Displaying 1 - 36 of 130 results



Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a Clarkson...and let him go?

Last week, Jeremy Clarkson was forced to apologise for having said a bad thing. A very bad thing. It is the only word in the whole English language that I can think of that is 100%, totally and utterly off limits. The word is “n****r”....

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Ad trends 2019: Jeremy Harvey

Brave clients and bold campaigns are on Jeremy Harvey, creative partner at brand strategy and marketing agency Clarity’s wish list in 2019. He gives his predictions for the year ahead. What will be the biggest trends in 2019 in your field? I...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Jeremy Corbyn is the most searched political leader online in the UK

Ahead of the UK General Election this Thursday (08/06/17), new online search trends analysis research has reveals that Labour was the most searched for political party by the UK public from April to May 2017. Captify, a Search Intelligence driven...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


adam&eveDDB and Harvey Nichols strip Jeremy Corbyn down to his pants

We appear to be living through an age of divisive political figures. Whether that's down to the prevalence of media coverage in 2016 or the fact that simply people are bored of the “Same old suits” is open for debate, but wherever you...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Q&A and Portfolio Review with Shaun Clarkson

View Larger Map If you're a budding interior designer looking for that big break, then you don't want to miss this! Shaun Clarkson, one of the UK's most successful Interior & Architectural Designers, and star of Chanel4's 'Four Rooms' will be...

Posted by: Create Britain


Create Britain presents - An Audience with Shaun Clarkson (May 22nd)

View Larger Map Join us at Clerkenwell Design Week 2013 for a one-off live special event with one of the UK's most successful Hospitality Interior & Architectural Designers and star of Chanel4's 'Four Rooms' Shaun Clarkson Save the...

Posted by: Create Britain


5 minutes with... Shaun Clarkson

Shaun Clarkson is best known for his eclectic interior designs for the likes of Vince Power, Oliver Peyton, Harvey Nichols and Pernod Ricard. Since crashing onto the London hospitality scene in the late eighties (his first outing for Vince Power had...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Jeremy Deller's 'Sacrilege'

by Ashley Morrison. Tempting as it was today to blog about the Olympic Opening ceremony (you've gotta love that James Bond bit with Her Maj, haven't you?) I've decided to talk about another round-the-country event which is taking place at the moment...

Posted by: Creativepool


Top 5 Ads of the Week

CHI & Partners - The Times The Times and The Sunday Times The Times and The Sunday Times have partnered to create their first joint brand campaign, which aims to bring to life the focus of their joint journalistic efforts. Created by CHI&Partners...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 Account Wins of the Week

RKCR/Y&R – Premier League The Premier League has appointed Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R as its first advertising agency of record. The WPP agency will begin working on the advertising, digital and social media account immediately. RKCR/Y&R won...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Dancing Man: Shaming the internet trolls

Allow me to let you into a little secret: I’m not very thick skinned. And yet people often assume I am, partly because some of my blogs range from being moderately tongue in cheek to bordering on acerbic. One thing they never are, however, is...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


If you were on a precipice, maybe you should just let go

Last week, I posted one of my most successful blogs this year. "Top 10 worst corporate phrases" was for all you folk out there who hate ugly jargon such as “reach out”, “touch base” and “push the envelope”. You...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The Week in Tech

Nintendo shoot down Android rumours Whilst all of gadget land might well be salivating at the prospect of today's impending WWDC Apple keynote speech (check back tomorrow for my thoughts on that), it is the Californian tech giants primary rival in...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Is social media making bullying acceptable?

It could be argued we might all benefit from a little digital detox, and TV presenter Sue Perkins has announced she's going to be spending some time away from Twitter. Unfortunately this isn't a lifestyle choice. She's actually been forced off the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


VCCP showcase a darker side to McLaren

It's become something of a cliché to “Go to the dark side,” in the media. Modern logic dictates that the second sequel in a trilogy should always be “The dark one,” and adding a touch of gritty realism to a TV show can be...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Smart Car prove that size doesn't matter

Whilst in the western world we appear to shy away from anything small and cute (tries not to make an obvious dirty joke), in the East, smaller is always better. From technology and architecture, to food and even living space, the lack of space...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Blogging: what are the rules? Are there any?

by Ashley Morrison The other day, I was at a party and talking to someone who wrote for a technical magazine. Personally, I'm a generalist; unlike him, I don't have one particular area of expertise. So that means, as a freelance copywriter, I've...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Top 10 Worst Christmas Hits

Not that I have anything against festive cheer, but for some reason, this sometimes means that good taste seems to vanish completely, and this could not be more true when it comes to Christmas songs. With videos featuring a load of scouse wigs and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Mayday, May Day! Crack open the Champers!

I didn't wake up this morning thinking, “oooh, today is a significant day.” Nor do I have a beer-fuelled celebration planned for this afternoon in the balmy bank holiday sunshine - or even a rosé-fuelled celebration planned for later...

Posted by: Creativepool


Can blogs change an opinion?

Blogs can do many things. They can inform, entertain and sometimes educate. They can be a useful and more creative platform for someone to write more freely than when they begrudgingly trudge through the corporate work they might have to do for their...

Posted by: Creativepool


Celebrity endorsements: can they really be that desperate?

There's nothing new about celebrities lending their name to a product in exchange for a fat wad of cash. Or, less frequently, because it's just out-and-out cool. James Bond will forever by synonymous with Aston Martin and Omega watches. There's even...

Posted by: Creativepool


AboundStudio reshapes brand experience for Vabel | #BehindTheBrand

Vabel, the property brand committed to elevating the standard of London living, partnered with strategic design agency AboundStudio to translate their personality, unique approach and ethos into a compelling narrative and distinctive design language...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The funniest and most interesting AI-generated content of 2022

Loab has set the internet alight in recent months. The haunting, AI-generated woman isn’t the first piece of art created by artificial intelligence, but she might be the scariest. Supercomposite, the musician who ‘discovered’ her...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cooking up trouble with an agency born during COVID | #CompanySpotlight

One of the few agencies forged successfully amidst the fires of COVID, Trouble Maker is an end-to-end content, media and distribution agency with four founders that have experience with some of the biggest brands in the world. They came together to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Packaging design trends for 2023

This year’s developments in packaging design reflect a world in flux, still evolving from disruption caused by the Covid pandemic, and becoming increasingly aware of its own vulnerability - and responsibility - in the midst of climate...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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