitious...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Filmmaker's Guide to Remote Filming, for Agencies and Directors

There is only one shot left to wrap up today’s shooting session. You liaise with the lighting department, the cinematographer and camera operators, you inform the actors and the whole crew is ready to shoot. You talk to the assistant director...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


50% of creative freelancers won't survive more than 3 months

Being one of the world's largest creative communities, Creativepool is in a unique position to understand how the creative industry is struggling in self-isolation for the Coronavirus lockdown. We had the power to make a difference by asking about...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Will there ever be a 'normal' for the creative industries again?

If someone told us in February that society would pretty much stop in a month, we’d have called 999 on him. And yet, here we are. Learning new habits every day, revolutionising our rhythms, even taking advantage of this lockdown to either...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive MarCom Tips, Week of 30 March

A month ago, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Deputy News Media Branch Chief Benjamin Haynes issued his COVID-19 briefing update, reporting on the “very few cases” of Corona Virus in the U.S., and “no community...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Colour - It's Personal (using orange in graphic design)

In my professional life, colour has, of course, played a key part in my work, whether it be graphic design (for professional services, education or publishing); photography; or fine art - colour rules. So, if colour is personal - and it is - how can...

Posted by: Alan


An insider's guide to the 3D animation pipeline

The process of creating a 3D animation is much more complex than most people think. The number of steps to produce a 3D animated video can vary a great deal, depending on the animation studio involved and the scale of the project itself. But...

Posted by: Dream Farm Studios


Global Creative Calendar: August 2019

Of more than 40 momentous events set to play out in the weeks ahead, many are already underway or will commence with August's first dawn. A large number are also new to this publication. Among them are some of the world's most famous cultural and...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency

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