Displaying 1189 - 1207 of 1207 results


Job Description: Executive Creative Director

The executive creative director (or ECD) is the head honcho as far as the creative team is concerned. The person behind the curtain engineering the creative identity of a company and facilitating the adoption of that identity throughout all media...

Posted by: Creativepool


Are you pricing your agency services the right way?

As businesses, agencies have the grave burden to make profit with which they can generate growth and help the team thrive. With that in mind, pricing your agency services is arguably the most difficult part of founding and running a successful...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


New signing: Geoffroy de Crécy

We are super excited to announce our most recent signing - Geoffroy de Crécy. Geoffroy is a French director and illustrator, who continuously explores many ways to apply and combine the techniques of traditional animation, stop-motion, 3D and...

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Ads of the Week: Christmas comes early (again) and other stories

Adam&Eve/DDB - John Lewis It's that time of year again. John Lewis has unveiled its hotly anticipated Christmas spot with new star Moz the Monster, who lives under a boy's bed. The ad tells the story of a boy called Joe who is kept awake by the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Halloween 2016: The Best of the 'Beast'

Never ones to miss a trick (or treat) when it comes to mining popular culture for opportunities when it comes to riding the cultural zeitgeist, agencies across the globe have spent the best parts of the last week creating 'spooktastic' campaigns,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Creativepool heads to Amsterdam for its first Mixer event

Creativepool is established for hosting international events for advertising, creative and digital agencies, bringing together the creative industries top bodies to hang out, share knowledge and embark advice with colleagues, friends, and generally...

Posted by: Creativepool


M&C Saatchi is our Agency of the Week

Coating everything in chocolate for Sydney's newest attraction Sydney’s newest attraction, The Calyx, opens its doors at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney on 11 June 2016, forming the centrepiece of the Garden’s 200th Birthday. The Calyx...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Agency of the Week: FCB

Project:Nose With a 40% smaller brain area that perceives odour when compared to females, the male olfaction is less sensitive on average. Nivea Men used this insight, and the scientific fact that men generally sweat more and can't smell their own...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


It's hip to be old: How to be a graffiti grandma

We're looking at the OAP amazing, those creative types who live life to the very fullest. First up, it's Internet sensation Baddiewinkle ("Stealing your man since 1928"). She's followed by the likes of Rihanna, vocally supports legalising weed and...

Posted by: Jade French


Job Description: Photographer

Professional photographers take pictures of people, events, places and objects. Their work can appear anywhere from newspapers and magazines to wedding albums and textbooks. View photography jobs View photography profiles View photography...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Wright ore rung. Does spelling really matter?

by Magnus Shaw Browsing through my emails this morning, discarding increasingly bizarre spam along the way, I was struck by a common element. Of the dozen or so genuine messages, over half contained basic spelling mistakes. I wasn't particularly...

Posted by: Creativepool


Digital Design and Development - The amalgamation of skills sets

In this month's article we will be looking at the grey area these days between front end design and development. Most of Source's clients have restructured their creative and tech departments forcing people to be able to design and build projects and...

Posted by: Creativepool


What does 2012 have in store for us?

In truth no one knows. Conversations we’ve had with many of our clients show that 2012 holds a certain unpredictability, which is making many a little nervous. There seem to be a lot of pitches around and enough work for everyone but with the...

Posted by: Creativepool

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