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CP Loves... The faces of the Olympic divers

by Jessica Hazel I didn't think I was going to like the Olympics once the opening ceremony had finished. I'm not really a sporty person you see. Like most of us creative folk, I have always favoured splashing paint about rather than swimming pool...

Posted by: Creativepool


# Trends. Project Glass. Why Google's new technology is badly flawed.

by Magnus Shaw. Before the introduction of the iPhone and its Android counterparts, mobile phone manufacturers were locked in a frantic competition to produce ever smaller handsets. As soon as a device smaller than a fag packet was launched, another...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Freelancers work harder

by Ashley Morrison It's a bold statement, granted. And one which is certainly arguable. But I was chatting to a friend recently who maintained that freelancers definitely, definitely worked harder than permanent employees. I'm in a slightly unusual...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Work's A Beach

by Ashley Morrison When I was on holiday in France recently, I couldn't help but envy the people who worked on the vineyards we visited. What a great life that must be. Well, for the owners if not the labourers, anyway. They get to live in some of...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Thomas Heatherwick

by Jessica Hazel. Chances are, anyone reading this was one of the worldwide audience of 4 billion, glued to the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony on Friday night. It was described by TV commentator Hazel Irving as "breathtaking in its beauty and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Doing bird. Should Twitter be policed?

by Magnus Shaw In the early hours of this morning Dorset police arrested a 17-year-old boy. It's alleged he sent a tweet to Olympic diver Tom Daly which read "You let your dad down I hope you know that." Daly had finished fourth in the Men's...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - What if a creative doesn't feel creative?

by Ashley Morrison I've been working very hard every single day for the past couple of weeks. Till silly o'clock. Being freelance, when the work comes along, I don't really feel able to say no. After all, in the current economic climate, to trot out...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Jeremy Deller's 'Sacrilege'

by Ashley Morrison. Tempting as it was today to blog about the Olympic Opening ceremony (you've gotta love that James Bond bit with Her Maj, haven't you?) I've decided to talk about another round-the-country event which is taking place at the moment...

Posted by: Creativepool


Trailblazers. Stripping off for Ryan McGinley.

by Jessica Hazel Earlier this week the artist Bat For Lashes announced details of her third album "The Haunted Man" and released this very striking cover art. Bat or Natasha Kahn, as she is also known, was striped of everything including her...

Posted by: Creativepool


Training is an investment, not an unnecessary cost.

by Mark Young, Academy Class. In difficult economic times employers can be forgiven for looking at their expenditure and deciding that some things are easier to do without than others. While utility bills and direct employment costs are unavoidable,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Letman

by Jessica Hazel Letman, aka Job Wouters is a Dutch-born illustrator and graphic designer who confesses he is "cuckoo about letters". Mostly painstakingly hand drawn or painted, Letman's letters are transparent, imperfect and say things far...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Fancy a fight? Join LinkedIn

by Ashley Morrison But not just any sort of fight. LinkedIn doesn't provide a sort of Brad Pitt / Edward Norton-inspired forum or portal where the first rule about Online Fight Club is that you don't talk about Online Fight Club. (Sorry if you...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - LOCOG: Lots Of Confusion Overshadows Games?

by Ashley Morrison So the Olympic opening ceremony is a week away and I, for one, am really rather excited. Yes, yes, I know it's all very trendy to want to flee the capital during the mayhem that will ensue (for that, read "I'm ticked off that I...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Farewell The Word Magazine

by John Fountain I've been a subscriber of The Word since 2003. Forget any other music, arts or entertainment magazine, this was the one that I wanted to read. But sadly now this brilliant magazine created by David Hepworth and Mark Ellen has gone...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Unliked. Is the sheen coming off Facebook?

by Magnus Shaw When discussing Facebook, different rules apply. In Facebook's world, audiences, members, revenues and profits are measured on a macro-scale that dwarfs the figures bandied around in banking circles. A few statistics: -Users upload...

Posted by: Creativepool


How should we celebrate with you?

We're about to reach another big milestone, and we're proud about it! But of course, we couldn't celebrate reaching 100,000 members if it weren't for YOU, the members, the Creativepoolers! That's why, instead of us deciding how best to celebrate, we...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Are creative people more likely to lie and cheat?

by John Fountain A few years back a copywriter, who shall remain nameless, took it upon himself to take a piece of my work and put it on his website. He claimed that he had a right to do this because he was involved in the creative process, although...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Talk yourself up, if you dare

by Ashley Morrison I'm very happy to take advice from people. The main caveat is that it has to be from someone who knows what they're talking about. The second caveat is that they have to practise what they preach. Below is a genuine profile from...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Wright ore rung. Does spelling really matter?

by Magnus Shaw Browsing through my emails this morning, discarding increasingly bizarre spam along the way, I was struck by a common element. Of the dozen or so genuine messages, over half contained basic spelling mistakes. I wasn't particularly...

Posted by: Creativepool


Speakers Corner with Creativepool

With the amount of likes and comments we can all do now on the internet, the art of being able to get your point across in a face to face environment seems to be getting lost. So to counter this culture of 140 characters and faceless avatars we are...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Chindogu and other useless inventions.

by Jessica Hazel The Japanese are renowned for their position at the forefront of modern technology and invention along with their love of the absurd. In the 1980s amateur inventor Kenji Kawakami came up with the concept of Chindogu, a contemporary...

Posted by: Creativepool


New Designers 2012

New Designers is the UK's most important graduate design exhibition. Over 3,500 of the brightest and most creative talents from Britain’s leading design courses will come together for the 27th edition of New Designers. New Designers is an...

Posted by: Creativepool


Emma Sexton - Director, SheSays UK

SheSays is an award-winning organisation running free mentorship and events to women in the creative and marketing businesses. Why? Because we want to see more women at the top. And since we are all about doing we also offer courses, career...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. The latest phenomenon at Apple stores.

by John Fountain More people visited Apple's 326 stores than Walt Disney's four biggest theme parks last year. And many visitors don't go to shop. They go to play. They go to have fun. It might be a shop but you know, it's a cool place to hang...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Mange tout, Rodney, mange tout

by Ashley Morrison Hello from the Cote d'Azur, playground of the rich and famous and home to the wealthiest of the wealthy. Monaco itself boasts the world's highest GDP per capita (for that, read everyone earns shed loads) and, as a by-product,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Heatherwick Studio. Designing the Extraordinary at the V&A

by John Fountain After a two-year post-graduate course at The Royal College of Art, the young architect/designer named Heatherwick didn't think twice about his career path. Directly after graduating in 1994, he founded his studio and burst almost...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - A losing battle. Where now for bank advertising?

by Magnus Shaw When a kitchen is infested with cockroaches, the little beasts do their unpalatable work quite happily while the room is dark.But turn on a light and they scatter chaotically in all directions, scared and confused. There are many...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Go Compare turns on Gio Compario

by Jessica Hazel You might have noticed a vandalised Billboard featuring Go Compare's fictional opera singer Gio Compario recently and had a little chuckle to yourself. But this is not the work of a rebel with a step ladder, this is the latest...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Ben&Brian

"We genuinely love what we do - as long as we can inject some good creative thinking, we're happy." Creativepool meets Ben Stainlay and Brian Jefferson - better known as wonderful wordsmiths Ben&Brian - to talk cross-platform creativity,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - The Neutrogena Splash.

by John Fountain Open on a young blond actress laughing and full of fun. She flicks a strand of falling hair away from her face and looks deep into the camera. With a knowing smile she says, "I'm good about washing my face" and then with a pause...

Posted by: Creativepool

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