Displaying 1 - 36 of 352 results



Can I use George Orwell's legacy in my works?

Every time politics gets into the frame, it is tempting to resort to one of the first world-recognised writers of dystopian fiction, George Orwell, to pay a much heartfelt tribute to such a great master of English literature. Well, as of January...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How To Solve The Digital Creative Copyright Paradigm

Imagine if no artist had ever signed their canvas. What would the art market look like today, how would works be attributed; valued, bought and sold? Artists do identify their work and have access to well organised and established routes to revenues...

Posted by: Creative Barcode


#GettingToKnow the unique creative mindset of George Gottl

LA-born George Gottl is the Chief Creative Officer and Co-Founder of UXUS, a leading global strategic design consultancy. But it’s so much more than that. When Gottl and his team are working with a client they are cultivating a one-of-a-kind...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Shining the #MemberSpotlight on "that motion guy” George Hurrell

While he is more often than not simply referred to as "That motion guy", George Hurrell is actually a motion and animation specialist with a background in visual communication and design. With over 15 years of studio experience working...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


George Nguyen joins McKinney New York as Managing Director

Last week, George Nguyen departed TBWA\Toronto for pastures new, and it was finally revealed yesterday that he was to move into the same role at McKinney in New York, filling a vacancy left by Alex Van Gestel, who left the agency late last year....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Mickey Mouse in the Public Domain and What it Means for Creatives

There are few icons as iconic as Mickey Mouse. This is a cartoon figure that catalysed the birth of an entertainment empire, one that recently celebrated it’s 100th anniversary and continues to set the standard when it comes to mainstream...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Ads that made history: 1984

Such is the power of Apple’s 1984. You see as little as a string of 4 numbers (or more precisely, a date), you see a still frame from the original ad, and you instantly know we are talking about a game-changer in the history of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Year in Design 2017

Netflix get Abstract for the Art of Design series (January) Netflix began the year with the launch of a new documentary series that took an in-depth look inside the beating heart of the design industry, in much the same manner as their previous,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How one man predicted the future of televison.

From Cicero to Aubrey Beardsley, human beings have never had to look too far for individuals touched by the hand of creative genius. But finding intellects so inspired, profound and insightful they actually manage to predict the future, is more of a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The best a man can get: Ten milestone moments in advertising history.

1. 79 A.D. Billboards in Pompeii Ah! The glory of the ancient Roman empire. Olive skinned, muscular men striding the avenues, clad in togas, debating the great issues of the day. Beautiful, raven-haired maidens bearing baskets laden with the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Bringing back fairness and transparency into image sharing

Content sharing is now easier than ever before. On social media like Instagram and others, content can be forwarded in a matter of seconds. But who is paying the consequences of this increased convenience and connectivity online? Of the 3 billion...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Latest Highlights and Trends in Tech

First off the bat, let me take this opportunity to wish all my fellow Creativepoolers a happy and prosperous new year! 2015 was certainly an exciting one in the tech world, but with a 2016 looking to herald the dawn of mainstream virtual reality, the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

Job Description: Web Editor

A web author/editor is responsible for the content and images used on a website. They plan, research, write copy and edit the content of a website. They may be involved in providing copy for the internet or for an organisation's internal intranet...

Posted by: Creativepool


Step inside the Jelly Kitchen

Ever wondered what inspires the jelly talent? What drives them? What a typical day is like? jelly London's Head of Creative Comms Rachael Guiver, went behind the scenes with jelly Kitchen's A team to find out how it all started, what they love most...

Posted by:


Generative AI: more harm than good for influencer marketing? #FutureMonth

As the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken over discussions from Parliament to Cannes Lions and beyond, industries across the world have begun to implement the technology into both their everyday processes and future plans. The greatest...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Would you buy a meme for $560,000?

If you love kittens and have been around the internet for a while, you know about cryptocurrency and the rise of NFTs. Spelled out as Non-Fungible Tokens, NFTs are a new form of bitcoin that is being discussed extensively in the creative industry and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Etsy suffers the wrath of T-Swift

Whilst she might come across as all sweetness and light in her music videos and on her seemingly unending, globe-trotting adventures, pop-star of the moment Taylor Swift certainly has a nasty side (or at least her representatives do). It was...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Spotlight - Rod Hunt - Illustrator

‘I was originally intending to go into biochemistry & horticulture' Describe your work in one sentence. Retro tinged illustration & detailed character filled landscapes. What's the most important thing you've learnt in your line of...

Posted by: Creativepool


Would your mum understand that?

Would your mum understand that? It's fair to say that most of us hate bureaucracy. And meaningless, wordy bureaucracy even more. I've lost count of the number of times I've received a massive epistle from Barnet council when all they really want to...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Top Hires of the Week

Marcel Sydney Marcel Sydney has announced the newest members of its creative department. The new faces include senior team, Scott Maggs & Alexander Haack (aka "The Cavemen”), creatives Lucy Ochoapetit & Aisling (Ash) Dowling, Grace O'Brien &...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 Iconic Campaigns That Shaped Public Perception #HistoryMonth

There’s a tendency to look back over history and only remember the bad times. After all, if we don’t learn from our history, we’re doomed to repeat it, right? But surely there’s something to be said for remembering the good...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why being bored can help you unlock your creativity

A recent article by Jessica Stillman, published by Inc. explains why boredom is not always a bad thing. In fact, it can actually be a great tool to enhance your creativity. 'When was the last time you were well and truly bored?...

Posted by: Novagram


6 Great Hollywood Directors Who Started in Advertising #MediaMonth

When we think of Hollywood directors, we often envision them immersed in the world of film from the get-go. Directors like Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan appear to have been born to entertain us with epic movies that push the boundaries of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Best Cannes Lions Winners of All Time #HistoryMonth

It’s been a full week now since the dust settled on the 2023 Cannes Lions and only time will tell if any of this year’s Grand Prix winners stand the test of time and earn their wings as legitimate “all timers.” Given that...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top 25 mind-blowing advertising facts you should know today

Did you think you knew everything about advertising? These top 25 historical facts about the ad industry will surprise you. It is History Month here at Creativepool, which is the perfect opportunity for us to be reminded that there is always...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


London's Garden Bridge receives £2 million but still faces set backs

UPDATE Since I reported on the Garden Bridge last week, it appears there has been something of a reversal in its potential fortunes. Public opinion has been mixed from the start, but whilst it appeared the £175 million plan was previosuly certain...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Thames Tidal Barrier that doubles as a self-sufficient community

Freddie Jackson, a talented young designer and recent graduate of the University of Westminster, has designed a tidal barrage for the river Thames that not only produces energy from the sea, but incorporates a surprisingly homely looking (at least...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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