Displaying 1 - 36 of 9403 results



Why we should all be more fish - The rise of #KindTok | #PurposeMonth

Kindness is a virtue that’s seldom celebrated in this world but there’s a trend currently taking over social media that aims to rectify that. Of course, social media is a platform itself rarely accustomed to kindness. More often than not,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Rebrand Roundup: From Irn-Bru to Swedish Fish

jones knowles ritchie - Irn-Bru The fizzy drink “Made from Girders” and beloved of anyone of Scottish descent who has ever experienced a bone shattering hangover is getting a rebrand for a modern age. jones knowles ritchie has created...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Big Has and mates whip up fusion frenzy for Inch’s cider #BehindTheIdea

Heineken’s apple cider Inch’s, and food and drink social media publication Twisted by Jungle Creations recently launched Local Gems, a tasty new campaign seeing leading UK foodie creators Big Has, Alfie Cooks & Hey Renu and chefs from the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Spotty Zebras

"How often can something be incredible before it becomes normal for it to be incredible and thus not looked upon as incredible anymore?"- Rob Auton Zebras are amazing. Monochrome in a dusky landscape. Unique, striped, designed to distract and...

Posted by: Tony Pipes


Finding the perfect sound with Sonic Lens | #Company Spotlight

Marco Vitali, Managing Partner at Sonic Lens Agency, is something of a renaissance man. A musical prodigy and marketing specialist that has mastered both sides of his brain and cultivated a career as one of the foremost voices in sonic...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The best breakthrough brands of 2023

Interbrand, the world's leading brand consultancy, has launched its 2023 Breakthrough Brands report which names the top 30 innovative brands that are emerging to disrupt the global landscape. The report includes OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Pink vs Grey: Barbieheimer is the marketing stunt of the year

In 2023, a meme could quite literally make or break a campaign. Whether or not that’s exciting or profoundly depressing will depend on many things (including, of course, your age) but it can’t be denied the memes generated in the wake of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Nostalgia Marketing: The Effectiveness of Relating Your Brand to the Past

Marketing is at its most effective when a brand can make an emotional connection with its audience - and what better way than to connect through the memories of our childhoods. From the slushy machine at the cinema to retro music and our favourite...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Make business green again - Going green without greenwashing

Two-thirds of businesses in the UK have no kind of plan for sustainable operations. This is hardly a surprising statistic - in the current economic climate, enterprises across all industries are looking to reduce their outgoings and avoid any kind of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Setting fire to brand expectations with Firehaus | #CompanySpotlight

Scaling is hard for creative teams full of right brain thinkers with little in the way of practical business sense. That’s why we need companies like Firehaus. Based in the centre of Bristol, Firehaus is a brand consultancy specialising in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 5 most exciting rebrands of the 21st century

A rebrand is an excuse for a company to shed its skin and reinvent itself in the eyes of the general public. It can be subtle or it can be transformative. They can also be a risky business. Think the recent rebranding of delivery firm Hermes as Evri....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why you need to embrace nostalgia marketing right now 

Nostalgia marketing is taking the world by storm, as millennials and Gen-Z are longing for the past, and brands are taking them on an exciting journey through time. The result? A successful marketing campaign that converts. Today, we explore how...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Biomimicry and product design: Taking design inspiration from nature

Mimicking nature in man-made product designs has led to some of the greatest and most enduring inventions or products that exist today. In the modern era especially, designers are open to ways they can work together with our environment- rather than...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


How to choose a design agency

Design is a fundamental pillar of the creative journey. Whether you’re a retail brand looking to stand out from the herd, a startup trying to cultivate some kind of identity or an agency looking for something special to pull your latest...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Slices of Creativity - #MemberSpotlight

Whoever has been in the industry for a long time knows that there is no fixed way to perform tasks or achieve effective results. The story and creative process of Motion Graphics Designer Jonathan Chen demonstrate that quite well. No matter the kind...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Forging ahead as a director in the freelance industry - #MemberSpotlight

How do you make the jump from a car manufacturer to freelance filmmaking? Will Riddell, freelance director and producer, might know a thing or two about that. Having worked for some years in APA production, Will set up his own company in 2017 to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 ways to fend off freelance loneliness in 2021

Happy new year, freelancers! Surely 2020 has been an interesting one for all of you, in both good and bad ways. After an initial discouraging time of radio silence and cancelled projects, it seems that some clients are finally starting to come back,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The value of collaboration in creative work

How do you establish a collaboration-friendly infrastructure in your team, especially in these corona times? Among the many things the pandemic has done for us, losing team meetings and face-to-face interactions was a hard blow to all of us, and few...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Flexibility of Freelancing

Some days ago we asked our community why they chose to become freelancers. The answers were quite interesting: the thrill of the unknown, the variety, the freedom, the flexibility. In truth, flexibility seems to be quite a common theme for seasoned...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Pivoting in the face of the new world

This piece is all about the "P" word. You have been warned. "Pivoting" is a palpable and prevalent protagonist in brand paradigms, purpose and communications, enough to possibly sound repetitive and preposterous to hear. But how do you pivot during...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Designing Creatures: Tips and Tricks

When it comes to designing creatures, there are many different ways to approach the task. Everyone I’ve spoken to does it slightly differently and prioritises different aspects, leading to a sense of uniqueness even with two designs which have...

Posted by: Luke Luckhurst


The Entrepreneurial Spirit of Toby Willsmer

The details in Toby Willsmer's beautiful illustrations are as fascinating as the countless career paths he's ventured into. From web design to being a scuba diving instructor, from illustration to running a music label, we have collected some of the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Here's 5 of the best creative works made for Earth Day 2020

Here we are, one home, one planet. Caring is no longer enough, as Earth Day’s 2020 halt urges people around the world to think about the planet through art and make active steps for the environment. While fish in the ocean can finally spend...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Member spotlight - The fantastical floral fancies of Jessica Crawford

When you catch a glimpse of Jessica Crawford’s work, the first word that often comes to mind is “floral.” Indeed, so much of her work revolves around the natural beauty of flowers and fauna and it’s this aesthetic that has...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


World Cleanup Day 2019: Zero waste and plastic-free photography

Can a photo save the world? With World Clean Up Day taking place on the 21 September, explore tips by top Shutterstock photographers on how they empower environmental issues through powerful images. When UK photographer ​Kev Gregory​ made his...

Posted by: Shutterstock


Why World Emoji Day happens on 17 July

World Emoji Day is being celebrated across the world today on social media and beyond with a host of fan comments, online discussion and articles about the universal language. Emojis have become an entertaining form of expression cutting out the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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