Displaying 1 - 36 of 205 results



Member spotlight - The fantastical floral fancies of Jessica Crawford

When you catch a glimpse of Jessica Crawford’s work, the first word that often comes to mind is “floral.” Indeed, so much of her work revolves around the natural beauty of flowers and fauna and it’s this aesthetic that has...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Comfort Food by Jessica Dance

Let me introduce you to Jessica Dance - a London-based Art Director, Model Maker and Prop Stylist. She specialises in handcrafted models, props and sets for the likes of Vogue, Google, Mulberry, Creative Review, Vanity Fair, Liberty, Topshop,...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel

Advertising executives? - Why don't you open your mind?

Saturday afternoon was spent lazing about underneath a tree on Hampstead Heath, me and my friends slowly working our way through a gigantic picnic. Whilst doing a bit of cloud watching, we spotted a helicopter pulling a gigantic PKR Poker banner...

Posted by: Creativepool


Create11 The right side of London

I know I am always banging on about how great East London is and I'm sure it is highly irritating for those of you who don't live here but maybe my ramblings on are perhaps slightly useful for those of you who do so here is the latest in the I heart...

Posted by: Creativepool


One Minute Briefs

One Minute Briefs is a concept borne out of the minds of Nick Entwistle and James Clancy who run The Bank Of Creativity. It's designed to change the way people think about advertising, change the way in which creatives work and also provoke a lot of...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Saatchi's PR nightmare

Today a court took just 70 seconds to grant Nigella and Charles a Decree Nisi which takes them one step closer to becoming divorced. This follows a month after pictures showing him with his hand around her neck during a row outside Scott's restaurant...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Menno Aden's light bulb view

Rooms devoid of humans take on a life of their own under the watchful gaze of Menno Aden's camera, situated in the same position as a lightbulb, casting light and maintaining a unique perspective on a space. Photobooths, shops, bedrooms and lifts...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


From the sublime to the ridiculous - Femke Agema

Nothing hits the headlines of the fashion rumour mill like a completely impractical, no-one-is-ever-going-to-wear-that-down-to-Tesco-apart-from-Lady-Gaga type creation from the most haywired of designers brains. Newbie Dutch designer Femke Agema is...

Posted by: Creativepool


Stranger Visions 
By Heather Dewey-Hagborg

Heather Dewey-Hagborg is not only an artist, she is also a DNA biologist and computer programmer extraordinaire who does shocking things with science in the name of art, such as finding a blob of chewing gum on the street and then printing out the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Interns - don't take the p***

Everybody knows that the creative industry is a hard field to crack into when you are first starting out. Everyone also knows that job offers mostly come about because of who you know, rather than what you know and whatever vast sum your student loan...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ten brilliant things

Whilst scouting about for juicy fodder for this week's blog I came across so many exciting new things happening in the world of art and design I have decided to dump ten of the best bits onto your screens. It must be the weather, a burst of...

Posted by: Creativepool


My month of being digitally outcast

From time to time intrepid reporters and bloggers voluntarily cut themselves off from society (phone and internet) and write about their experiences surviving in a tweet and text free world where no soul knows what pub they are drinking in, what kind...

Posted by: Creativepool


End of the roll - Rebecca Ward's amazing ways with cello-tape

Who say's that jaw-dropping art has to be complicated in terms of it's materials? Rebecca Ward is a Texas-born, Brooklyn-based artist with a love of tape, yards and yards of it in all it's multicoloured glory, spun all over columns, walls and floors...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why faked shabby chic does my head in.

Converse have just launched a new line which they have labelled as their 'Well Worn Collection'. Before you start conjuring images of cheesy smells and athletes foot contagions please bear in mind that these trainers have been artificially worn in...

Posted by: Creativepool

2013 Designs Of The Year

Today sees the opening of the 6th annual Designs Of The Year exhibition and awards at London's Design Museum. Following in the footsteps of previous winners such as Barber Oserby's Olympic Torch and Shepard Fairie's Obama painting, 90 nominees have...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Where OCD meets art - Ursus Wehrli

By Jessica Hazel Ursus Wehrli has an insatiable desire to tidy. Nothing is safe. Given half the chance Ursus will compartmentalise and order everything from a park full of sunbathers to the sky at night. Luckily the art world has a lot of time for...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Jim'll Paint It.

By Jessica Hazel Despite the dodgy Savile parodies, Jim'll Paint It is the most exciting new thing on Tumblr. A couple of weeks ago, Jim came up with a novel way of filling up his lunch breaks, he asked friends for requests for things to draw and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Michael Wolf's Mega Cities

By Jessica Hazel Michael Wolf is a photographer who was born in Munich and now lives in Hong Kong. His life's work is focused on life in mega cities, inspired by the time he has spent in Hong Kong since moving there in 1994. From 1994-2001 Wolf...

Posted by: Creativepool


Cor blimey David!

By Jessica Hazel Nothing is going to grab your attention quite like David Beckham tucking his bum cheek back in his boxers during an ad break. Well done H&M for paying whatever amount of money it takes to get the world's most lusted after man to get...

Posted by: Creativepool


Crayon Creatures. Realise your children's wildest imaginings in 3D

by Jessica Hazel. Every proud parent's fridge is covered in as many sugar-paper masterpieces as can possibly be blue-tacked onto it. The only problem with this is that they get increasingly dog-eared with each slam of the kitchen door and eventually...

Posted by: Creativepool


Toy Story remade

by Jessica Hazel. A long long time ago, when I was about 12 years old, I decided to copy out my favourite book on my typewriter, trace all the illustrations and put it back together in a lever arch file. The book was 'A Teenage Worriers Guide To...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Jonathan Gabb: 3D painter

by Jessica Hazel. Jonathan Gabb is a South-London based artist who has just opened a new show today showcasing his rather uncanny knack for creating the worlds first 3D paintings. Made from PVA glue and acrylic paint, these fragile constructions...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Cam-whoring

by Jessica Hazel. According to the Urban Dictionary the term 'Cam-Whoring' can have one of three possible meanings: 1. 'To take pictures of either yourself and/or with your friends excessively'. 2. 'The act of taking pictures of oneself with...

Posted by: Creativepool



by Jessica Hazel. During the time it took to write this article I have gone to get some garlic bread out of the oven, eaten the garlic bread, let the cat in, chatted to my flatmate twice, opened my advent calendar, located the knife sharpener in the...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves...Nemesis Pictures

by Jessica Hazel. Singapore is home to Nemesis Pictures, a commercial photography studio founded by established photographer Jeremy Wong. He is the brains behind the pug loaf, an amazingly strong and memorable image which has found it's way onto...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... "Fuzzy" Jacopo Rosati

by Jessica Hazel. Sometimes life in England can be a bit depressing - particularly in the winter when you have to try and remain cheerful despite the torrents of freezing rain, commuting in the dark on overcrowded, germ-ridden trains and screaming...

Posted by: Creativepool


Top 20 most pointless apps

by Jessica Hazel. The ways in which certain human beings decide to waste their lives away never ceases to amaze and appall me. The age of smart phones and no-so-smart apps for their not-so-smart users has opened up a doorway into a universe of...

Posted by: Creativepool


Dumb Ways To Die Down Under

by Jessica Hazel. Aussies are well known for their cheery dispositions and sunny outlooks on life and this has never been more true since Melbourne Metro's new Public Service Announcement came to light earlier this week. 'Dumb Ways To Die' is a...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Pregnant, sleeping, Russian couples (by Jana Romanova)

by Jessica Hazel. The time in your life when all your friends start having babies can be a disconcerting one and people react to it in different ways. You can panic and marry the next person to smile at you on the tube, panic and run away to Goa,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... "Scrapheap Symphony" by Chris Cairns

by Jessica Hazel. You might think that glitchy dial-up modems and clunky printers are a thing of the past and that their rightful place is rotting away in a landfill somewhere. However the thing is that modern, quieter technology just doesn't cut...

Posted by: Creativepool


'Action Painting' gets us in a mess.

by Jessica Hazel. It's not just toddlers who get a kick out of using their bodies as paintbrushes, it's a visceral and provocative discipline which has intrigued the art world since the 1950's when it first burst onto the scene via Jackson Pollock's...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Love to hate Damien Hirst.

by Jessica Hazel. Damien Hirst is one of Britain's richest people. In 1992 his pickled shark entitled 'The Physical Impossibility Of Death In The Mind Of Someone Living' was commissioned by Charles Saatchi for £50,000 and then sold in 2005 for...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... How Anthony Gerace uses a Playboy.

by Jessica Hazel On first glance, these chromatic collages from Anthony Gerace appear to be quite simple compositions but what they actually represent is hours and hours of trawling through vintage magazines such as Life, Playboy and Popular...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... What we saw at the London Design Festival (2012)

by Jessica Hazel Last Thursday we wandered around the Brompton district of London Design Festival 2012, sampling beers, cheese and pretzels and an array of up and coming and established designers newest ideas. Here are a few of our...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Philip Treacy and his miscellaneous millinery.

by Jessica Hazel. As London Fashion Week SS2013 reaches its climax, the last few glasses of free champagne will be downed and fashion's most committed followers will have to pack away their outrageous outfits for another six months. Fashion Week is...

Posted by: Creativepool

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